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A manifesto is a public declaration of principles and intentions, often political in nature, but may also be life stance related. However, manifestos relating to religious belief are rather referred to as credo.


[edit] Etymology

Manifesto is derived from the Italian word manifesto, itself derived from the Latin manifestum. Its first recorded use in English is from 1620, in Nathaniel Brent's translation of Paolo Sarpi's History of the councel of Trent: "To this citation he made answer by a Manifesto" (p 102). Similarly, "They were so farre surprized with his Manifesto, that they would never suffer it to be published" (p 103)[1].

[edit] Electoral manifestos

In some parliamentary democracies, political parties prepare electoral manifestos which set out both their strategic direction and outlines of prospective legislation should they win sufficient support in an election to serve in government. Legislative proposals which are featured in the manifesto of a party which has won an election are often regarded as having superior legitimacy to other measures which a governing party may introduce for consideration by the legislature. Although, in recent decades the status of electoral manifestos has diminished somewhat due to a significant tendency for winning parties to, following the election, either ignore, indefinitely delay, or even outright reject manifesto policies which were popular with the public.

An alternative term, used especially in North America, is party platform.

[edit] Notable manifestos

[edit] Political

Examples of notable manifestos:

[edit] Artistic

[edit] Technology

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ Oxford English Dictionary
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