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religion humor funny evolution science politics programming culture atheism fun philosophy statemachine satire humour education parody spaghetti creationism automata article monster math pastafarianism flyingspaghettimonster cool design logic weird geek flying patterns comedy internet workflow karnaugh state unicorn boolean cs ai machine computing invisible technology pink visualization research uml map finite-state-machine electronics algorithm computerscience finite computers computability computer maps finitestatemachine maths nfa ipu mathematics god graphics table diagrams vortrag skeptic invisiblepinkunicorn mealy algebra studienarbeit gamedev athiesm diagram data theory state-diagram statediagram computer_science ia invisible.pink.unicorn compsci interesting deities eley athiest computability-theory wp recursion_theory ditproj dataspace wikipediapage computability_theory cstheory computational-epistemology computation automaty automata-programming
- Flying Spaghetti Monster (54)
- Finite state machine (45)
- The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (7)
- Mealy machine (4)
- State transition table (4)
- Nondeterministic finite state machine (4)
- State diagram (4)
- Invisible Pink Unicorn (2)
- Karnaugh map (2)
- Automata-based programming (1)
- Computability theory (computer science) (1)
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