Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

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Simplified parse tree
PN = proper noun
N = noun
V = verb
NP = noun phrase
RC = relative clause
VP = verb phrase
S = sentence
Traditional sentence diagram.
American Bison, commonly called a "buffalo".

"Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo." is a grammatically correct sentence used as an example of how homonyms and homophones can be used to create complicated constructs. It has been discussed in literature since 1972 when the sentence was used by William J. Rapaport, an associate professor at the University at Buffalo.[1] It was posted to Linguist List by Rapaport in 1992.[2] It was also featured in Steven Pinker's 1994 book The Language Instinct.[3]


[edit] Sentence construction

The sentence is unpunctuated and uses three different readings of the word "buffalo". In order of their first use, these are

Marking each "buffalo" with its use as shown above gives

Buffaloa buffalon Buffaloa buffalon buffalov buffalov Buffaloa buffalon.

Thus, the sentence when parsed reads as a description of the pecking order in the social hierarchy of buffaloes living in Buffalo:

[Those] (Buffalo buffalo) [whom] (Buffalo buffalo buffalo) buffalo (Buffalo buffalo).
[Those] buffalo(es) from Buffalo [that are intimidated by] buffalo(es) from Buffalo intimidate buffalo(es) from Buffalo.
Bison from Buffalo, New York, who are intimidated by other bison in their community also happen to intimidate other bison in their community.
THE buffalo FROM Buffalo WHO ARE buffaloed BY buffalo FROM Buffalo ALSO buffalo THE buffalo FROM Buffalo.

"Buffalo buffalo (subject) [which the] Buffalo buffalo (Indirect object) buffalo [verb] buffalo [another verb] Buffalo buffalo [Direct Object]. [Noun], (which the) [Noun verb] [verb] [noun].

It may be revealing to read the sentence replacing all instances of the animal buffalo with "people" and the verb buffalo with "intimidate". The sentence then reads

"Buffalo people [whom] Buffalo people intimidate [also happen to] intimidate Buffalo people."

Preserving the meaning more closely, substituting the synonym "bison" for "buffalo" (animal), "bully" for "buffalo" (verb) and leaving "Buffalo" to mean the city, yields

'Buffalo bison Buffalo bison bully bully Buffalo bison', or:
'Buffalo bison whom other Buffalo bison bully themselves bully Buffalo bison'.

To further understand the structure of the sentence, one can replace "Buffalo buffalo" with any number of noun phrases. Rather than referring to "Buffalo buffalo" intimidating other "Buffalo buffalo", one can use noun phrases like "Alley cats", "Junkyard dogs", and "Sewer rats". The sentence then reads

"Alley cats [whom] Junkyard dogs intimidate [also happen to] intimidate Sewer rats."

This has the same sentence structure as 'Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo'.

[edit] Ambiguity

If the capitalization is ignored, the sentence can be read another way:

Buffaloc buffaloa buffalov Buffaloc buffaloa Buffaloc buffaloa buffalov.

That is, bison from Buffalo intimidate (other) bison from Buffalo that are intimidated by bison from Buffalo.

[edit] Parsing difficulty

Other than the confusion caused by the homophones, the sentence is difficult to parse for several reasons:

  1. The use of "buffalo" as a verb is not particularly common and itself has several meanings.
  2. The construction in the plural makes the verb "buffalo", like the city, rather than "buffaloes".
  3. The choice of "buffalo" rather than "buffaloes" as the plural form of the noun makes it identical to the verb.
  4. There are no grammatical cues from syntactically significant words such as articles (again possible because of the plural construction) or "that".
  5. The absence of punctuation makes it difficult to read the flow of the sentence.
  6. Consequently, it is a garden path sentence, i.e., it cannot be parsed by reading one word at a time without backtracking.
  7. The statement includes a universal predicate about a class and also introduces a later class (the buffalo that are intimidated by intimidated buffalo) that may, but need not, be distinct from the first class.
  8. Parsing is ambiguous if capitalization is ignored. Using another adjectival sense of 'buffalo' ('cunning', derived from the sense 'to confuse'), the following alternative parsing is obtained: 'Buffalo bison [that] bison bully, [also happen to] bully cunning Buffalo bison' (that is, the head of the verb phrase occurs one 'buffalo' earlier).
  9. The relative clause is center embedded, a construction which is hard to parse.

[edit] Extendability

The sentence can be extended to eleven buffalos:

Buffaloa buffalon Buffaloa buffalon buffalov buffalov Buffaloa buffalon Buffaloa buffalon buffalov.

In other words, bison from Buffalo that (other) bison from Buffalo intimidate, in turn intimidate bison from Buffalo that (other) bison from Buffalo intimidate. In this case the subject and object of the central verb are "balanced" at five words apiece.

