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Related Tags
javascript programming design dom ajax webdesign prototyping events development wireframe web software oop language wireframes framework 3d technology management usability systems law complexity rapidprototyping howto webdev ui simplicity pattern languages research browser rapid html patterns agile tutorial event philosophy architecture tools theory linguistics semantics wireframing web2.0 inspiration tech prototype-based interface xhtml gui poc quotes future library self firefox js psychology mind process dhtml scriptaculous xml engineering 3dprinting frameworks delegate definition it advice mozilla ia designpattern webstandards classification cogsci cognition database gall tutorials work simple project cognitive java paper oo testing concept to_read lang delegation proof of brain manufacturing object prototype-theory
- Prototype-based programming (48)
- Prototype JavaScript Framework (29)
- Prototype pattern (9)design prototype pattern programming patterns designpattern java creational development reference python ooad languages tutorials howto softwaretechnik softwareentwicklung softwaredesign software designpatterns computers%3Aprogramming%3Apatterns coldfusion code c++ database entwurfsmuster framework forramesh erzeugendesmuster gof
- Rapid prototyping (7)
- Prototype theory (6)
- Software prototyping (4)
- Gall's law (4)
- Paper prototyping (4)
- DOM events (3)
- Website wireframe (2)
- Self (programming language) (2)
- Delegation (programming) (1)
- Case modding (1)
- Selective laser sintering (1)
- Proof of concept (1)
- Original equipment manufacturer (1)
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