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Personification of thought (Greek Εννοια) in Celsus Library in Ephesos, Turkey

Thought and thinking are mental forms and processes, respectively ("thought" is both.)[citation needed] Thinking allows beings to model the world and to deal with it according to their objectives, plans, ends and desires. Words referring to similar concepts and processes include cognition, sentience, consciousness, idea, and imagination.

Thinking involves the mental manipulation of information, as when we form concepts, engage in problem solving, reason and make decisions.[citation needed]

Thinking is a higher cognitive function and the analysis of thinking processes is part of cognitive psychology.


[edit] Basic process

The basic mechanics of human brain cells reflect a process of pattern matching or rather recognition.[citation needed] In a "moment of reflection", new situations and new experiences are judged against recalled ones and judgements are made.[citation needed] In order to make these judgements, the intellect maintains present experience and sorts relevant past experience. It does this while keeping present and past experience distinct and separate.[citation needed]The intellect can mix, match, merge, sift, and sort concepts, perceptions, and experience.[citation needed] This process is called reasoning. Logic is the science of reasoning. The awareness of this process of reasoning is access consciousness (see philosopher Ned Block). Thinking is not merely a process occuring in animals and humans. AI (Artificial Intelligence) focuses on machine thinking Igor Aleksander, Pentti Haikonen.

[edit] Aids to thinking

  1. Use of models, symbols, diagrams and pictures.
  2. Use of abstraction to simplify the effort of thinking.
  3. Use of metasyntactic variables to simplify the effort of naming.
  4. Use of iteration and recursion to converge on a concept.
  5. Limitation of attention to aid concentration and focus on a concept. Use of peace and quiet to aid concentration.
  6. Goal setting and goal revision. Simply letting the concept percolate in the subconscious, and waiting for the concept to re-surface.
  7. Talking with like-minded people. Resorting to communication with others.
  8. Working backward from the goal.
  9. Desire for learning.
  10. Taking CNS stimulating drugs, such as amphetamines.

[edit] Pitfalls

  1. Prejudice can lead to flawed thinking
  2. Self-delusions: inability to confront relevant issues (roadblocks).

[edit] See also

[edit] References

[edit] External links

Transmission of ideas
1 person to themselves, mental 1 person to themselves or to another without reply, verbal 2 or more people, verbal




Thought Monologue Dialogue
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