The Little Prince

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The Little Prince  
Author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Original title Le Petit Prince
Translator Katherine Woods, T.V.F. Cuffe, Irene Testot-Ferry, Alan Wakeman, Richard Howard
Illustrator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Cover artist Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Country France
Language French
Publisher Gallimard
Publication date 1943
Published in
Followed by 'Le petit prince retrouvé (1997)

The Little Prince (French: Le Petit Prince), published in 1943, is French aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's most famous novel. He wrote it in the United States while renting The Bevin House in Asharoken, New York, on Long Island. Most versions of the novella include a number of drawings by Saint-Exupéry himself.

The book has been translated into more than 180 languages and sold more than 80 million copies[1][2] making it one of the best-selling books ever. It has been adapted into a movie musical by Lerner and Loewe, two different operas, and an animated series. It is often used as a beginner's book for French language students.

Katherine Woods' classic English version (1943) was later followed by other translations, as her original version was shown to have several mistakes.[3][4] As of 2009, four additional translations[5] have been published:

Each of these translators approach the essence of the original, with their a different style and focus.[6][7]


[edit] Viewpoint

Though ostensibly a children's book, The Little Prince makes several profound and idealistic points about life and human nature. Saint-Exupéry tells of meeting a young prince in the middle of the Sahara. The essence of the book is contained in the famous lines uttered by the fox to the Little Prince: "On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (You can see clearly only with your heart. What is truly important is invisible to the eyes). Other key thematic messages are articulated by the fox, such as: "You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed" and "It is the time you have spent with your rose that makes your rose so important."

[edit] Story

The Little Prince, drawn by Saint Exupéry himself, chapter II

The narrator's point of view is interleaved in the first nine chapters and changes from third person to first person. In the first eight days of the narrator being stranded in the desert, the Prince has been telling these stories to the narrator.

The Prince asks the narrator to draw a sheep. Not knowing how to draw a sheep, the narrator draws what he knows, a boa with an elephant in its stomach, a drawing which previous viewers mistook for a hat. "No! No!", exclaims the Prince. "I don't want a boa constrictor from the inside or outside. I want a sheep!...". He tries a few sheep drawings, which the Prince rejects. Finally he draws a box, which he explains has the sheep inside. The Prince, who can see the sheep inside the box just as well as he can see the elephant in the boa, says "That's perfect".

The home asteroid or "planet" of the Little Prince is introduced. His asteroid (planet) is house-sized and named, B612, which has three volcanoes (two active, and one dormant) and a rose among various other objects. The actual naming of the asteroid B612 is an important concept in the book that illustrates the fact that adults will only believe a scientist who is dressed or acts the same way as they do. According to the book, the asteroid was sighted by a Turkish astronomer in 1909 who had then made a formal demonstration of asteroid B-612 to the International Astronomical Congress. "No one had believed him on the count of the way he was dressed." Then, he and his people dressed like Europeans and went again to present asteroid B-612 to the International Astronomical Congress and they fully believed him and this time credited him with the work.

The Prince spends his days caring for his "planet", pulling out the baobab trees that are constantly trying to take root there. The trees will make his little planet turn to dust if they are not removed. Throughout the book he is taught to be patient and to do hard work to keep his "planet" in order. The prince falls in love with the rose, who returns his love but is unable to express it. He leaves to see what the rest of the universe is like, and visits six other asteroids (numbered from 325 to 330) each of which is inhabited by an adult who is foolish in his own way:

  • The King who can apparently "control" the stars but only by ordering them to do what they would do anyway. He then relates this to his human subjects; it is the citizen's duty to obey, but only if the king's demands are reasonable. He orders the Prince to leave as his ambassador.
  • The Conceited Man who wants to be admired by everyone, but lives alone on his planet. He cannot hear anything that is not a compliment.
  • The Drunkard/Tippler who drinks to forget that he is ashamed of drinking.
The Businessman, chapter 13
  • The Businessman who is constantly busy counting the stars he thinks he owns. He wishes to use them to buy more stars. The Prince then goes on to define property. The Prince owns the flower and volcanoes on his planet because he cares for them and they care for him; but because one cannot maintain the stars or be of use to them, he argues, the Businessman cannot own them.
  • The Lamplighter who lives on an asteroid which rotates once a minute. Long ago, he was charged with the task of lighting the lamp at night and extinguishing it in the morning. At that point, the asteroid revolved at a reasonable rate, and he had time to rest. As time went on, the rotation sped up. Refusing to turn his back on his work, he now lights and extinguishes the lamp once a minute, getting no rest. The Prince empathizes with the Lamplighter, who is the only adult he meets to care about something other than himself.
  • The Geographer who spends all of his time making maps, but never leaves his desk to examine anywhere (even his own planet), considering that is the job of an explorer. The Geographer is in any case very doubting of any explorer's character and would most likely disregard the report. He does not trust things he has not seen with his own eyes, yet will not leave his desk. Out of professional interest, the geographer asks the Prince to describe his asteroid. The Prince describes the volcanoes and the rose. "We don't record flowers", says the geographer, "because they are only ephemeral". The Prince is shocked and hurt to learn that his flower will someday be gone. The geographer then recommends that he visit the Earth.

