CSS filter

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This article is about a CSS hacking technique. Not to be confused with the discontinued Microsoft-specific CSS property.

A CSS filter or hack is a coding technique used to hide or show CSS markup depending on the browser, version number, or capabilities. Browsers have different interpretations of CSS behaviour and different levels of support for the W3C standards. CSS filters are sometimes used to achieve consistent layout appearance in multiple browsers that do not have compatible rendering.


[edit] Commented backslash

This hack exploits a bug in Internet Explorer for Mac related to comment parsing. A comment ending in \*/ is not properly closed in IE Mac, so rules that need to be ignored in IE Mac can be placed after such a comment. Another comment is needed after the rule to close the comment for IE Mac.

/* Ignore the next rule in IE mac \*/
selector { ...styles... }
/* Stop ignoring in IE mac */

[edit] Box model hack

Called the "box model hack" because the bug it is most often used to work around is the Internet Explorer box model bug, this hack provides a different set of properties to Internet Explorer and other browsers. As of version 6, IE has corrected the box model bug in documents which include certain Document Type Declarations (required by the HTML specifications) in certain ways.

#elem { 
 width: [IE width]; 
 voice-family: "\"}\""; 
 width: [Other browser width];
html>body #elem {
 width:[Other browser width];

The first voice-family statement is set to the string "}", but an IE parser bug will interpret it as a string with a single backslash followed by a closing brace for the end of the rule. voice-family is chosen because it will not affect rendering on a screen style sheet. The second rule uses the html>body hack for browsers such as Opera 5 that have the parsing bug but do not have the box model bug (and, additionally, which support the child selector).

[edit] Underscore hack

Versions 6 and below of Internet Explorer recognise properties which are preceded by an underscore. All other browsers ignore such properties as invalid. The underscore hack was used before Internet Explorer 6 to compensate for the box model bug:

#elem {
 width: [W3C Model Width];
 _width: [BorderBox Model];

As Internet Explorer 6 remedied the box model bug, and it is the last version of Internet Explorer to support this hack, the underscore hack is mostly used today to compensate for deficiencies in IE6's CSS support (see Dynamic properties).

[edit] Star HTML hack

The html element is the root element of the W3C standard DOM, but Internet Explorer versions 5.5 and 6 include a mysterious parent element. Fully-compliant browsers will ignore the * html selector, while IE5.5 and 6 will process it normally. This enables rules to be specified for these versions of Internet Explorer which will be ignored by all other browsers. For example, this rule specifies text size in Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6, but not in any other browsers.

* html p {font-size: 5em; }

Similarly, only IE7 will catch this rule:

*:first-child+html p { font-size: 5em; }

Note that the "star plus" hack that filters rules for Internet Explorer 7 only works in standards mode. If IE7 is using quirks mode, the filter will be ignored. The * html hack will most likely also be ignored since the Internet Explorer developers fixed this particular bug in version 7[1].

[edit] Child selector hack

Versions of Internet Explorer below 7 do not support the "child selector" (>), allowing rules to be specified for all other browsers. For example, this rule will turn paragraph text blue in Firefox, but not in IE before version 7.

html > body p { color: blue; }

[edit] Negation pseudo-class hack

No version of Internet Explorer supports the CSS3 :not() pseudo-class.[2] A variation of this hack uses the :root pseudo-class, which is also unrecognised by Internet Explorer.

.yourSelector {
color: black;
} /* values for IE */

html:not([dummy]) .yourSelector {
color: red;
} /* values for Safari, Opera and Firefox */

The negation selector accepts as a parameter any type, attribute, universal, class or ID selector, or pseudo-class (excluding the negation selector itself). It then applies the following properties to all elements which do not match this argument.

[edit] Dynamic properties

Between versions 5 and 7, Internet Explorer has supported a proprietary syntax for applying CSS properties which change dynamically, sometimes referred to as CSS expressions.[3] Dynamic properties are typically combined with other hacks to compensate for unsupported properties in older versions of Internet Explorer.

div {
 min-height: 300px;

 /* simulates min-height in IE6 */
 _height: expression(document.body.clientHeight ? "300px" : "auto");

[edit] Criticism

Hiding code using hacks often leads to pages being incorrectly displayed when browsers are updated. Many hacks that used to hide CSS from Internet Explorer 6 and lower no longer work in version 7 due to its improved support for CSS standards. The Microsoft Internet Explorer development team have asked that people use conditional comments instead of hacks.[4]

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ The IEBlog
  2. ^ "Sitepoint CSS Reference". SitePoint. http://reference.sitepoint.com/css/pseudoclass-not. Retrieved on 2009-01-07. 
  3. ^ About Dynamic Properties
  4. ^ IEBlog – Call to action: The demise of CSS hacks and broken pages

[edit] External links

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