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Related Tags
marketing business research metrics nps tools netpromoter politics survey statistics economics work science netpromoterscore customer businessmodel interesting ecommerce lifetime brand community value buzz exit social organization consumer resources customer_loyalty promoter user-experience net no_tag customerexperience customerservice program emarketing teorie+complotti analysis churn customer_value economia choice déconnexion encmlatest cooperative dmba603 management operation zazzle voice organisation job investigacion life plan lifetimevalue economist model crm dip2-loyalty andy-budd audienceresearch carte2fid card lufthansa fidelitycard smartcard bcbresearch-privacy ambassador adliterate loyaliteit protest prosocial politica+società incentives customerrelationships advocacy agile retail glossary organizational_behavior
- Loyalty program (7)
- Net promoter score (5)
- Loyalty business model (3)
- Exit, Voice, and Loyalty (3)
- Customer lifetime value (1)
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