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dance music sudoku programming algorithm algorithms history knuth japan tempo art salsa culture psychology video tango development fun krumping tv theory obscure medieval ballroom burlesque classical health article sound butoh japanese entertainment dances travel math research cs mathematics spanish performance piano interesting architecture 2007 anthropology body disease weird graph movies hiphop krump street native american_indian creative games dancinglinks dlx links science dancer cuba literature death !quick !print andante guantanamera adagio musical_terms classico allegro mcdonalds clowning itpmidi reading theater hudba education beat, popculture italian rubegoldberg presto style usa moderato religion america duncan western music, largo house isadora women itpresearch tempo, speed
- Dancing mania (8)
- Salsa (dance) (3)
- Morris dance (3)
- Ballroom dance (2)
- Matt Harding (2)
- List of dances (2)
- Dancing Links (2)
- Argentine tango (2)
- Krumping (2)
- Ghost Dance (2)
- PythagoraSwitch (1)
- TEMPO (1)
- Guantanamera (1)
- Isadora Duncan (1)
- Butoh (1)
- Burlesque (1)
- Dancing House (1)
- Tempo (1)
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