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economics parkinson economist politics management olson collaboration group law society geography mancur public thinkers sociologie private mancurolson on_corruption olsen paradigm пилясов drm groups goods institutional collective_action articles civilization books biografías mancur_olson organisatsioonikultuur coefficientofinefficiency behavior efficiency committee decision-making socialpsychology parkinson's-law groupthink filosoofia humor math sotsioloogia knowledge work teamwork groupsize humour organisationalpsychology inefficiency
- Coefficient of Inefficiency (1)wikipedia parkinson management law organisationalpsychology math organisatsioonikultuur knowledge sotsioloogia work teamwork inefficiency socialpsychology parkinson's-law groupthink decision-making committee coefficientofinefficiency behavior efficiency filosoofia humor groupsize group_dynamics humour
- Mancur Olson (1)
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