It can be extended further, to twenty-one buffalos:

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo Buffalo, Buffalo: Buffalo buffalo Buffalo Buffalo, Buffalo buffalo Buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo Buffalo, buffalo.

This version can be broken down like this:

Buffaloa1 buffalon1 Buffaloa2 Buffalon2, Buffalon3: Buffaloa3 buffalon4 Buffaloa4 Buffalon5, Buffaloa5 buffalon6 Buffaloa6 Buffalon7 buffalov1 Buffaloa7 buffalon8 Buffaloa8 buffalon9 Buffaloa9 Buffalon10, buffalon11.

In other words, this is an announcement from Buffalon3 by a group called "Buffaloa2 Buffalon2" who are bisonn1 from Buffaloa1. They address this announcement to bisonn4 from Buffaloa3 who call themselves "Buffaloa4 Buffalon5" (themselves). The announcement says: the bisonn6 from Buffaloa5 who call themselves "Buffaloa6 Buffalon7" intimidatev1 bisonn8 in Buffaloa7 who call themselves Buffaloa9 Buffalon10 (themselves) and are intimidated by other bisonn9 in Buffaloa8. They also intimidate other bisonn11 in general.

Indeed, for any n ≥ 1, the sentence with "buffalo" repeated n times is grammatically correct (according to Chomskyan theories of grammar).[4] The shortest is 'Buffalo!', meaning either 'Bully (someone)!', or 'Look, there are buffalo here!', or 'Behold, it is the city of Buffalo!'

[edit] Other words

Other English words can be used to make grammatical sentences of this form, containing many consecutive repetitions. Any word that is both an animate plural noun and a transitive verb will work: examples include police, fish, people, and smelt.

For example "Fish fish fish fish fish", which can be read as "Fish(n) (whom) fish(n) fish(v), fish(v) fish(n)", or, "Fish which are fished by fish, fish other fish".

[edit] Other languages

Similar sentences exist in other languages.

  • German: Die Männer, die vor dem Schokoladenladen Laden laden, laden Ladenmädchen zum Tanzen ein, meaning "The men, who loaded chests in front of the chocolate shop, asked shop girls for a dance".
Or Wenn hinter Fliegen Fliegen fliegen, fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach, meaning "When flies fly behind flies, flies fly after flies".
  • Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian: Bar barbarbarbarbar bar bar barbarbarbarbar, meaning "naked barbarian-bar-barbarian [barbarian usually hanging out in bars for barbarians] carried naked barbarian-bar-barbarian."
Or Når graver Graver graver grave, graver graver Graver grave for andre, meaning "When digger Graver [his name is Graver] digs graves, digger Graver digs graves for others."
  • Finnish: Kokko, kokoo kokoon koko kokko! Koko kokkoko? Koko kokko., meaning "Kokko (a surname), gather up a full bonfire! A full bonfire? A full bonfire."
Vihdoin vihdoin vihdoin, meaning "Finally I was bathing in a sauna with a bunch of birch branchs".
Etsivät etsivät etsivät etsivät etsivät, meaning "The searching detectives are searching the searching detectives".
  • Spanish: ¿Cómo como? Como como como, meaning "How do I eat? I eat how I eat".
  • Dutch: Als achter vliegen vliegen vliegen vliegen vliegen vliegen achterna, meaning "If flies fly behind flies, then those flies are flying behind flies".
Or "Als Graven Graven graven graven graven Graven Graven graven", meaning "When counts dig graves for other counts, counts are digging graves for other counts".
  • French: Mon tonton tond ton tonton, meaning "My uncle shears your uncle".
  • Icelandic: Ái á Á á á í á, meaning "A farmer named Ái who lives on a farm by the name of Á, owns a female sheep that is in a river".
  • Swedish:Farfar, får får får får? Nej, farson, får får inte får får, får får får lamm. meaning, "Grandfather, may sheep give birth to sheep? No, grandson, sheep may not give birth to sheep, sheep may give birth to lambs."
  • Japanese:Buta wo buta wa buta. Buta reta buta ga buta buta wo buta." meaning "The pig this the pig. The pig that was hit, hit the hitting pig."

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Rapaport, William J. 22 September 2006. "A History of the Sentence "Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo."". Accessed 23 September 2006. (archived copy)
  2. ^ Rapaport, William J. 19 February 1992. "Message 1: Re: 3.154 Parsing Challenges". Accessed 14 September 2006.
  3. ^ Pinker, Steven. The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language. William Morrow and Company, Inc., New York, 1994. p. 210
  4. ^ Tom Tymoczko and Jim Henle, Sweet Reason: A Field Guide to Modern Logic, 2004, pages 99-100.

[edit] External links

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