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programming concurrency software algorithms design safety algorithm rpg gaming game computing adventure therac-25 testing bugs interesting zork bug parallel history divideandconquer computerscience principle tech maths engine locking cs concurrent science resources time gamedev zmachine games medicine medical development divide_and_conquer computer c computer_science aestheticsystems algorytmy prezentacja research in:wikipedia seminarium hexbot-added-by%3Admusta1ne recursion repetition d&c divide_and_conquer_algorithm 操作系统 parallel_programming object 2read jorgecardoso.msc jargon opsys med interview dwo hexbot medical-informatics ideas fundament paradigm computer_history critical barcampmelbourne2008 classic_fail text interactive-fiction dumbass dr_cain iproject computation concurrency%3A%3Aarticles sisuresearch happy-path mathematics inform text_adventure my_read_n_decide_what_to_do_links accidentes pjf-failure-talk healthcare power quality infocom etech07 adventure_engine refererence entertainment adventure_games etech compsci
- Therac-25 (1)design software safety programming therac-25 concurrency testing bugs bug locking history medicine wikipedia medical med m362 ideas medical-informatics quality healthcare pjf-failure-talk my_read_n_decide_what_to_do_links accidentes classic_fail barcampmelbourne2008 computer_history critical dumbass dr_cain happy-path
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- Divide and conquer algorithm (1)algorithms algorithm wikipedia programming principle divideandconquer computerscience science power paradigm interview in:wikipedia m362 research seminarium hexbot-added-by%3Admusta1ne repetition recursion prezentacja divide_and_conquer computer c algorytmy aestheticsystems computer_science d&c fundament dwo divide_and_conquer_algorithm hexbot
- Concurrency (computer science) (1)
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