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unconference voip presentation collaboration barcamp community web2.0 pechakucha powerpoint presentations tools history music software design sip social irc openspace comparison technology business politics internet opensource events conferences innovation conspiracy communication education bilderberg phone creativity talk drums culture art secret-societies networking web unconferencing ideas management meeting sample money interesting sound event cto chat creative softphone internet2 game learning computer government capitalism finance amazon audio teaching telephony article work hacking foocamp speaking webinar organization meetings ackoff games geek people webservices aws assassin ted pecha-kucha facilitation webconferencing loops samples fishbowl video rheingold network japan slides ost conversation pecha_kucha essay memex cloud power information
- BarCamp (62)
- Unconference (59)
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- Pecha Kucha (19)
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- Bilderberg Group (6)
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- Comparison of VoIP software (3)
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- Amazon Web Services (1)amazon webservices aws cloud web ecommerce computing s3 services saas payment amazonwebservices money ingrammicro.com internet_hosting iaas mashups webmaster webservice ebusiness scalability amazon.aws.wikipedia ba105 amazon_webservice amazon-web-services blook cash commerce cloud-computing conference
- Chinatown bus lines (1)
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