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statistics browser browsers stats web research marketing politics firefox psychology webdesign webdev likert scale usage webstats internet ngn metrics surveys programming ie gis maps nps webbrowser share questionnaire math peace philosophy usability netpromoter tools anova comparison testing dem work business forth sampling compiler market browserstats sociology hci analysis interpreter political evaluation loyalty documentation tech marketshare science languages marketresearch estadísticas social networks performance netpromoterscore methodology ims telecom info navegadores threading semantic_differential thesis gps safari howto networking statistical research_methods map ecommerce search community government brand history mapping world polling data surveying landordinance1784-5 mobile network school index war conflict elevation threaded engineering population
- Likert scale (28)
- Net promoter score (8)
- Statistical survey (6)
- Political spectrum (4)
- Online questionnaires (4)
- Usage share of web browsers (4)
- Cronbach's alpha (2)
- Semantic differential (2)
- Global Peace Index (1)
- Quantitative marketing research (1)
- Social engineering (political science) (1)
- Next Generation Networking (1)
- Public Land Survey System (1)landordinance1784-5 reference map relawlesson3theimportanceofpropertyboundaries publiclandsurveysystem outdoor smtacd publiclandsurvey survey, us wikipedia townships surveying northwest_territory survey maps arcgis 4.640 19thc 18thc cadastrial_survey continental_congress land_reform history gps genealogy northwest_ordinance
- Reactance (psychology) (1)
- Standard error (statistics) (1)
- Threaded code (1)
- Digital elevation model (1)
- Sampling (statistics) (1)
- Analysis of variance (1)
- Multiple comparisons (1)
- British national grid reference system (1)
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