World Wide Web
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The World Wide Web (commonly abbreviated as "the Web") is a very large set of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a Web browser, one can view Web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia and navigate between them using hyperlinks. Using concepts from earlier hypertext systems, the World Wide Web was started in 1989 by the English physicist Sir Tim Berners-Lee, now the Director of the World Wide Web Consortium, and later by Robert Cailliau, a Belgian computer scientist, while both were working at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. In 1990, they proposed building a "web of nodes" storing "hypertext pages" viewed by "browsers" on a network,[1] and released that web in 1992. Connected by the existing Internet, other websites were created, around the world, adding international standards for domain names & the HTML language. Since then, Berners-Lee has played an active role in guiding the development of Web standards (such as the markup languages in which Web pages are composed), and in recent years has advocated his vision of a Semantic Web.
The World Wide Web enabled the spread of information over the Internet through an easy-to-use and flexible format. It thus played an important role in popularizing use of the Internet.[2] Although the two terms are sometimes conflated in popular use, World Wide Web is not synonymous with Internet.[3] The Internet consists of a worldwide collection of computers and sub-networks exchanging data using wires, cables, and radio links, whereas the World Wide Web is a huge set of documents, images, and other 'resources' linked by an abstract 'web' of hypertext links and URLs.
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[edit] How it works
The terms Internet and World Wide Web are often used in every-day speech without much distinction. However, the Internet and the World Wide Web are not one and the same. The Internet is a global data communications system. It is a hardware and software infrastructure that provides connectivity between computers. In contrast, the Web is one of the services communicated via the Internet. It is a collection of interconnected documents and other resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs.
Viewing a Web page on the World Wide Web normally begins either by typing the URL of the page into a Web browser, or by following a hyperlink to that page or resource. The Web browser then initiates a series of communication messages, behind the scenes, in order to fetch and display it.
[edit] Page-by-page model
Traditionally, each chunk of information sent by a web server to a browser must be explicitly requested. Each time the user opens a new web page, the browser initiates an HTTP connection to the web server. The browser requests a page for which the server returns the HTML code and waits for more requests on the same connection. The browser typically makes multiple HTTP requests, for each resource used by the page the server responds with data, e.g. images and stylesheets. For example Wikipedia is a web application built using this page-by-page web model.
First, the server-name portion of the URL is resolved into an IP address using the global, distributed Internet database known as the domain name system, or DNS. This IP address is necessary to contact and send data packets to the Web server. The browser then requests the resource by sending an HTTP request to the Web server at that particular address. In the case of a typical Web page, the HTML text of the page is requested first and parsed immediately by the Web browser, which will then make additional requests for images and any other files that form a part of the page. Statistics measuring a website's popularity are usually based on the number of 'page views' or associated server 'hits', or file requests, which take place.
Having received the required files from the Web server, the browser then renders the page onto the screen as specified by its HTML, CSS, and other Web languages. Any images and other resources are incorporated to produce the on-screen Web page that the user sees.
Most Web pages will themselves contain hyperlinks to other related pages and perhaps to downloads, source documents, definitions and other Web resources. Such a collection of useful, related resources, interconnected via hypertext links, is what was dubbed a "web" of information. Making it available on the Internet created what Tim Berners-Lee first called the WorldWideWeb (in its original CamelCase, which was subsequently discarded) in November 1990.[1]
[edit] Ajax polling
To overcome limitations of the page-by-page model, some web applications use Ajax (asynchronous JavaScript and XML). With Ajax the browser uses JavaScript to modify the current page rather than creating a new page for each request. This limits the server’s response to only the relevant information. Since multiple Ajax requests can be handled at the same time, users can interact with a page even while data is retrieved. Some web applications regularly poll the server to ask if new information is available. High polling frequencies can waste server resources and bandwidth, however web applications with relatively few users can use polling without significant overhead.