[edit] The visit to Earth

Chapter 16 begins: "So then the seventh planet was the Earth". On the Earth, he starts out in the desert and meets a snake that claims to have the power to return him to his home planet (A clever way to say that he can kill people, thus "Sending anyone he wishes back to the land from whence he came.") The Prince meets a desert-flower, who, having seen a caravan pass by, tells him that there are only a handful of men on earth and that they have no roots, which lets the wind blow them around making life hard on them. The little prince climbs the highest mountain he has ever seen. From the top of the mountain, he hopes he will see the whole planet and find people, but he sees only a desolate, craggy landscape. When the prince calls out, his echo answers him, and he mistakes it for the voices of humans. He thinks Earth is unnecessarily sharp and hard, and he finds it odd that the people of Earth only repeat what he says to them.

Eventually, the Prince comes upon a whole row of rosebushes, and is downcast because he thought that his rose was the only one in the whole universe. He begins to feel that he is not a great prince at all, as his planet contains only three tiny volcanoes and a flower he now thinks of as common. He lies down in the grass and weeps.

Chapter 21: is the author's statement about human love in that the Prince then meets and tames a fox, who explains to the Prince that his rose is unique and special, because she is the one that he loves. He also explains that in a way he has tamed the flower, as it has tamed him, and that this is why he now feels responsible for it.

Chapter 22-23:The Prince then meets a railway switchman and a merchant who provide further comments on the ridiculousness and absurdity of much of the human condition The switchman tells the Prince how passengers constantly rush from one place to another aboard trains, never satisfied with where they are and not knowing what they are after, only the children amongst them bothering to look out of the windows. The merchant tells the Prince about his product, a pill which eliminates thirst and is therefore very popular, saving people fifty-one minutes a week; the Prince replies that he would use the time to walk and find fresh water.

Chapter 24: the narrator's point of view changes again from third person to first person. The narrator is dying of thirst, but then he and the Prince find a well. After some thought, the Prince bids an emotional farewell to the narrator, explaining to him that while it will look as though he has died, he has not, but rather that his body is too heavy to take with him to his planet. He tells the narrator that it was wrong of the narrator to come and watch, as it will make him sad. The Prince allows the snake to bite him and the next morning, when the narrator looks for the Prince, he finds the boy's body has disappeared. The story ends with a portrait of the landscape where the meeting of the Prince and the narrator took place and where the snake took the Prince's life. The picture is deliberately vague but the narrator also makes a plea that anyone encountering a strange child in that area who refuses to answer questions should contact the narrator immediately.

The Little Prince is represented as having been on Earth for one year, and the narrator ends the story six years after he is rescued from the desert.

[edit] Inspiration

In The Little Prince, Saint-Exupéry talks about being marooned in the desert in a damaged aircraft. Without doubt, this account was drawn from his own experience in the Sahara. He also writes about this ordeal, in detail, in his book Wind, Sand and Stars.

On December 30, 1935 at 14:45, after an 18 hour and 36 minute flight, Saint-Exupéry, along with his navigator André Prévot, crashed in the Libyan Sahara desert en route to Saigon. They were attempting to fly from Paris to Saigon faster than anyone before them ever had; and all for a prize of 150,000 francs. Their plane was a Caudron C-600 Simoun n° 7042 (serial F-ANRY). Supposedly, the crash site is located in the Wadi Natrum. Both of them had survived the crash, but they were then faced with rapid dehydration in the Sahara. Their maps were primitive and ambiguous. Lost in the desert with a few grapes, a single orange, and some wine, the duo had only one day's worth of liquids. After that day, they had nothing. Both men began to see mirages, which were quickly followed by more vivid hallucinations. Sometime between the second and the third day, the two were so dehydrated that they stopped sweating altogether. Finally, on the fourth day, a Bedouin on a camel discovered them and administered native dehydration treatment that saved Saint-Exupéry and Prévot's lives.

In the desert, Saint-Exupéry had met a fennec (desert sand fox), which had most likely inspired him to create the fox character in the book. In a 1918 letter that he had written to his sister Didi from Cape Juby, he tells her about raising a fennec that he adored.

Patachou, Petit Garçon, by Tristan Derème, is another probable influence for The Little Prince.[citation needed]

Antoine may have drawn inspiration for the Little Prince's appearance from himself as a youth. Friends and family would call him "le Roi-Soleil" ("Sun King"), due to his golden curly hair.

The Little Prince's reassurance to the Pilot that his dying body is only an empty shell resembles the words of Antoine's younger brother François's last words: "Don't worry. I'm all right. I can't help it. It's my body" (Airman's Odyssey).

[edit] Astronomy

In 2003, a small asteroid moon, Petit-Prince (discovered in 1998), was named after the Little Prince.

