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software mobile pda memory learning productivity reading sync speedreading people supermemo neuroscience pim education java brain rsvp ai funambol emulators psychology synchronization video emulator data visual visualization palmoil science inspiration emulation chandler text research gmail calendar mind tool dubai programming email syncml opensource retro gtd palmos inventor hack list game hardware learn flashcard devices attention pocketpc tx commodities travel jeffhawkins english emuladores palm_oil eps gadgets life information emu multimedia tools windows roms media sync4j osx player j2ee music tags conservation energy ppc tutorial daily forest health activesync mobileoperatingsystems utilities windows_mobile nutrition training phone future palmtx overview lifehacks compsci 61software application
- Palm OS (16)
- The Core Pocket Media Player (10)
- TX (handheld) (7)
- Jeff Hawkins (5)
- Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (4)
- Funambol (4)
- Palm Islands (2)
- Palm oil (2)
- SuperMemo (2)
- ActiveSync (1)
- List of emulators (1)
- Personal digital assistant (1)
- Chandler (PIM) (1)
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