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history politics philosophy conspiracy fascism government military occult theory business war feminism usa america lacan pragmatics religion linguistics psychoanalysis roosevelt fdr people coup language culture interesting magic capitalism hermetic corruption gender psychology judithbutler queer literature research money semantics mysticism weird democracy mathematics film us bush golden_dawn goldendawn golden dawn corporate crime protest thought biography feminist identity ritual hero corporation wicca campaign zizek laclau criticism brain freud liberal cults antiwar news iraq bio corporations plot 1930s queer_theory social scary meaning discourse prescottbush communication performance performativity lgbt sex intellectuals rhetoric badiou bizarre social-psychology aspie ma2009 vocab%2Flinguistic%2Fspecific althusser , austin 01_citations bc free
- Smedley Butler (4)
- Business Plot (2)
- Pragmatics (1)
- Judith Butler (1)
- Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (1)
- Jacques Lacan (1)
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