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Linguistics is the scientific[1][2] study of natural language.[3][4] Linguistics encompasses a number of sub-fields. An important topical division is between the study of language structure (grammar) and the study of meaning (semantics). Grammar encompasses morphology (the formation and composition of words), syntax (the rules that determine how words combine into phrases and sentences) and phonology (the study of sound systems and abstract sound units). Phonetics is a related branch of linguistics concerned with the actual properties of speech sounds (phones), non-speech sounds, and how they are produced and perceived. Other sub-disciplines of linguistics include: evolutionary linguistics which considers the origins of language; historical linguistics which explores language change; sociolinguistics which looks at the relation between linguistic variation and social structures; psycholinguistics which explores the representation and functioning of language in the mind; neurolinguistics which looks at the representation of language in the brain; language acquisition which considers how children acquire their first language and how children and adults acquire and learn their second and subsequent languages; in addition, discourse analysis is concerned with the structure of texts and conversations, and pragmatics with how meaning is transmitted based on a combination of linguistic competence, non-linguistic knowledge, and the context of the speech act.
Linguistics is narrowly defined as the scientific approach to the study of language, but language can, of course, be approached from a variety of directions, and a number of other intellectual disciplines are relevant to it and influence its study. Semiotics, for example, is a related field concerned with the general study of signs and symbols both in language and outside of it. Literary theorists study the use of language in artistic literature. Linguistics additionally draws on work from such diverse fields as psychology, speech-language pathology, informatics, computer science, philosophy, biology, human anatomy, neuroscience, sociology, anthropology, and acoustics.
Someone who engages in linguistics is called a linguist, although this term is also commonly used, outside linguistics, to refer to people who speak many languages.
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[edit] Names for the discipline
Before the twentieth century, the term "philology", first attested in 1716,[5] was commonly used to refer to the science of language, which was then predominantly historical in focus.[6] Since Ferdinand de Saussure's insistence on the importance of synchronic analysis, however, this focus has shifted[7] and the term "philology" is now generally used for the "study of a language's grammar, history and literary tradition," especially in the United States,[8] where it was never as popular as elsewhere in the sense of "science of language".[5]
Although the term "linguist" in the sense of "a student of language" dates from 1641,[9] the term "linguistics" is first attested in 1847.[9] It is now the usual academic term in English for the scientific study of language.
[edit] Fundamental concerns and divisions
Linguistics concerns itself with describing and explaining the nature of human language. Relevant to this are the questions of what is universal to language, how language can vary, and how human beings come to know languages. All humans (setting aside extremely pathological cases) achieve competence in whatever language is spoken (or signed, in the case of signed languages) around them when growing up, with apparently little need for explicit conscious instruction. While non-humans acquire their own communication systems, they do not acquire human language in this way (although many non-human animals can learn to respond to language, or can even be trained to use it to a degree).[10] Therefore, linguists assume, the ability to acquire and use language is an innate, biologically-based potential of modern human beings, similar to the ability to walk. There is no consensus, however, as to the extent of this innate potential, or its domain-specificity (the degree to which such innate abilities are specific to language), with some theorists claiming that there is a very large set of highly abstract and specific binary settings coded into the human brain, while others claim that the ability to learn language is a product of general human cognition. It is, however, generally agreed that there are no strong genetic differences underlying the differences between languages: an individual will acquire whatever language(s) he or she is exposed to as a child, regardless of parentage or ethnic origin.[11]
Linguistic structures are pairings of meaning and form; such pairings are known as Saussurean signs. In this sense, form may consist of sound patterns, movements of the hands, written symbols, and so on. There are many sub-fields concerned with particular aspects of linguistic structure, ranging from those focused primarily on form to those focused primarily on meaning:
- Phonetics, the study of the physical properties of speech (or signed) production and perception
- Phonology, the study of sounds (or signs) as discrete, abstract elements in the speaker's mind that distinguish meaning
- Morphology, the study of internal structures of words and how they can be modified
- Syntax, the study of how words combine to form grammatical sentences
- Semantics, the study of the meaning of words (lexical semantics) and fixed word combinations (phraseology), and how these combine to form the meanings of sentences
- Pragmatics, the study of how utterances are used in communicative acts, and the role played by context and non-linguistic knowledge in the transmission of meaning
- Discourse analysis, the analysis of language use in texts (spoken, written, or signed)
Many linguists would agree that these divisions overlap considerably, and the independent significance of each of these areas is not universally acknowledged. Regardless of any particular linguist's position, each area has core concepts that foster significant scholarly inquiry and research.
