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opensource cola food recipes recipe philosophy opencola caffeine psychology science drugs business health marketing history diy cool rfid fun research drink octopus pragmatism funny howto james interesting free hongkong religion coffee soda coca-cola culture open mentos mobile people smartcard cocaine open-source william medicine advertising sleep homebrew economics drinks cooking headroom design cocacola article chemistry biography humour ideas application coca urban gpl oksoda money transport author buddhism tv television formula corydoctorow projects corporate payment diet eruption prank ubicomp ubiquitouscomputing amiga c8h10n4n2 experiment travel c8h10o2n4 transportation innovation video technology digital entry augmentée everyware chemical max meiosis cafeina cofe forensic_pathology bad brain luda
- OpenCola (10)
- New Coke (8)
- Coca-Cola formula (4)
- Coca-Cola (4)coca-cola coke marketing reference corporate business oggbot name.coca-cola multinational oggbot-added-by%3Adanco korporatsioonid publicidade recreation referencias interesting presentation peopleasconsumers oldgcgeeks food-and-drink-related coca-cola_coke coca-cola_bottle ?!? - coke-pepsi collecting hfcs globalization drink danco history
- Diet Coke and Mentos eruption (2)
- OK Soda (1)
- Octopus card (1)
- Caffeine (1)
- William James (1)
- Max Headroom (character) (1)
- Cocaine (1)
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