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science physics consciousness philosophy mind psychology theory brain design math reiki art leary energy mathematics drugs cosmology healing space entropy tv coldfusion heim maths ai geometry health fusion phrenology goldensection research penrose golden books cognition brains astronomy scifi rectangle series memory psychedelic spiritual people television spirituality conspiracy valis biography dick phi paradox weird time goldenratio nature logic ecology geek lsd writing resources utopia quantum future sci-fi technology read spiral meditation interesting fringe-science history download aesthetics psychiatry gravity drama perception hacking wilson japan boltzmann towatch knowledge military%2Fscience%2Fpolitics pseudo-science green raw pseudoscience science-fiction scifigenreresearch goldenrectangle mathematician fiction%2Fstorystuff architecture eco res-energy webdesign servers
- Fringe (TV series) (8)
- Reiki (2)
- Golden rectangle (1)
- Heim theory (1)
- Boltzmann brain (1)
- 8-Circuit Model of Consciousness (1)
- Julian Jaynes (1)
- Roger Penrose (1)
- Fringe science (1)
- VALIS (1)
- Phrenology (1)
- Golden spiral (1)
- Cold fusion (1)
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