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fonts font programming typography linux ubuntu consolas amd opensource free monospace hardware water typeface history microsoft latex os greece hero emule cpu windows processor gpl software health technology purification math p2p people development monospaced [imported] article athlon64 filesharing processors heron genius engineering ancient computer inventions ed2k tipografia λογισμικό comp politics tex chemistry culture graphics type 64bit treatment laptop invention filter science arial network bibot courier @action debian-zh bot -a1- linux-ubuntu couriernew software-pack politica%2C-sociedad-en-red%2C-derechos-humanos fontproject fixedwidth videoconsolas opensource.gpl hn_links linuxref ubuntu-wiki kultur programmer_fonts liberation* vista try helvetica irrrze_ ascender redhat day doc au2008 bottledwater design filters timesnewroman filtration type-design earth, ewb
- Ubuntu (1)linux ubuntu os wiki wikipedia opensource software laptop politics software-pack politica%2C-sociedad-en-red%2C-derechos-humanos linux-ubuntu linuxref ubuntu-wiki kultur thinkpad thinking support suedafrika ethik alternative afrika .imported (imported) desktop information kernel it installation kooperation
- Hero of Alexandria (1)
- eMule (1)
- PSTricks (1)
- List of AMD Athlon 64 microprocessors (1)
- Consolas (1)
- Water purification (1)
- Liberation fonts (1)
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