[edit] Web server push
Netscape introduced “server push” technology, where the server would constantly send new data to the client through the initial connection, that remains open. This was made possible by the use of server side programming and by the multipart feature of the MIME standard.[4]
[edit] History
The underlying ideas of the Web can be traced as far back as 1980, when, at CERN in Switzerland, Sir Tim Berners-Lee built ENQUIRE (a reference to Enquire Within Upon Everything, a book he recalled from his youth). While it was rather different from the system in use today, it contained many of the same core ideas (and even some of the ideas of Berners-Lee's next project after the World Wide Web, the Semantic Web).
In March 1989, Berners-Lee wrote a proposal[5] which referenced ENQUIRE and described a more elaborate information management system. With help from Robert Cailliau, he published a more formal proposal (on November 12, 1990) to build a "Hypertext project" called "WorldWideWeb" (one word, also "W3")[1] as a "web of nodes" with "hypertext documents" to store data. That data would be viewed in "hypertext pages" (webpages) by various "browsers" (line-mode or full-screen) on the computer network, using an "access protocol" connecting the "Internet and DECnet protocol worlds".[1]
The proposal had been modeled after EBT's (Electronic Book Technology, a spin-off from the Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship at Brown University) Dynatext SGML reader that CERN had licensed. The Dynatext system, although technically advanced (a key player in the extension of SGML ISO 8879:1986 to Hypermedia within HyTime), was considered too expensive and with an inappropriate licensing policy for general HEP (High Energy Physics) community use: a fee for each document and each time a document was changed.
A NeXT Computer was used by Berners-Lee as the world's first Web server and also to write the first Web browser, WorldWideWeb, in 1990. By Christmas 1990, Berners-Lee had built all the tools necessary for a working Web:[6] the first Web browser (which was a Web editor as well), the first Web server, and the first Web pages[7] which described the project itself.
On August 6, 1991, he posted a short summary of the World Wide Web project on the alt.hypertext newsgroup.[8] This date also marked the debut of the Web as a publicly available service on the Internet.
The first server outside Europe was set up at SLAC in December 1991.[9]
The crucial underlying concept of hypertext originated with older projects from the 1960s, such as the Hypertext Editing System (HES) at Brown University--- among others Ted Nelson and Andries van Dam--- Ted Nelson's Project Xanadu and Douglas Engelbart's oN-Line System (NLS). Both Nelson and Engelbart were in turn inspired by Vannevar Bush's microfilm-based "memex," which was described in the 1945 essay "As We May Think".
Berners-Lee's breakthrough was to marry hypertext to the Internet. In his book Weaving The Web, he explains that he had repeatedly suggested that a marriage between the two technologies was possible to members of both technical communities, but when no one took up his invitation, he finally tackled the project himself. In the process, he developed a system of globally unique identifiers for resources on the Web and elsewhere: the Uniform Resource Identifier.
The World Wide Web had a number of differences from other hypertext systems that were then available. The Web required only unidirectional links rather than bidirectional ones. This made it possible for someone to link to another resource without action by the owner of that resource. It also significantly reduced the difficulty of implementing Web servers and browsers (in comparison to earlier systems), but in turn presented the chronic problem of link rot. Unlike predecessors such as HyperCard, the World Wide Web was non-proprietary, making it possible to develop servers and clients independently and to add extensions without licensing restrictions.
On April 30, 1993, CERN announced[10] that the World Wide Web would be free to anyone, with no fees due. Coming two months after the announcement that the Gopher (protocol) protocol was no longer free to use, this produced a rapid shift away from Gopher and towards the Web. An early popular Web browser was ViolaWWW, which was based upon HyperCard.
Scholars generally agree that a turning point for the World Wide Web began with the introduction[11] of the Mosaic Web browser[12] in 1993, a graphical browser developed by a team at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (NCSA-UIUC), led by Marc Andreessen. Funding for Mosaic came from the U.S. High-Performance Computing and Communications Initiative, a funding program initiated by the High Performance Computing and Communication Act of 1991, one of several computing developments initiated by U.S. Senator Al Gore.[13] Prior to the release of Mosaic, graphics were not commonly mixed with text in Web pages, and its popularity was less than older protocols in use over the Internet, such as Gopher and Wide Area Information Servers (WAIS). Mosaic's graphical user interface allowed the Web to become, by far, the most popular Internet protocol.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) was founded by Tim Berners-Lee after he left the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in October, 1994. It was founded at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laboratory for Computer Science (MIT/LCS) with support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)—which had pioneered the Internet—and the European Commission.
