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economics psychology social sociology politics pareto efficiency business statistics math happiness theory philosophy analysis motivation research socialism discourse bandura sustainability economy bias force attribution society rad gametheory green fallacies behaviour disorders learning community parenting post-materialism linguistics education science consumerism northeastern materialism dissertation marxism highered econ progress well-being socialpsychology politica usability sociologia change-dynamics indicators gdp engineering charlesfourier fourier definition gender policy critical mind philosopher history book cda utopias thesis sr utopia and theories concepts blog_ideas design consensus_perspective attributions attributiontheory correspondentinference culture attribution.theory p2p-intersubjectivity general_exam ontwikkeling ethnicity_culture bog overman2 durkheim socialpsy tma04 psychologie perception psytoread people gpi conspiracy elite hofstadter anti-intellectualism cienciassociales
- Pareto efficiency (3)
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- Social engineering (political science) (1)
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- Albert Bandura (1)
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- Attribution theory (1)psychology motivation bias attribution fallacies wikipedia usability wiki socialpsy psytoread perception psychologie tma04 people theories sociology socialscience socialpsychology correspondentinference behaviour attributiontheory attributions attribution.theory bog cognitivepsychology fae education dse212 motivation.theories
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- Post-materialism (1)
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