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Related Tags
keyboard linux mac cheatsheet shortcuts howto computer programming windows desktop software ubuntu qt productivity opensource gnome osx usability dbus gui apple htpc media mce pvr linuxmce toolkit shortcut teclado tricks mouse accessibility browser english mediacenter xp gestures c++ khtml dev help ipc pc technology messaging html development konqueror widget d-bus framework graphics research applications tv apps interface geek hotkeys safari browsing python kde4 dock ui c# message gaming home opera gesture freeware java linuxref css javascript environment language awn communication .net wikitech eyecandy webdev library mythtv os multimedia automation media_center center home_theater webbrowser manager webapps web_browsers swdev freesoftware open surveillance
- Table of keyboard shortcuts (18)
- List of KDE applications (9)
- KDE 4 (6)
- KDE (5)
- KHTML (5)
- Qt (toolkit) (2)
- D-Bus (2)
- Avant Window Navigator (2)
- LinuxMCE (1)
- Konqueror (1)
- Mouse gesture (1)
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