[edit] Standards
Many formal standards and other technical specifications define the operation of different aspects of the World Wide Web, the Internet, and computer information exchange. Many of the documents are the work of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), headed by Berners-Lee, but some are produced by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and other organizations.
Usually, when Web standards are discussed, the following publications are seen as foundational:
- Recommendations for markup languages, especially HTML and XHTML, from the W3C. These define the structure and interpretation of hypertext documents.
- Recommendations for stylesheets, especially CSS, from the W3C.
- Standards for ECMAScript (usually in the form of JavaScript), from Ecma International.
- Recommendations for the Document Object Model, from W3C.
Additional publications provide definitions of other essential technologies for the World Wide Web, including, but not limited to, the following:
- Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), which is a universal system for referencing resources on the Internet, such as hypertext documents and images. URIs, often called URLs, are defined by the IETF's RFC 3986 / STD 66: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax, as well as its predecessors and numerous URI scheme-defining RFCs;
- HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), especially as defined by RFC 2616: HTTP/1.1 and RFC 2617: HTTP Authentication, which specify how the browser and server authenticate each other.
[edit] Privacy
Computer users, who save time and money, and who gain conveniences and entertainment, may or may not have surrendered the right to privacy in exchange for using a number of technologies including the Web.[14] Worldwide, more than a half billion people have used a social network service,[15] and of Americans who grew up with the Web, half created an online profile[16] and are part of a generational shift that could be changing norms.[17][18] Facebook progressed from U.S. college students to a 70% non-U.S. audience and estimates that only 20% of its members use privacy settings.[19]
Privacy representatives from 60 countries have resolved to ask for laws to complement industry self-regulation, for education for children and other minors who use the Web, and for default protections for users of social networks.[20] They also believe data protection for personally identifiable information benefits business more than the sale of that information.[20] Users can opt-in to features in browsers to clear their personal histories locally and block some cookies and advertising networks[21] but they are still tracked in websites' server logs, and particularly Web beacons.[citation needed] Berners-Lee and colleagues see hope in accountability and appropriate use achieved by extending the Web's architecture to policy awareness, perhaps with audit logging, reasoners and appliances.[22]
Among services paid for by advertising, Yahoo! could collect the most data about users of commercial websites, about 2,500 bits of information per month about each typical user of its site and its affiliated advertising network sites. Yahoo! was followed by MySpace with about half that potential and then by AOL-TimeWarner, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and eBay.[23]
[edit] Security
The Web has become criminals' preferred pathway for spreading malware. Cybercrime carried out on the Web can include identity theft, fraud, espionage and intelligence gathering.[24] Web-based vulnerabilities now outnumber traditional computer security concerns,[25] and as measured by Google, about one in ten Web pages may contain malicious code.[26] Most Web-based attacks take place on legitimate websites, and most, as measured by Sophos, are hosted in the United States, China and Russia.[27]
The most common of all malware threats is SQL injection attacks against websites.[28] Through HTML and URIs the Web was vulnerable to attacks like cross-site scripting (XSS) that came with the introduction of JavaScript[29] and were exacerbated to some degree by Web 2.0 and Ajax web design that favors the use of scripts.[30] Today by one estimate, 70% of all websites are open to XSS attacks on their users.[31]
Proposed solutions vary to extremes. Large security vendors like McAfee already design governance and compliance suites to meet post-9/11 regulations,[32] and some, like Finjan have recommended active real-time inspection of code and all content regardless of its source.[24] Some have argued that for enterprise to see security as a business opportunity rather than a cost center,[33] "ubiquitous, always-on digital rights management" enforced in the infrastructure by a handful of organizations must replace the hundreds of companies that today secure data and networks.[34] Jonathan Zittrain has said users sharing responsibility for computing safety is far preferable to locking down the Internet.[35]
In terms of security as it relates to the 'physical' portion of the World Wide Web/Internet, the 'distributed' nature of the Internet provides security against attack -- as there is no one single 'focus point' through which all Internet traffic is directed, any attempt to 'cripple' the Internet would only disable a small portion of the whole, and the connecting computers would simply direct the affected traffic through other, unaffected networks and computers.
