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programming algorithms algorithm distributed distributed-computing science research computing grid search pathfinding a* complexity np-complete computer math technology software usb theory ai list gamedev computerscience np mathematics distributedcomputing projects p2p optimization path graph tools information education algorithm.complexity compsci computation astar code interesting geek analysis howto protocol storage a-star complete thesis complexitytheory gridcomputing strategy windows gadgets hardwaremp3 hardware jobs clustercomputing cfd ciência boinc cluster colaboracion community interface usbstick 2d *programming 6dos phd music 3d divideo - comp.dev.game computer_science admissibility macosx songbird datatransfer computers areaofinterest driver h24 ums mtp venzero linux unix gadget
- NP-complete (1)
- A* search algorithm (1)
- USB mass storage device class (1)
- List of distributed computing projects (1)
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