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programming concurrency parallel threads stm algorithms openmp memory software algorithm os transaction multithreading research c++ multithread computer science c java thread performance development synchronization article opensource cs deadlock semaphore haskell architecture swing transactional beos transactions bsd problem computing concurrent inversion process priority theory erlang computerscience futures unix haiku api linux multicore mpi forth documentation lockfree kernel language interview philosophy puzzle philosophers switch compiler gui cilk interpreter context parallelprogramming languages hardware resource code monitor mutable design dev ajax smt worker distributed lock c# education transactionalmemory optimization rcu operating coding classic immutable dining compsci puzzles embedded transactional-memory hpc javascript promises swingworker background
- Dining philosophers problem (17)
- Futures and promises (7)
- Priority inversion (6)
- Software transactional memory (6)concurrency programming stm memory transaction software research wikipedia haskell development performance transactional transactions algorithms parallel threads article architecture threading synchronization erlang language transactionalmemory cs code concurrent transactional_memory transactional-memory coding c++
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- Simultaneous multithreading (1)
- Transactional memory (1)
- SwingWorker (1)
- Sleeping barber problem (1)
- Monitor (synchronization) (1)
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