[edit] Web accessibility
Many countries regulate web accessibility as a requirement for web sites.
[edit] Java
A significant advance in Web technology was Sun Microsystems' Java platform. It enables Web pages to embed small programs (called applets) directly into the view. These applets run on the end-user's computer, providing a richer user interface than simple Web pages. Java client-side applets never gained the popularity that Sun had hoped for a variety of reasons, including lack of integration with other content (applets were confined to small boxes within the rendered page) and the fact that many computers at the time were supplied to end users without a suitably installed Java Virtual Machine, and so required a download by the user before applets would appear. Adobe Flash now performs many of the functions that were originally envisioned for Java applets, including the playing of video content, animation, and some rich GUI features. Java itself has become more widely used as a platform and language for server-side and other programming.
[edit] JavaScript
JavaScript, on the other hand, is a scripting language that was initially developed for use within Web pages. The standardized version is ECMAScript. While its name is similar to Java, JavaScript was developed by Netscape and has very little to do with Java, although the syntax of both languages is derived from the C programming language. In conjunction with a Web page's Document Object Model (DOM), JavaScript has become a much more powerful technology than its creators originally envisioned.[citation needed] The manipulation of a page's DOM after the page is delivered to the client has been called Dynamic HTML (DHTML), to emphasize a shift away from static HTML displays.
In simple cases, all the optional information and actions available on a JavaScript-enhanced Web page will have been downloaded when the page was first delivered. Ajax ("Asynchronous JavaScript and XML") is a group of interrelated web development techniques used for creating interactive web applications that provide a method whereby parts within a Web page may be updated, using new information obtained over the network at a later time in response to user actions. This allows the page to be more responsive, interactive and interesting, without the user having to wait for whole-page reloads. Ajax is seen as an important aspect of what is being called Web 2.0. Examples of Ajax techniques currently in use can be seen in Gmail, Google Maps, and other dynamic Web applications.
[edit] Publishing Web pages
Web page production is available to individuals outside the mass media. In order to publish a Web page, one does not have to go through a publisher or other media institution, and potential readers could be found in all corners of the globe.
Many different kinds of information are available on the Web, and for those who wish to know other societies, cultures, and peoples, it has become easier.
The increased opportunity to publish materials is observable in the countless personal and social networking pages, as well as sites by families, small shops, etc., facilitated by the emergence of free Web hosting services.
[edit] Statistics
According to a 2001 study, there were massively more than 550 billion documents on the Web, mostly in the invisible Web, or deep Web.[36] A 2002 survey of 2,024 million Web pages[37] determined that by far the most Web content was in English: 56.4%; next were pages in German (7.7%), French (5.6%), and Japanese (4.9%). A more recent study, which used Web searches in 75 different languages to sample the Web, determined that there were over 11.5 billion Web pages in the publicly indexable Web as of the end of January 2005.[38] As of March 2009[update], the indexable web contains at least 25.21 billion pages.[39] On July 25, 2008, Google software engineers Jesse Alpert and Nissan Hajaj announced that Google Search had discovered one trillion unique URLs.[40]
Over 100.1 million websites operated as of March 2008.[41] Of these 74% were commercial or other sites operating in the .com
generic top-level domain.[41]
[edit] Speed issues
Frustration over congestion issues in the Internet infrastructure and the high latency that results in slow browsing has led to an alternative, pejorative name for the World Wide Web: the World Wide Wait.[citation needed] Speeding up the Internet is an ongoing discussion over the use of peering and QoS technologies. Other solutions to reduce the World Wide Wait can be found on W3C.
Standard guidelines for ideal Web response times are:[42]
- 0.1 second (one tenth of a second). Ideal response time. The user doesn't sense any interruption.
- 1 second. Highest acceptable response time. Download times above 1 second interrupt the user experience.
- 10 seconds. Unacceptable response time. The user experience is interrupted and the user is likely to leave the site or system.
These numbers are useful for planning server capacity.
