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music time audio add kairos psychology cognitive brain adhd signature sound health classical science pitch programming philosophy dsp linux notation piano theory speed productivity western dj personal effects chronos info event tutorials drums fft software rhetoric article !print andante beat, italian music, presto !quick allegro classico musical_terms adagio hudba dancing language musical tempo, itpresearch largo itpmidi interesting sluggish moderato gaming.ddr the temporality vocabulary diem carpe likbez joy'starot mythology greek !nbox 2read words theology drum perllegir awesome day seize rhythm pitch_shifting tempos time-shifting phasevocoder effects_explained mental behaviour sct public-health neurochemistry disease anamnese - computer_music beat commontime bagpipes compoundtime dance dailies gem
- TEMPO (9)
- Tempo (9)
- Sluggish cognitive tempo (2)
- Audio timescale-pitch modification (1)
- Time signature (1)
- Kairos (1)
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