Alongside these structurally-motivated domains of study are other fields of linguistics, distinguished by the kinds of non-linguistic factors that they consider:
- Applied linguistics, the study of language-related issues applied in everyday life, notably language policies, planning, and education. (Constructed language fits under Applied linguistics.)
- Biolinguistics, the study of natural as well as human-taught communication systems in animals, compared to human language.
- Clinical linguistics, the application of linguistic theory to the field of Speech-Language Pathology.
- Computational linguistics, the study of computational implementations of linguistic structures.
- Developmental linguistics, the study of the development of linguistic ability in individuals, particularly the acquisition of language in childhood.
- Evolutionary linguistics, the study of the origin and subsequent development of language by the human species.
- Historical linguistics or diachronic linguistics, the study of language change over time.
- Language geography, the study of the geographical distribution of languages and linguistic features.
- Linguistic typology, the study of the common properties of diverse unrelated languages, properties that may, given sufficient attestation, be assumed to be innate to human language capacity.
- Neurolinguistics, the study of the structures in the human brain that underlie grammar and communication.
- Psycholinguistics, the study of the cognitive processes and representations underlying language use.
- Sociolinguistics, the study of variation in language and its relationship with social factors.
- Stylistics, the study of linguistic factors that place a discourse in context.
The related discipline of semiotics investigates the relationship between signs and what they signify. From the perspective of semiotics, language can be seen as a sign or symbol, with the world as its representation.[citation needed]
[edit] Variation and universality
Much modern linguistic research, particularly within the paradigm of generative grammar, has concerned itself with trying to account for differences between languages of the world. This has worked on the assumption that if human linguistic ability is narrowly constrained by human biology, then all languages must share certain fundamental properties.
In generativist theory, the collection of fundamental properties all languages share are referred to as universal grammar (UG). The specific characteristics of this universal grammar are a much debated topic. Typologists and non-generativist linguists usually refer simply to language universals, or universals of language.
Similarities between languages can have a number of different origins. In the simplest case, universal properties may be due to universal aspects of human experience. For example, all humans experience water, and all human languages have a word for water. Other similarities may be due to common descent: the Latin language spoken by the Ancient Romans developed into Spanish in Spain and Italian in Italy; similarities between Spanish and Italian are thus in many cases due to both being descended from Latin. In other cases, contact between languages — particularly where many speakers are bilingual — can lead to much borrowing of structures, as well as words. Similarity may also, of course, be due to coincidence. English much and Spanish mucho are not descended from the same form or borrowed from one language to the other;[12] nor is the similarity due to innate linguistic knowledge (see False cognate).
Arguments in favor of language universals have also come from documented cases of sign languages (such as Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language) developing in communities of congenitally deaf people, independently of spoken language. The properties of these sign languages conform generally to many of the properties of spoken languages. Other known and suspected sign language isolates include Kata Kolok, Nicaraguan Sign Language, and Providence Island Sign Language.
[edit] Structures
It has been perceived that languages tend to be organized around grammatical categories such as noun and verb, nominative and accusative, or present and past, though, importantly, not exclusively so. The grammar of a language is organized around such fundamental categories, though many languages express the relationships between words and syntax in other discrete ways (cf. some Bantu languages for noun/verb relations, ergative-absolutive systems for case relations, several Native American languages for tense/aspect relations).
In addition to making substantial use of discrete categories, language has the important property that it organizes elements into recursive structures; this allows, for example, a noun phrase to contain another noun phrase (as in "the chimpanzee's lips") or a clause to contain a clause (as in "I think that it's raining"). Though recursion in grammar was implicitly recognized much earlier (for example by Jespersen), the importance of this aspect of language became more popular after the 1957 publication of Noam Chomsky's book Syntactic Structures,[13] which presented a formal grammar of a fragment of English. Prior to this, the most detailed descriptions of linguistic systems were of phonological or morphological systems.
Chomsky used a context-free grammar augmented with transformations. Since then, following the trend of Chomskyan linguistics, context-free grammars have been written for substantial fragments of various languages (for example GPSG, for English). It has been demonstrated, however, that human languages (most notably Dutch and Swiss German) include cross-serial dependencies, which cannot be handled adequately by context-free grammars.[14]
[edit] Some selected sub-fields
[edit] Diachronic linguistics
Studying languages at a particular point in time (usually the present) is "synchronic", while diachronic linguistics examines how language changes through time, sometimes over centuries. It enjoys both a rich history and a strong theoretical foundation for the study of language change.