[edit] Caching
If a user revisits a Web page after only a short interval, the page data may not need to be re-obtained from the source Web server. Almost all Web browsers cache recently-obtained data, usually on the local hard drive. HTTP requests sent by a browser will usually only ask for data that has changed since the last download. If the locally-cached data are still current, it will be reused.
Caching helps reduce the amount of Web traffic on the Internet. The decision about expiration is made independently for each downloaded file, whether image, stylesheet, JavaScript, HTML, or whatever other content the site may provide. Thus even on sites with highly dynamic content, many of the basic resources only need to be refreshed occasionally. Web site designers find it worthwhile to collate resources such as CSS data and JavaScript into a few site-wide files so that they can be cached efficiently. This helps reduce page download times and lowers demands on the Web server.
There are other components of the Internet that can cache Web content. Corporate and academic firewalls often cache Web resources requested by one user for the benefit of all. (See also Caching proxy server.) Some search engines, such as Google or Yahoo!, also store cached content from websites.
Apart from the facilities built into Web servers that can determine when files have been updated and so need to be re-sent, designers of dynamically-generated Web pages can control the HTTP headers sent back to requesting users, so that transient or sensitive pages are not cached. Internet banking and news sites frequently use this facility.
Data requested with an HTTP 'GET' is likely to be cached if other conditions are met; data obtained in response to a 'POST' is assumed to depend on the data that was POSTed and so is not cached.
[edit] Link rot and Web archival
Over time, many Web resources pointed to by hyperlinks disappear, relocate, or are replaced with different content. This phenomenon is referred to in some circles as "link rot" and the hyperlinks affected by it are often called "dead links".
The ephemeral nature of the Web has prompted many efforts to archive Web sites. The Internet Archive is one of the most well-known efforts; it has been active since 1996.
[edit] Academic conferences
The major academic event covering the Web is the World Wide Web Conference, promoted by IW3C2.
[edit] WWW prefix in Web addresses
The letters "www" are commonly found at the beginning of Web addresses because of the long-standing practice of naming Internet hosts (servers) according to the services they provide. So for example, the host name for a Web server is often "www"; for an FTP server, "ftp"; and for a USENET news server, "news" or "nntp" (after the news protocol NNTP). These host names appear as DNS subdomain names, as in "".
This use of such prefixes is not required by any technical standard; indeed, the first Web server was at "",[43] and even today many Web sites exist without a "www" prefix. The "www" prefix has no meaning in the way the main Web site is shown. The "www" prefix is simply one choice for a Web site's host name.
However, some website addresses require the www. prefix, and if typed without one, won't work; there are also some which must be typed without the prefix. Sites that do not have Host Headers properly setup are the cause of this. Some hosting companies do not set up a www or @ A record in the web server configuration and/or at the DNS server level.
Some Web browsers will automatically try adding "www." to the beginning, and possibly ".com" to the end, of typed URLs if no host is found without them. All major web browsers will also prefix "http://www." and append ".com" to the address bar contents if the Control and Enter keys are pressed simultaneously. For example, entering "example" in the address bar and then pressing either Enter or Control+Enter will usually resolve to "", depending on the exact browser version and its settings.
[edit] Pronunciation of "www"
In English, "www" is pronounced "double-u double-u double-u". The English writer Douglas Adams once quipped:
The World Wide Web is the only thing I know of whose shortened form takes three times longer to say than what it's short for.
– Douglas Adams, The Independent on Sunday, 1999
It is also interesting that in Mandarin Chinese, "World Wide Web" is commonly translated via a phono-semantic matching to wàn wéi wǎng (万维网), which satisfies "www" and literally means "myriad dimensional net",[44] a translation that very appropriately reflects the design concept and proliferation of the World Wide Web.
Tim Berners-Lee's web-space states that 'World Wide Web' is officially spelled as three separate words, each capitalized, with no intervening hyphens.[45] Additionally, 'Web' (with a capital 'W') is used to indicate its status as an abbreviation.
[edit] See also
[edit] Notes
- ^ a b c d "WorldWideWeb: Proposal for a HyperText Project", Tim Berners-Lee & Robert Cailliau, November 12, 1990.
