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programming web ajax javascript development xml webdesign web2.0 software design security rest html http css architecture webservices cms framework seo internet php browser soa comparison patterns comet xhtml rdf json tools code standards google captcha openid technology semanticweb java ruby browsers soap authentication search firefox database article api management opensource flash rss color frameworks xss ical identity ria language designpatterns favicon list dom rubyonrails webservice calendar unicode pagerank rails mysql testing push typography documentation atom xmlhttprequest content markup server sql character icalendar usability statistics encoding ontology network w3c searchengine flex accessibility tutorial performance metadata pattern apache agile fonts owl optimization
- Comparison of web application frameworks (147)
- Representational State Transfer (74)
- Ajax (63)
- Progressive enhancement (52)webdesign accessibility javascript design web css webdev ajax progressive development usability standards webstandards progressive-enhancement enhancement architecture wikipedia xhtml progressiveenhancement web2.0 html progressive_enhancement wiki seo article programming browsers browser hijax acessibilidade
- Comet (programming) (47)
- List of HTTP status codes (37)
- Rest (36)
- iCalendar (34)
- JSON (33)
- Quirks mode (33)
- CAPTCHA (32)
- Internet Explorer box model bug (26)
- List of XML and HTML character entity references (26)
- Usage share of web browsers (26)
- Ajax (programming) (26)
- List of content management systems (25)
- Web colors (23)
- Ruby on Rails (23)
- Favicon (23)
- Unobtrusive JavaScript (23)javascript programming unobtrusive webdesign wikipedia web webdev reference ajax development unobtrusivejavascript standards jquery js wiki code article scripting architecture unobtrusive-javascript example philosophy sites_javascript progressiveenhancement application best_practices best.practices accessability @@@review _resources
- Content delivery network (21)
- JavaScript (21)
- Cross-site request forgery (21)
- Document Object Model (20)
- PHP (20)
- Search engine optimization (19)
- SQL injection (18)
- Design pattern (computer science) (16)patterns programming design designpatterns development pattern software reference wikipedia wiki architecture java code design_patterns oop designpattern coding design-pattern webdev design-patterns documentation design_pattern article computer software_engineering oo software-engineering c++ software.engineering cs
- Framekiller (16)
- XMLHttpRequest (16)
- Resource Description Framework (14)
- Service-oriented architecture (13)
- Domain hack (12)
- Web application framework (12)
- OpenID (12)
- Cross-site scripting (12)
- SOAP (11)
- PageRank (11)
- Soap (11)
- MIME (11)
- Same origin policy (11)
- Dojo Toolkit (10)
- Acid2 (10)
- Comparison of web browsers (10)
- Atom (standard) (10)
- JavaServer Pages (10)
- The Mythical Man-Month (10)
- jQuery (9)
- YAML (9)
- LAMP (software bundle) (9)
- Session fixation (9)
- XHTML (9)
- Ajax framework (9)
- Sitemaps (9)
- Entity-relationship model (8)
- Waterfall model (8)
- CamelCase (8)programming camelcase wikipedia reference wiki writing webdev java standards css language words interesting tips scripting english coding case culture computers coding-guideline codestyle codingstandards code coding-standards best.of.wikipedia #it_administrator #wikipedia camel capitalization-styles
- RDFa (8)
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- Core fonts for the Web (8)
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- Web service (8)
- Content management system (8)
- URL redirection (8)
- HTTP cookie (8)
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- List of HTTP headers (8)
- Modal window (8)
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- Behavior Driven Development (7)bdd development programming agile testing tdd methodology software test design wikipedia behavior dev webdev process documentation article behaviordrivendevelopment driven business articles rspec wiki behaviourdrivendevelopment work programação definition coding behaviour behavior_driven_development
- Rich Internet application (7)
- Comparison of layout engines (7)
- ColdFusion (7)
- ASP.NET (7)
- Robots exclusion standard (7)
- DOM events (7)
- Scalable Inman Flash Replacement (7)
- Haml (7)
- CakePHP (7)
- Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (7)
- List of HTML editors (6)
- Canvas (HTML element) (6)
- Screen scraping (6)
- Percent-encoding (6)
- Web development (6)development web programming wikipedia webdevelopment webdesign webdev web_development reference internet html definition coding process mwsblog prog languages server-side web_design_%26_development web-development industryprofile client-side design computing bit200f06 developmentmethod developmentprocess history group23 http
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- Web application (6)web wikipedia web2.0 webapp development programming application webapps wiki webdev reference webdesign architecture webdevelopment applications webapp-webpage web-application webapplication collaboration applicationwiki application-wiki bibliografia charisma application, .. %22applicationwiki%22-googlesearch (tag) ... advantages, aplicativos_web
- Template engine (web) (5)
- Fahrner Image Replacement (5)
- Zope (5)
- Movable type (5)
- Unicode Geometric Shapes (5)
- XPath (5)
- Server Side Includes (5)
- Adobe Flex (5)
- Unit testing (5)
- Linkback (5)
- Movable Type (5)
- Create, read, update and delete (5)
- Textile (markup language) (5)
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