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Related Tags
time science physics health philosophy economics usability psychology zen buddhism fitness heart tracker theory language pressure thermodynamics software realtime research tools satisficing running blood work free real-time request opensource reading energy heartrate enlightenment bpm article satori computing meditation rtc bloodpressure training helpdesk bernoulli behaviour entropy cgcc fluid fluids blood_pressure aviation carburetor aviation_history flow presentation knowledge @merlib.org hypertension environment economy howto heartbeats strategic_management strategy programming words functional_skills exercise sysadmin ticket support development bug herbertsimon ux networking decision-making econ interesting reno culture hplaptop spirituality referentiemateriaal origin buddhist phd samadhi 'zen spiritual buddha religion diastolic learn_computing hardware hard solaris srtt systems sunblade100 eventstreamprocessing
- Request Tracker (4)
- Satisficing (2)
- Time (2)
- Bernoulli's principle (2)
- Second law of thermodynamics (1)
- Heart rate (1)
- Satori (1)
- Blood pressure (1)
- Real-time computing (1)
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