- ^ Internet; Accessed 25-11-08
- ^ WWW(World Wide Web); Accessed 25-22-08
- ^ Kennedy, Bill (2008-10-17). "13.3 - Server-Push Documents" (in English). HTML & XHTML the Definitive Guide. The Definitive Guide. O'Reilly Media. p. 654. ISBN 0596527322.
- ^ Information Management: A Proposal
- ^ Tim Berners-Lee: WorldWideWeb, the first Web client
- ^ First Web pages
- ^ Short summary of the World Wide Web project
- ^ The Early World Wide Web at SLAC: Early Chronology and Documents
- ^ Ten Years Public Domain for the Original Web Software
- ^ Mosaic Web Browser History - NCSA, Marc Andreessen, Eric Bina
- ^ NCSA Mosaic - September 10, 1993 Demo
- ^ Vice President Al Gore's ENIAC Anniversary Speech
- ^ Hal Abelson, Ken Ledeen and Harry Lewis (April 14, 2008). "1–2". Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion. Addison Wesley. ISBN 0-13-713559-9. Retrieved on 2008-11-06.
- ^ comScore (August 12, 2008). Social Networking Explodes Worldwide as Sites Increase their Focus on Cultural Relevance. Press release. Retrieved on 2008-11-09.
- ^ Amanda Lenhart and Mary Madden (April 18, 2007). "Teens, Privacy & Online Social Networks" (PDF). Pew Internet & American Life Project. Retrieved on 2008-11-09.
- ^ Schmidt, Eric (Google). (2008-10-20). Eric Schmidt at Bloomberg on the Future of Technology. New York, New York: YouTube. Retrieved on 2008-11-09. Event occurs at 16:30.
- ^ U.S. youth in Nussbaum, Emily (February 12, 2007). "Say Everything". New York (New York Media). Retrieved on 2008-11-09.
- ^ Stone, Brad (March 28, 2009). "Is Facebook Growing Up Too Fast?". The New York Times. and Lee Byron (Facebook) (March 28, 2009). "The Road to 200 Million". The New York Times. Retrieved on 2009-04-02.
- ^ a b (PDF)30th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners. Press release. October 17, 2008. Retrieved on 2008-11-08.
- ^ Cooper, Alissa (October 2008). "Browser Privacy Features: A Work In Progress" (PDF). Center for Democracy and Technology. Retrieved on 2008-11-08.
- ^ Daniel J. Weitzner, Harold Abelson, Tim Berners-Lee, Joan Feigenbaum, James Hendler, Gerald Jay Sussman (June 13, 2007). "Information Accountability". MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. Retrieved on 2008-11-06.
- ^ Story, Louise and comScore (March 10, 2008). "They Know More Than You Think" (JPEG). in Story, Louise (March 10, 2008). "To Aim Ads, Web Is Keeping Closer Eye on You". The New York Times (The New York Times Company). Retrieved on 2008-03-09.
- ^ a b Ben-Itzhak, Yuval (April 18, 2008). "Infosecurity 2008 - New defence strategy in battle against e-crime". ComputerWeekly (Reed Business Information). Retrieved on 2008-04-20.
- ^ XSS vulnerabilties outnumbered buffer overflows, in Christey, Steve and Martin, Robert A. (May 22, 2007). "Vulnerability Type Distributions in CVE (version 1.1)". MITRE Corporation. Retrieved on 2008-06-07. During the second half of 2007, XSS outnumbered "traditional" vulnerabilities, in "Symantec Internet Security Threat Report: Trends for July-December 2007 (Executive Summary)" (PDF). Symantec Corp.. April 2008. 1–2. Retrieved on 2008-05-11.
- ^ "Google searches web's dark side". BBC News. May 11, 2007. Retrieved on 2008-04-26.
- ^ "Security Threat Report" (PDF). Sophos. Q1 2008. Retrieved on 2008-04-24.
- ^ "Security threat report" (PDF). Sophos. July 2008. Retrieved on 2008-08-24.