In universities in the United States, the historic perspective is often out of fashion. The shift in focus to a non-historic perspective started with Saussure and became predominant with Noam Chomsky.
Explicitly historical perspectives include historical-comparative linguistics and etymology.
[edit] Contextual linguistics
Contextual linguistics may include the study of linguistics in interaction with other academic disciplines. The interdisciplinary areas of linguistics consider how language interacts with the rest of the world.
Sociolinguistics, anthropological linguistics, and linguistic anthropology are seen as areas that bridge the gap between linguistics and society as a whole.
Psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics relate linguistics to the medical sciences.
Other cross-disciplinary areas of linguistics include evolutionary linguistics, computational linguistics and cognitive science.
[edit] Applied linguistics
Linguists are largely concerned with finding and describing the generalities and varieties both within particular languages and among all language. Applied linguistics takes the result of those findings and "applies" them to other areas. The term "applied linguistics" is often used to refer to the use of linguistic research in language teaching only[citation needed], but results of linguistic research are used in many other areas as well, such as lexicography and translation. "Applied linguistics" has been argued to be something of a misnomer[who?], since applied linguists focus on making sense of and engineering solutions for real-world linguistic problems, not simply "applying" existing technical knowledge from linguistics; moreover, they commonly apply technical knowledge from multiple sources, such as sociology (e.g. conversation analysis) and anthropology.
Today, computers are widely used in many areas of applied linguistics. Speech synthesis and speech recognition use phonetic and phonemic knowledge to provide voice interfaces to computers. Applications of computational linguistics in machine translation, computer-assisted translation, and natural language processing are areas of applied linguistics which have come to the forefront. Their influence has had an effect on theories of syntax and semantics, as modeling syntactic and semantic theories on computers constraints.
[edit] Linguistic analysis
Linguistic analysis is used by many governments to verify the claimed nationality of people seeking asylum who do not hold the necessary documentation to prove their claim.[15] This often takes the form of an interview by personnel in an immigration department. Depending on the country, this interview is conducted in either the asylum seeker's native language through an interpreter, or in an international langua franca like English.[15] Australia uses the former method, while Germany employs the latter; the Netherlands uses either method depending on the languages involved.[15] Tape recordings of the interview then undergo language analysis, which can be done by either private contractors or within a department of the government. In this analysis, linguistic features of the asylum seeker are used by analysts to make a determination about the speaker's nationality. The reported findings of the linguistic analysis can play a critical role in the government's decision on the refugee status of the asylum seeker.[15]
[edit] Description and prescription
Main articles: Descriptive linguistics, Linguistic prescription
Linguistics is descriptive; linguists describe and explain features of language without making subjective judgments on whether a particular feature is "right" or "wrong". This is analogous to practice in other sciences: a zoologist studies the animal kingdom without making subjective judgments on whether a particular animal is better or worse than another.
Prescription, on the other hand, is an attempt to promote particular linguistic usages over others, often favouring a particular dialect or "acrolect". This may have the aim of establishing a linguistic standard, which can aid communication over large geographical areas. It may also, however, be an attempt by speakers of one language or dialect to exert influence over speakers of other languages or dialects (see Linguistic imperialism). An extreme version of prescriptivism can be found among censors, who attempt to eradicate words and structures which they consider to be destructive to society.
[edit] Speech and writing
Most contemporary linguists work under the assumption that spoken (or signed) language is more fundamental than written language. This is because:
- Speech appears to be universal to all human beings capable of producing and hearing it, while there have been many cultures and speech communities that lack written communication;
- Speech evolved before human beings invented writing;
- People learn to speak and process spoken languages more easily and much earlier than writing;
Linguists nonetheless agree that the study of written language can be worthwhile and valuable. For research that relies on corpus linguistics and computational linguistics, written language is often much more convenient for processing large amounts of linguistic data. Large corpora of spoken language are difficult to create and hard to find, and are typically transcribed and written. Additionally, linguists have turned to text-based discourse occurring in various formats of computer-mediated communication as a viable site for linguistic inquiry.
The study of writing systems themselves is in any case considered a branch of linguistics.
