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math statistics unicode gardening mathematics games geometry html camera photography webdesign algorithms shape game art puzzle technique rolleiflex garden pentomino text root science squarefootgardening shapes webdev character design chi-square hex fun chi-square-test wishlist puzzles vintage life snes code howto article software rollei test history geometric interesting nintendo rpg numbers algorithm pearson square_root chrono nyc teaching chi maths list geek programming photo via:britta 2d todo %5Bwikipedia_article%5D thinking webdevelopment magic culture foot architecture medium format cameras magick new [compilation] artikel computing travel union unionsquare york usa boardgames pentominoes nastavni_materijali pixel ideias medium-format link heeh patterns tetris articles chasingvermeer args [word] techmission matematika
- Methods of computing square roots (7)
- Square foot gardening (2)
- Magic square (2)
- Chrono Trigger (1)
- Pearson's chi-square test (1)
- Unicode Geometric Shapes (1)
- Union Square (New York City) (1)
- Chi-square test (1)
- Rolleiflex (1)
- Pentomino (1)
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