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programming .net c# language opensource dotnet software license philosophy development mit cli japan ironpython linux linq culture python clr cairo surveillance japanese graphics microsoft compiler history security nemerle functional windows framework nunit cil copyright licensing ruby death kernel privacy germany art stasi humor concept svg intelligence society interesting languages reading infectious os health testing csharp article bootstrapping writing life obituaries weird pdf free tools mononucleosis gnu x11 xml aware funny database scripting concepts no buddhism common programming-terms berlin lists legal ecma ironruby book fnord sql computer django bytecode aaa_mt novell vm asm computerscience code compilers common_language_infrastructure irc gnome economics infrastructure
- Mono (software) (28)
- Common Language Infrastructure (8)cli .net programming language mono dotnet reference wikipedia webdev infrastructure framework javascript independent hfappdev networking portability programming_language programming-terms development scripting architecture adoubletwist acode aaa_mt archive c++ common_language_infrastructure common c++/cli compiler
- IronPython (5)
- Mono no aware (3)
- NUnit (2)
- Miguel de Icaza (2)
- Common Intermediate Language (2)
- Common Language Runtime (2)
- List of premature obituaries (1)
- Stasi (1)
- IronRuby (1)
- Language Integrated Query (1)
- Monolithic kernel (1)
- cairo (graphics) (1)
- MIT License (1)
- Bootstrapping (compilers) (1)programming compiler bootstrapping compilers computer article process mono languagesimplementation language programming-language-theory techniques translation wikipedia imported%2Bfrom%2Bfurl system smalltalk science computerscience bytecode bootstraping boot asm c# code hacking dulezite complier compilation implementation
- Nemerle (1)
- Mass surveillance (1)
- Infectious mononucleosis (1)
- C Sharp (programming language) (1)
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