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Atheists and agnostics by the Dentsu Institute (2006) and Zuckerman (2005)
Importance of religion by the Gallup Poll (2006-2008)
English:  World map of believers en pourcentage of inhabitants in 2005     from 28.7 % (North Korea) to 60%      from 60% to 70%      from 70% to 80%      from 80% to 85%      from 85% to 90%      from 90% to 95%      from 95% to 100%Religious believers by the World Christian Database (2005)
Importance of religion by the Pew Research Center (2002)

Irreligion is an absence of religion, indifference to religion, or hostility to religion.[1] Depending on the context, it may be understood as referring to atheism, deism, agnosticism, skepticism, freethought, or secular humanism. Irreligious people may have convictions equal in depth to those of religious adherents. For instance, followers of the life stance of Humanism may regard themselves as just as deeply believing in their life stance as corresponding to any religious belief.

Although people classified as irreligious might not follow any religion, not all are necessarily without belief in the supernatural or in deities; such a person may be a non-religious or non-practicing theist. In particular, those who associate organized religion with negative qualities, but still hold spiritual beliefs, might describe themselves as irreligious. It also must be noted that in some countries the government essentially requires religion or secularism, so the numbers might not be entirely accurate.

[edit] List of countries by Irreligion

The Gallup Poll has the most broad definition of irreligion: the question "Is religion important" was asked; the "no" answer is represented below. Dentsu Communication Institute provides data for respondents, who stated they have "no religion". And Zuckerman gives the most strict definition citing "atheist and agnostic" proportion numbers. Take note that the numbers come from different years.

Country Gallup[2] (2007-2008) Dentsu[3] (2006) Zuckerman[4] (2005)
 China 93% 8 – 14%
 Sweden 83% 25% 46 – 85%
 Estonia 84% 76% 49%
 Vietnam 61% 46% 81%
 Denmark 80% 10% 43 – 80%
 Hong Kong 78%
 Norway 78% 31 – 72%
 Azerbaijan 74%
 Czech Republic 74% 64% 54 – 61%
 France 73% 43% 43 – 54%
 Japan 73% 52% 64 – 65%
 United Kingdom 71% 31 – 44%
 Finland 69% 12% 28 – 60%
 Mongolia 69% 9%
 Australia 68% 24 – 25%
 Netherlands 66% 55% 39 – 44%
 New Zealand 66% 20 – 22%
 Belarus 65% 48% 17%
 Cuba 64% 7%
 Russia 63% 48% 24 – 48%
 Albania 62% 8%
 Bulgaria 62% 30% 34 – 40%
 Latvia 62% 41% 20 – 29%
 Belgium 61% 35% 42 – 43%
 Hungary 59% 43% 32 – 46%
 Slovenia 59% 30% 35 – 38%
 Spain 59% 16% 15 – 24%
 Taiwan 58% 24%
 Germany 57% 25% 41 – 49%
 Uruguay 57% 12%
 Switzerland 56% 17 – 27%
 Canada 55% 26% 19 – 30%
 South Korea 54% 37% 30 – 52%
 Ukraine 54% 42% 20%
 Lithuania 52% 19% 13%
 Slovakia 51% 23% 10 – 28%
 Israel 50% 15 – 37%
 Singapore 49% 13%
 Montenegro 48%
 Serbia 45%
 Kazakhstan 43% 11 – 12%
 Austria 42% 12% 18 – 26%
 Ireland 42% 7%
 Uzbekistan 37%
 Argentina 36% 13% 4 – 8%
 Chile 29% 34%
 Belize 33%
 United States 33% 20% 3 – 9%
 Kyrgyzstan 31% 7%
 Moldova 31%
 Venezuela 31% 27%
 Croatia 30% 13% 7%
 Greece 30% 4% 16%
 Luxembourg 30%
 Armenia 29% 14%
 Bosnia and Herzegovina 29%
 Jamaica 29%
 Mexico 29% 21%
 Portugal 27% 11% 4 – 9%
 Italy 26% 18% 6 – 15%
 Kosovo 26%
 Cyprus 24%
 Iceland 4% 16 – 23%
 Poland 23% 5%
 Botswana 22%
 Georgia 22%
 Haiti 21%
 Tajikistan 21%
 Macedonia 20%
 Trinidad and Tobago 19%
 Romania 18% 2%
 Zimbabwe 18%
 Dominican Republic 17% 7%
 Ecuador 17%
 India 17% 7%
 Iraq 17%
 Nicaragua 17%
 Iran 16% 1%
Flag of the United Kingdom Northern Ireland 16%
 Costa Rica 15%
 El Salvador 15%
 Kuwait 15%
 Malaysia 14%
 North Korea 15%
 Peru 14% 5%
 Lebanon 13%
 Puerto Rico 13% 11%
 Bolivia 12%
 Brazil 12%
 Burkina Faso 12%
 Colombia 12%
 South Africa 12% 11%
 Algeria 11%
 Cambodia 11%
 Guatemala 11%
 Honduras 11%
 Panama 11%
 Philippines 5% 11%
 Togo 11%
 Ethiopia 10%
 Rwanda 10%
 Mozambique 9%
 Palestinian Authority 9%
 Paraguay 9%
 Turkey 9% 3%
 Burundi 8%
 Namibia 8%
 Tunisia 8%
 Uganda 8% 1%
 Angola 7%
 Chad 7%
 Ghana 7%
 Madagascar 7%
 Nepal 7%
 Benin 6%
 Cameroon 6%
 Central African Republic 6%
 Liberia 6%
 Serbia and Montenegro 6%
 Mali 5%
 Mauritania 5%
 Nigeria 5% 1%
 Jordan 4%
 Kenya 4%
 Sudan 4%
 Thailand 4%
 Yemen 4%
 Afghanistan 3%
 Guinea 3%
 Laos 3%
 Myanmar 3%
 Niger 3%
 Pakistan 3%
 Saudi Arabia 3%
 Zambia 3%
 Democratic Republic of the Congo 2%
 Djibouti 2%
 Malawi 2%
 Morocco 2%
 Senegal 2%
 Sierra Leone 2%
 Tanzania 2% 2%
 United Arab Emirates 2%
 Bangladesh 1%
 Indonesia 1%
 Malta 1%
 Sri Lanka 1%
 Egypt 0%

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Irreligion. Unabridged (v 1.1). Random House, Inc. (accessed: December 14, 2008).
  2. ^ GALLUP WorldView - data accessed on 17 january 2009
  3. ^ Dentsu Communication Institute 電通総研・日本リサーチセンター編「世界60カ国価値観データブック (Japanese)
  4. ^ The Largest Atheist / Agnostic Populations Zuckerman, 2005

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