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wireless networking engineering architecture wifi wds games network history design programming travel game pattern france science bridges physics development technology patterns wrt54g puzzles software activism swig c++ puzzle interface cards logic people politics japan learning truss culture videogame tap brunel electronics wlan research disaster python person worldofgoo ffi sports java api wii computer repeater hardware language millau interesting olympics atlantropa protest japanese racism mathematics jni reading article math catenary dd-wrt black linksys oop mac 802.11 diy economics failurereport tun black_power tools europe innovation california c c# literature code script wrapper perl sanfrancisco term videogames structure algebra collapse curve pc gaming
- Contract bridge (15)
- Bridge pattern (9)design pattern patterns development software bridge programming oop structural reference gof abstraction designpatterns softwaredesign softwareengineering pattern.bridge softwareentwicklung strukturellesmuster used_patterns ooad softwaretechnik c++ da_impl_patterns conception bachelor design_pattern entwurfsmuster java flex3 objectorientedprogramming
- Millau Viaduct (9)
- Tacoma Narrows Bridge (7)
- Network bridge (6)
- Bridge (6)
- I-35W Mississippi River bridge (3)
- Isambard Kingdom Brunel (3)
- Truss (3)
- Catenary (2)
- Golden Gate Bridge (2)
- Hashiwokakero (1)
- An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (1)
- 1968 Olympics Black Power salute (1)
- Foreign function interface (1)
- World of Goo (1)
- SWIG (1)
- Diode bridge (1)
- TUN/TAP (1)
- Wireless Distribution System (1)
- Atlantropa (1)
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