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science philosophy research sociology physics latour technology energy postmodernism theory academia ant actornetworktheory architecture hoax memory windows learning social psychology network systems spacetime policy gpo electricity microsoft academic anthropology people brunolatour society japan wars grouppolicy art fraud activedirectory sysadmin actor forgetting ebbinghaus curve scam ad france active_directory howto person sociologist kuhn actor%2Bnetwork%2Btheory realism web2.0 authenticity peer.review bogdanov.affair 2006 sokal surgery sciencewars bogdanov.twins bogdanov string-theory school .temp cybernetics info complexity humanization sotsioloogia sociotechnical mamk_research metadesign recursion plastic controversy aboutsts cts beinghuman pseudoscience networks s&t scot/sst/sts training megastructure experimental countries.japan informa futurism thesis wiki_entry hermann-ebbinghaus idea psychologist elearning biography writing brain city
- Science and technology studies (8)
- Bruno Latour (2)sociology latour research philosophy science ant actornetworktheory theory wikipedia technology network people society anthropology brunolatour actor sociologist person sts academic actor%2Bnetwork%2Btheory france bruno characters bookstoread bruno_latour aramis actor-network-theory actor_network_theory blackboxing
- Science wars (1)
- Energy (1)
- Social construction (1)
- Group Policy (1)
- Sociotechnical systems (1)
- Bogdanov Affair (1)
- Metabolist Movement (1)
- Hermann Ebbinghaus (1)
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