[edit] History
Some of the earliest linguistic activities can be recalled from Iron Age India with the analysis of Sanskrit. The Pratishakhyas (from ca. the 8th century BC) constitute as it were a proto-linguistic ad hoc collection of observations about mutations to a given corpus particular to a given Vedic school. Systematic study of these texts gives rise to the Vedanga discipline of Vyakarana, the earliest surviving account of which is the work of Pānini (c. 520 – 460 BC), who, however, looks back on what are probably several generations of grammarians, whose opinions he occasionally refers to. Pānini formulates close to 4,000 rules which together form a compact generative grammar of Sanskrit. Inherent in his analytic approach are the concepts of the phoneme, the morpheme and the root. Due to its focus on brevity, his grammar has a highly unintuitive structure, reminiscent of contemporary "machine language" (as opposed to "human readable" programming languages).
Indian linguistics maintained a high level for several centuries; Patanjali in the 2nd century BC still actively criticizes Panini. In the later centuries BC, however, Panini's grammar came to be seen as prescriptive, and commentators came to be fully dependent on it. Bhartrihari (c. 450 – 510) theorized the act of speech as being made up of four stages: first, conceptualization of an idea, second, its verbalization and sequencing (articulation) and third, delivery of speech into atmospheric air, the interpretation of speech by the listener, the interpreter.
Western linguistics begins in Classical Antiquity with grammatical speculation such as Plato's Cratylus. The first important advancement of the Greeks was the creation of the alphabet. As a result of the introduction of writing, poetry such as the Homeric poems became written and several editions were created and commented, forming the basis of philology and critic. The sophists and Socrates introduced dialectics as a new text genre. Aristotle defined the logic of speech and the argument. Furthermore Aristotle works on rhetoric and poetics were of utmost importance for the understating of tragedy, poetry, public discussions etc. as text genres.
One of the greatest of the Greek grammarians was Apollonius Dyscolus.[16] Apollonius wrote more than thirty treatises on questions of syntax, semantics, morphology, prosody, orthography, dialectology, and more. In the 4th c., Aelius Donatus compiled the Latin grammar Ars Grammatica that was to be the defining school text through the Middle Ages.[17] In De vulgari eloquentia ("On the Eloquence of Vernacular"), Dante Alighieri expanded the scope of linguistic enquiry from the traditional languages of antiquity to include the language of the day.[citation needed]
In the Middle East, the Persian linguist Sibawayh made a detailed and professional description of Arabic in 760, in his monumental work, Al-kitab fi al-nahw (الكتاب في النحو, The Book on Grammar), bringing many linguistic aspects of language to light. In his book he distinguished phonetics from phonology.[citation needed]
Sir William Jones noted that Sanskrit shared many common features with classical Latin and Greek, notably verb roots and grammatical structures, such as the case system. This led to the theory that all languages sprung from a common source and to the discovery of the Indo-European language family. He began the study of comparative linguistics, which would uncover more language families and branches.
In 19th century Europe the study of linguistics was largely from the perspective of philology (or historical linguistics). Some early-19th-century linguists were Jakob Grimm, who devised a principle of consonantal shifts in pronunciation – known as Grimm's Law – in 1822; Karl Verner, who formulated Verner's Law; August Schleicher, who created the "Stammbaumtheorie" ("family tree"); and Johannes Schmidt, who developed the "Wellentheorie" ("wave model") in 1872.
Ferdinand de Saussure was the founder of modern structural linguistics, with an emphasis on synchronic (i.e. non-historical) explanations for language form.
In North America, the structuralist tradition grew out of a combination of missionary linguistics (whose goal was to translate the bible) and Anthropology. While originally regarded as a sub-field of anthropology in the United States[18][19], linguistics is now considered a separate scientific discipline in the US, Australia and much of Europe.
Edward Sapir, a leader in American structural linguistics, was one of the first who explored the relations between language studies and anthropology. His methodology had strong influence on all his successors. Noam Chomsky's formal model of language, transformational-generative grammar, developed under the influence of his teacher Zellig Harris, who was in turn strongly influenced by Leonard Bloomfield, has been the dominant model since the 1960s.