- ^ Fogie, Seth, Jeremiah Grossman, Robert Hansen, and Anton Rager (2007) (PDF). Cross Site Scripting Attacks: XSS Exploits and Defense. Syngress, Elsevier Science & Technology. pp. 68–69, 127. ISBN 1597491543. Retrieved on 2008-06-06.
- ^ O'Reilly, Tim (September 30, 2005). "What Is Web 2.0". O'Reilly Media. 4–5. Retrieved on 2008-06-04. and AJAX web applications can introduce security vulnerabilities like "client-side security controls, increased attack surfaces, and new possibilities for Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)", in Ritchie, Paul (March 2007). "The security risks of AJAX/web 2.0 applications" (PDF). Infosecurity (Elsevier). Retrieved on 2008-06-06. which cites Hayre, Jaswinder S. and Kelath, Jayasankar (June 22, 2006). "Ajax Security Basics". SecurityFocus. Retrieved on 2008-06-06.
- ^ Berinato, Scott (January 1, 2007). "Software Vulnerability Disclosure: The Chilling Effect". CSO (CXO Media): p. 7. Retrieved on 2008-06-07.
- ^ Prince, Brian (April 9, 2008). "McAfee Governance, Risk and Compliance Business Unit". eWEEK (Ziff Davis Enterprise Holdings). Retrieved on 2008-04-25.
- ^ Preston, Rob (April 12, 2008). "Down To Business: It's Past Time To Elevate The Infosec Conversation". InformationWeek (United Business Media). Retrieved on 2008-04-25.
- ^ Claburn, Thomas (February 6, 2007). "RSA's Coviello Predicts Security Consolidation". InformationWeek (United Business Media). Retrieved on 2008-04-25.
- ^ Duffy Marsan, Carolyn (April 9, 2008). "How the iPhone is killing the 'Net". Network World (IDG). Retrieved on 2008-04-17.
- ^ The 'Deep' Web: Surfacing Hidden Value
- ^ Distribution of languages on the Internet
- ^ Indexable Web Size
- ^ The size of the World Wide Web
- ^ Alpert, Jesse; Hajaj, Nissan (2008-07-25). "We knew the web was big...". The Official Google Blog.
- ^ a b "Domain Counts & Internet Statistics". Name Intelligence. Retrieved on 2008-03-11.
- ^ Nielsen 1999, `Designing Web Usability', page 42
- ^ Frequently asked questions by the Press - Tim Berners-Lee
- ^ See CEDICT or the MDBG Chinese-English Dictionary.
- ^
[edit] References
- Fielding, R.; Gettys, J.; Mogul, J.; Frystyk, H.; Masinter, L.; Leach, P.; Berners-Lee, T. (June 1999). Hypertext Transfer Protocol — http://1.1. Request For Comments 2616. Information Sciences Institute.
- Berners-Lee, Tim; Bray, Tim; Connolly, Dan; Cotton, Paul; Fielding, Roy; Jeckle, Mario; Lilley, Chris; Mendelsohn, Noah; Orchard, David; Walsh, Norman; Williams, Stuart (December 15, 2004). Architecture of the World Wide Web, Volume One. Version 20041215. W3C.
- Polo, Luciano (2003). "World Wide Web Technology Architecture: A Conceptual Analysis". New Devices. Retrieved on July 31 2005.
[edit] External links
![]() |
Wikibooks has a book on the topic of |
- Early archive of the first Web site
- Internet Statistics: Growth and Usage of the Web and the Internet
- Living Internet A comprehensive history of the Internet, including the World Wide Web.
- Official WWW conference, 2007
- Official WWW conference, 2006
- List of academic conferences covering the World Wide Web at confsearch
- Web Design and Development at the Open Directory Project
- Semantic Systems Biology
- Thomas Haigh, "Protocols for Profit: Web and Email Technologies as Product and Infrastructure" in The Internet & American Business, eds. Ceruzzi & Aspray, MIT Press, 2008 Business & technological history of Web browsers, online preprint.
- What's The Greatest Web Software Ever Written?
- World Wide Web Consortium
- World Wide Web Size Daily estimated size of the World Wide Web.
- WsPolicy Pressrealease (German)
- Web Technologies Wiki
- www. is deprecated.