Niche market

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Key concepts

Product / Pricing / Promotion
Distribution / Service / Retail
Brand management
Account-based marketing
Marketing effectiveness
Market research
Marketing strategy
Marketing management
Market dominance

Promotional content

Advertising / Branding
Direct marketing / Personal Sales
Product placement / Public relations
Publicity / Sales promotion
Sex in advertising / Underwriting

Promotional media

Printing / Publication / Broadcasting
Out-of-home / Internet marketing
Point of sale / Novelty items
Digital marketing / In-game
Word of mouth

A niche market is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focusing on; Therefore the market niche defines the specific product features aimed at satisfy specific market needs, as well as the price range, production quality and the demographics that is intending to impact.

Every single product that is on sale can be defined by its niche market. As of special note, the products aimed at a wide demographics audience, with the resulting low price (due to Price elasticity of demand), are said to belong to the Mainstream niche, in practice referred only as Mainstream or of high demand. Narrowed demographics though lead to elevated price because of the same principles.

In practice, product vendors and trade businesses are commonly referred as mainstream providers or narrow demographics niche market providers (colloquially shortened to just niche market providers). Small capital providers usually opt for a niche market with narrow demographics as a measure of increasing their gain margins.

Nevertheless, the final product quality (low or high) is not dependant on the price elasticity of demand though, it is more associated with the specific needs that the product is aimed at satisfy and in some cases with brand recognition which the vendor wants to be associated with (i.e Prestige, Practicability, Money saving, Expensiveness, Planet environment conscience, Power, etc)

[edit] Etymology

The term "niche" (pronounced nich, nēsh, or nish) was first used by ecologists to describe a species' position and use of resources within its environment. When used in business the term implies a situation or an activity perfectly suited to a person or a given type of personality. This concept has been extended from persons to products on the market. Whereas a niche in the strict sense can be a working position or an area suited to a person who occupies it, the market niche is perfectly suited for a product of human labour.

[edit] Marketing in and for niche markets

Niche marketing is the process of finding and serving profitable market segments and designing custom-made products or services for them. For big companies those market segments are often too small in order to serve them profitably as these market segments often lack economies of scale. Niche marketers are often reliant on the loyalty business model to maintain a profitable volume of sales.

[edit] Online niche marketing

An often used technique for affiliate marketers. By seeking out smaller segments of larger markets, a website can be developed and promoted quickly to uniquely serve a targeted and usually loyal customer base, giving the affiliate a small but regular income stream. This technique is then repeated across several other niche websites until a desired income level is achieved.

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