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books dsm psychology geek mental movies illness mentalhealth literature video funny psychiatry health salinger games catcher psych language scifi movie culture science autism fiction english law diagnostic disorders research nikto manual thompson psiquiatria controversy jack gaming game book klaatu fun article barada film misc people robots 1990 1991 04-jun-2008 arcade 1976 2008 death apenglish catcherintherye catcher_in_the_rye english1 bøger bullshit 1992 evangelicals epicfail artikel dumbfuck 1993 bush attorney 1950s consertive ban comprehensive badlandz 1988 1943 asexual and earth classification 613 1950 bipolar day 081224 gort era easteregg funstuff cold firefox 1880 1840 me hobby reading markdavidchapman, looks ada-cahezas candy read_books johnlennon
- Klaatu barada nikto (1)
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (1)
- The Catcher in the Rye (1)
- Jack Thompson (attorney) (1)
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