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sousveillance surveillance politics privacy activism art philosophy culture situationist video history security social technology theory tech research wearable photography criticism camera chess cool blog cyborg community computer games hack europe collaboration cameras situationists ideas blogging political postmodern people movement citizen architecture anarchism avant-garde definition marxism punk resource postmodernism guydebord reclaim_the_streets kultuurigerilja communism ethics morality bultmann arche anthropology _sophia crossboule axiology theology ethik situationsethik philosophie military 4gw blogtopics boardgame education debord training context bonnhöffer dynamism culture" barth turundus toblog meedia minimalmediaextensions_udk mediaextensions_udk manifesto dothis filosoofia toread article kommunikatsioon teaching eetika life mywikipages "diy aktionen anarchy cars informal anarchist publicspace rtc rts
- Situationist International (24)
- Sousveillance (5)
- Situationism (5)
- Reclaim the Streets (2)activism politics wikipedia art social situationism reclaim_the_streets minimalmediaextensions_udk mediaextensions_udk manifesto life mywikipages rtc rts leftie reference reclaim.the.streets publicspace culture anarchist anarchism aktionen "diy anarchy cars informal experiments culture" crossboule kultuurigerilja
- Situational ethics (1)
- Kriegspiel (chess) (1)
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