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programming theory java sociology science scala philosophy algorithms latour network research language optimization ai biology networks algorithm parasite functional maven ants technology actornetworktheory interesting build swarm math actor apache oop 6degrees aco mapping semiotics computer nature networking tools fun games turing jvm languages genetic culture community humor machine weird boric dev development evolution learning folksonomy methodology cs actor-network-theory software guide make phd actor%2Bnetwork%2Btheory anthropology society xml brunolatour people thesis animals concurrency design colony programminglanguages concepts oo tool awesome degrees bacon ecology web emergence acid six cool jobs pesticide javascript lang article patterns callon performance socialtheory psychology resources antcolony sts person
- Actor-network theory (34)
- Apache Ant (16)
- Bruno Latour (10)sociology latour research philosophy science ant actornetworktheory theory wikipedia technology network people society anthropology brunolatour actor sociologist person sts academic actor%2Bnetwork%2Btheory france bruno characters bookstoread bruno_latour aramis actor-network-theory actor_network_theory blackboxing
- Ant colony optimization (8)
- Apache Maven (4)
- Langton's ant (3)
- Scala (programming language) (2)
- Dicrocoelium dendriticum (2)
- Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon (1)
- Boric acid (1)
- Ant (1)
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