The structural linguistics period was largely superseded in North America by generative grammar in the 1950s and 60s. This paradigm views language as a mental object, and emphasizes the role of the formal modeling of universal and language specific rules. Noam Chomsky remains an important but controversial linguistic figure. Generative grammar gave rise to such frameworks such as Transformational grammar, Generative Semantics, Relational Grammar, Generalized Phrase-structure Grammar, Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) and Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG). Other linguists working in Optimality Theory state generalizations in terms of violable constraints that interact with each other, and abandon the traditional rule-based formalism first pioneered by early work in generativist linguistics.
Functionalist linguists working in functional grammar and Cognitive Linguistics tend to stress the non-autonomy of linguistic knowledge and the non-universality of linguistic structures, thus differing significantly from the Chomskyan school. They reject Chomskyan intuitive introspection as a scientific method, relying instead on typological evidence.
[edit] Schools of study
There are a wide variety of approaches to linguistic study. These can be loosely divided (although not without controversy) into formalist and functionalist approaches. Formalist approaches stress the importance of linguistic forms, and seek explanations for the structure of language from within the linguistic system itself. For example, the fact that language shows recursion might be attributed to recursive rules. Functionalist linguists by contrast view the structure of language as being driven by its function. For example, the fact that languages often put topical information first in the sentence, may be due to a communicative need to pair old information with new information in discourse.
[edit] Generative grammar
During the last half of the twentieth century, following the work of Noam Chomsky, linguistics was dominated by the generativist school. While formulated by Chomsky as a way to explain how human beings acquire language and the biological constraints on this acquisition, its application to natural languages rarely explores that aspect of the theory. Generative theory is modularist and formalist in character. While generative grammar remains the dominant paradigm for studying linguistics,[20] Chomsky's writings have also gathered much criticism.
[edit] Cognitive linguistics
In the 1970s and 1980s, a new school of thought known as cognitive linguistics emerged as a reaction to generativist theory. Led by theorists such as Ronald Langacker and George Lakoff, linguists working within the realm of cognitive linguistics posit that language is an emergent property of basic, general-purpose cognitive processes. In contrast to the generativist school of linguistics, cognitive linguistics is non-modularist and functionalist in character. Important developments in cognitive linguistics include cognitive grammar, frame semantics, and conceptual metaphor, all of which are based on the idea that form-function correspondences based on representations derived from embodied experience constitute the basic units of language.
[edit] References
- ^ Fromkin, Victoria; Bruce Hayes; Susan Curtiss, Anna Szabolcsi, Tim Stowell, Donca Steriade (2000). Linguistics: An Introduction to Linguistic Theory. Oxford: Blackwell. p. 3. ISBN 0631197117.
- ^ Martinet, André (1960). Elements of General Linguistics. Tr. Elisabeth Palmer (Studies in General Linguistics, vol. i.). London: Faber. p. 15.
- ^ Halliday, Michael A. K.; Jonathan Webster (2006). On Language and Linguistics. Continuum International Publishing Group. p. vii. ISBN 0826488242.
- ^ Greenberg, Joseph (1948). "Linguistics and ethnology". Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 4: 140–47.
- ^ a b Online Etymological Dictionary: philology
- ^ McMahon, A. M. S. (1994), Understanding Language Change, Cambridge University Press, p. 19, ISBN 0-521-44665-1
- ^ McMahon, A. M. S. (1994), Understanding Language Change, Cambridge University Press, p. 9, ISBN 0-521-44665-1
- ^ A. Morpurgo Davies Hist. Linguistics (1998) 4 I. 22.
- ^ a b Online Etymological Dictionary: linguist
- ^ "Animal Language Article"
- ^ Nevertheless, recent research suggests that even weak genetic biases in speakers may, over a number of generations, influence the evolution of particular languages, leading to a non-random distribution of certain linguistic features across the world. (Dediu, D. & Ladd, D.R. (2007). Linguistic tone is related to the population frequency of the adaptive haplogroups of two brain size genes, ASPM and Microcephalin, PNAS 104:10944-10949; summary available here)
- ^ Much is from Middle English muchel, which is from Proto-Germanic *mekilaz[1], while mucho is from Latin multus[2].
- ^ Chomsky, Noam. 1957. "Syntactic Structures". Mouton, The Hague
- ^ Carl Vogel, Ulrike Hahn, Holly Branigan 1996, "Cross serial dependencies are not hard to process", Proceedings of the 16th conference on Computational linguistics - Volume 1
- ^ a b c d Eades, Diana (2005). "Applied Linguistics and Language Analysis in Asylum Seeker Cases". Applied Linguistics 26 (4): 503–526. doi:.
