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- Millennium Prize Problems (11)
- Netflix Prize (6)
- List of winners and shortlisted authors of the Booker Prize for Fiction (5)
- Ig Nobel Prize (3)
- Man Booker Prize (3)
- Grameen Bank (2)
- Pritzker Prize (2)
- Death of a Salesman (2)
- Singular value decomposition (2)
- Pulitzer Prize for Fiction (2)
- Saul Bellow (1)
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- Green fluorescent protein (1)
- List of Ig Nobel Prize winners (1)
- Harold Pinter (1)
- T. S. Eliot (1)
- Eternity II puzzle (1)
- Fields Medal (1)
- Turner Prize (1)
- k-nearest neighbor algorithm (1)
- William Faulkner (1)
- Nobel Prize in Literature (1)
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