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literature cut-up writing books art author authors beat orgone writers psychology people research text culture science william writer energy cutup scifi surrealism artist occult fiction creativity poetry edgarriceburroughs tarzan adventure williamburroughs language technique theory random book sci-fi newage reich weird collage quotes web2.0 algorithm media literatura philosophy person tools bios wtf movie avant-garde sf ideas wishlist articles postmodern narrative reading process sciencefiction history chaos religion techniques summary novel mistériosepaixões borroughs culture.beatgeneration todo towatch artwork.writing americanliterature generation lit encyclopedia nakedlunch consciousness romance albert-einstein article crunk freud hoaxes ds14 energies cancer nazis life interesting ipg o iconoclastas packers pseudoscience kerouac fromirc timothy
- William S. Burroughs (33)
- Cut-up technique (10)
- Illuminates of Thanateros (1)
- Edgar Rice Burroughs (1)
- Naked Lunch (1)
- Orgone (1)
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