- ^ Apollonius Dyscolus
- ^ linguistics : Greek and Roman antiquity -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
- ^ The "four fields" in American anthropology are cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, archeology and linguistics.
- ^ Kemmer, Suzanne (2008). Biographical sketch of Franz Boas. Houston: Rice University.
- ^ McMahon, A. M. S. (1994), Understanding Language Change, Cambridge University Press, p. 32, ISBN 0-521-44665-1
[edit] See also
- Cognitive science
- Speech-Language Pathology
- History of linguistics
- International Linguistics Olympiad
- Linguistics Departments at Universities
- Summer schools for linguistics
- List of linguists
Branches and fields
Anthropological linguistics, Semiotics, Philology, Discourse, Structuralism, Post-structuralism, Cognitive linguistics, Cognitive science, Comparative linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Varieties, Developmental linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Descriptive linguistics, Ecolinguistics, Embodied cognition, Endangered languages.
History of linguistics, Historical linguistics, Intercultural competence, Lexicography/Lexicology, Linguistic typology, Evolutionary linguistics.
Articulatory phonology, Biolinguistics, Computational linguistics, Biosemiotics, Articulatory synthesis, Machine translation, Natural language processing, Speaker recognition (authentication), Speech processing, Speech recognition, Speech synthesis, Concept Mining, Corpus linguistics, Critical discourse analysis, Cryptanalysis, Decipherment, Asemic writing, Grammar Writing.
Forensic linguistics, Global language system, Glottometrics, Integrational linguistics, International Linguistic Olympiad, Language acquisition, Language attrition, Language engineering, Language geography, Metacommunicative competence, Natural Language Processing, Neurolinguistics, Orthography, Reading, Second language acquisition, Sociocultural linguistics, Stratificational linguistics, Text linguistics, Writing systems, Xenolinguistics.
Popular works and texts
- Aronoff, Mark & Janie Rees-Miller (Eds.) (2003) The Handbook of Linguistics, Blackwell Publishers. (ISBN 1-4051-0252-7)
- Asher, R. (Ed.) (1993) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Oxford: Pergamon Press. 10 vols.
- Bloomfield, Leonard (1933,1984) Language, University of Chicago Press. (ISBN 0-226-06067-5)
- Brown, Keith R. (Ed.) (2005) Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, (2nd ed.) Elsevier. 14 vols.
- Burgess, Anthony Language Made Plain (1964); A Mouthful of Air (1992)
- Bussmann, H. (1996) Routledge Dictionary of Language and Linguistics, Routledge (translated from German).
- Chakrabarti, Byomkes(India, 1923–1981), Santali language, Bengali language, comparative linguistics
- Chomsky, Noam (1965) Aspects of the Theory of Syntax; Syntactic Structures; On Language
- Chomsky, Noam On Language
- Comrie, Bernard (1989) Language Universals and Linguistic Typology, University of Chicago Press. (ISBN 9780226114330)
- Cook, Guy (2003) 'Applied Linguistics', Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- David Crystal (1987) Linguistics; The Stories of English; The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Language, Cambridge University Press; (1991) A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, Blackwell. (ISBN 0-631-17871-6); (1992) An Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Language and Languages, Oxford: Blackwell.
- Deacon, Terrence (1998) The Symbolic Species, WW Norton & Co. (ISBN 0-393-31754-4)
- Deutscher, Guy (2005) The Unfolding of Language, Metropolitan Books. (ISBN 0-8050-7907-6) (ISBN 978-0-8050-7907-4)
- Fauconnier, Gilles (1995) Mental Spaces, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press. (ISBN 0-521-44949-9); (1997)Mappings in Thought and Language, Cambridge University Press. (ISBN 0-521-59953-9); & Mark Turner (2003) The Way We Think, Basic Books. (ISBN 0-465-08786-8); Rymer, p. 48, quoted in Fauconnier and Turner, p. 353
- Frawley, William (Ed.) (2003) International Encyclopedia of Linguistics, (2nd ed.), Oxford University Press.
- Graffi, G. (2001) Two years of syntax (A Critical Survey), Amsterdam: Benjamins.
