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politics history radio code emergency journalism activism crime mafia rights russia law news murder gay ice freedom article culture crimes burma nyc interesting liberty war stonewall tips medical america people language glbt queer constitution legal society cellphone fun scanner brutality phone words terrorism government lgbt business international media music dictatorship psychology of policestate civilliberties prison social annapolitkovskaya world arpaio sexuality justice rock thepolice supernatural.meta democracy censorship supernatural serialkiller massacre articles labor riot movement funny emergencies codes ten-code definition sosheart disaster 112 10-4 jeancharlesdemenezes family uk mining phrasses shooting london 10code homosexuality chechnya death community campaign court corruption the supreme_court horror
- Ten-code (20)
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- Miranda v. Arizona (3)
- Free speech zone (3)
- The Police (2)
- Stonewall riots (2)
- Mafia (2)
- Jean Charles de Menezes (2)
- Emergency telephone number (1)
- 2007 Burmese anti-government protests (1)
- Modus operandi (1)
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- North Hollywood shootout (1)
- John Wayne Gacy (1)wiki psychology serialkiller supernatural supernatural.meta people supernatural.everyonelovesaclown american horror crime crimes murder murders murder, news popculture molestation serial_killers reality police curiosidades crime.and.punishment civilization chil gacy history johnwaynegacy, johne john_wayne_gacy laws
- In case of emergency (1)
- Ludlow massacre (1)
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