- Harrison, K. David (2007) When Languages Die: The Extinction of the World's Languages and the Erosion of Human Knowledge, New York and London: Oxford University Press. (ISBN 0-195-18192-1)
- Hayakawa, Alan R & S. I. (1990) Language in Thought and Action, Harvest. (ISBN 0-15-648240-1)
- Hudson, G. (2000) Essential Introductory Linguistics, Oxford: Blackwell.
- Jackson, Howard (2007) Key Terms in Linguistics, Continuum. (ISBN 0-82-648742-4)
- Johnson, Keith & Helen (1998) Encyclopedic Dictionary of Applied Linguistics, Oxford: Blackwell. (ISBN 0-631-21482-2)
- Kafka, Franz in his Diaries
- Lyons, John (1995) Linguistic Semantics, Cambridge University Press. (ISBN 0-521-43877-2)
- Malmkjaer, Kirsten (1991) The Linguistics Encyclopaedia, Routledge. (ISBN 0-415-22210-9)
- Napoli, Donna J. (2003) Language Matters. A Guide to Everyday Questions about Language, Oxford University Press.
- O'Grady, William D., Michael Dobrovolsky & Francis Katamba [eds.] (2001) Contemporary Linguistics, Longman. (ISBN 0-582-24691-1) - Lower Level
- Ohio State University Department of Linguistics (2007) Language Files (10th ed.), Ohio State University Press.
- Pinker, Steven (2000) The Language Instinct, repr ed., Perennial. (ISBN 0-06-095833-2); (2000) Words and Rules, Perennial. (ISBN 0-06-095840-5)
- Rymer, Russ (1992) Annals of Science in "The New Yorker", 13 April
- Sampson, Geoffrey (2006) The Language Instinct Debate, Continuum International. (ISBN 0-8264-7385-7) - challenges the fundamental assumptions of Pinker's The Language Instinct, the two together illustrate one of the most significant debates within the field of theoretical linguistics in the early 21st century.
- Sampson, Geoffrey (1982) Schools of Linguistics, Stanford University Press. (ISBN 0-8047-1125-9)
- Sapir, Edward (1921) "Language: An introduction to the study of speech (Gutenberg.Org)", New York: Harcourt, Brace.
- Saussure, Ferdinand de (1916,1998) Cours de linguistique générale (Course in General Linguistics), Open Court. (ISBN 0-812-69023-0)
- Skinner, B.F. (1957) Verbal Behavior, Copley Publishing Group. (ISBN 0-87411-591-4)
- Sweetser, Eve (1992) From Etymology to Pragmatics, repr ed., Cambridge University Press. (ISBN 0-521-42442-9)
- Taylor, John R. (2003) Cognitive Grammar, Oxford University Press. (ISBN 0-19-870033-4)
- Trask, R. L. (1995) Language: The Basics, London: Routledge.
- Trask, R. L. (1993) A Dictionary of Grammatical Terms in Linguistics, Routledge. (ISBN 0-415-08628-0); (1996) Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology, Routledge.; (1997) A Student's Dictionary of Language and Linguistics; (1999) Key Concepts in Language and Linguistics, London: Routledge.
- Ungerer, Friedrich & Hans-Jorg Schmid (1996) An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics, Longman. (ISBN 0-582-23966-4)
- Van Orman Quine, Willard (1960) Word and Object, MIT Press. (ISBN 0-262-67001-1)
- Watts, Richard J. (2003)Politeness, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (ISBN 978-0-521-79406-0).
- White, Lydia (1992) Universal Grammar and Second Language Acquisition, Cambridge University Press. (ISBN 0-521-79647-4)
- Aitchison, Jean (1999) [1995]. Linguistics: An Introduction (2nd ed.). London: Hodder & Stoughton.
- Akmajian, Adrian (2001). Linguistics. et al. MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-51123-1.
- Griniewicz, Sergiusz; Elwira M. Dubieniec (2004). Introduction To Linguistics (2nd ed.). Białystok, WSFiZ. pp. 91.
- What is I-language? - Chapter 1 of I-language: An Introduction to Linguistics as Cognitive Science.
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- An Academic Linguistics Forum
- Glossary of linguistic terms
- Glottopedia, MediaWiki-based encyclopedia of linguistics, under construction
- Linguistic sub-fields - according to the Linguistic Society of America
- Linguistics and language-related wiki articles on Scholarpedia and Citizendium
- "Linguistics" section - A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology, ed. J. A. García Landa (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
- The Linguist List, a global online linguistics community with news and information updated daily.
- The Virtual Linguistics Campus