There is an asteroid called 46610 Bésixdouze, which is French for "B-six-twelve". B612 was the name given the asteroid which the Little Prince lived on. In addition, the asteroid's number, 46610, is written B612 in hexadecimal notation.

In addition, asteroid 2578 Saint-Exupéry was named after the author of The Little Prince.

With a need for holding six digits of information in five digit fields for the number of real asteroids, it is now possible to have an actual asteroid designated similarly to B612: B0612. The asteroid (110612) 2001 TA142 is listed as (B0612) 2001 TA142 in the compacted lists that use A=10, B=11, etc. to extend the existing five-digit fields in many asteroid software databases.

The B612 Foundation plans to experimentally alter the orbit of an asteroid to demonstrate that the deflection of an Earth-crossing asteroid is feasible.

[edit] Sequels

In 1997, Jean-Pierre Davidts wrote what could be considered a sequel to The Little Prince, entitled Le petit prince retrouvé[8] ('The Little Prince Returns'). In this version, the narrator is a shipwrecked man who encounters the Little Prince on a lone island; the Prince has returned to find help against a tiger who threatens his sheep.[9]

Another sequel titled The Return of the Little Prince was written by former actress Ysatis de Saint-Simone, niece of Consuelo de Saint Exupery[10]

In the spring of 2007, "Les nouvelles aventures du petit prince" (The New Adventures of the Little Prince), was written by Katherine Pardue and Elisabeth Mitchell. It documents the search of a new flower for the Little Prince, because the sheep ate his rose.

[edit] Legacy

[edit] Museums

There is The Museum of The Little Prince in Hakone, featuring outdoor squares and sculptures like The B 612 Asteroid, The Lamplighter Square, the sculpture of the Little Prince. There is a large Little Prince Park, The Consuelo Rose Garden. But the main part of the museum is the indoor exhibition.

[edit] References in popular culture

  • On page 96 of An Invitation to Discrete Mathematics by Jiří Matoušek (mathematician), figure 3.5b contains a depiction of an elephant in the stomach of a boa constrictor. The graph represents the binomial distribution.
  • In The Book "One Child" by Torey Hayden, Sheila is read to from this book.
  • In the Futurama episode "The Route of All Evil", the kids Cubert and Dwight get a space paper route and can be seen delivering newspapers to The Little Prince in an asteroid belt. He is later seen being knocked from his asteroid by a newspaper, into space, where he cries 'au revoir!'
  • Kalan Porter, winner of Canadian Idol, was nicknamed "The Little Prince" due to his resemblance to the character.
  • In the Australian Soap Opera Neighbours during the 1987 Brain-tumor so, The Little Prince was discussed as being owned by Lucy Robinson (Sasha Close) and as being her favorite book.
  • In the animated series The Tick, the villain character Omnipotus, an eater of planets, is at one point seen devouring the asteroid the Little Prince inhabits.
  • In the classic space adventure game Star Control II, a constellation is described as "the snake-like creature who has swallowed the elephantine beast", a reference to the elephant-digesting boa constrictor from the Little Prince.
  • Morrissey is seen reading the book in the music video for his song "Suedehead", though his affection for the novel almost certainly stems from his admiration of James Dean.
  • In the film My Dinner with Andre, the eponymous character, a director of stage plays, declares that he sees fascist overtones in The Little Prince.
  • In the newspaper parody website The Onion, the plot of the story is related as personal experience by the ghostly founder of the newspaper in an opinion column.
  • In 2005, the book was translated into Toba, an indigenous language of Argentina, as So Shiyaxauolec Nta'a. It was the first book translated into this language since the Bible.
  • The book is one of few modern books to be translated into Latin, as Regulus.
  • The actor James Dean was so fond of the book he actually memorized most of its passages. His nickname "The Little Bastard" is a play on words of his favorite book "The Little Prince"
  • Mister Rogers was a fan of the book and had the quote "l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux" framed in his office.
  • Before France adopted the Euro as its currency, St.-Exupéry and The Little Prince were on the French 50 franc the time roughly equivalent to US$10-12. One of the anticounterfeiting measures on the banknote was microprinted text from "Le Petit Prince", visible with a strong magnifying glass.
  • In the music video for Depeche Mode's "Enjoy the Silence", the visual imagery is very close to the themes and storyline of the book. The most prominent being lead singer David Gahan being dressed like the King along with many displays of a rose, not only in the video, but on the actual album and single covers as well.
  • In the French movie Les Trois Frères, a passage from The Little Prince leads the characters to cry. They then mock it to hide their embarrassment.
  • In episode 11 of the first season of One Tree Hill - 'The Living Years' - Lucas quotes in a voice over "And the Little Prince said to the Man 'Grownups never understand anything for themselves and it is tiresome for children to be always explaining things to them'"
  • In the anime Prince of Tennis one of the characters, Shusuke Fuji, always carries a copy of "The Little Prince" in his backpack.
  • The Astroboy manga story "Astro II" opens with a picture of Astroboy dressed up like The Little Prince. Similarly, in volume 6 of Phoenix, also by Osamu Tezuka, The Little Prince is featured prominently as Makimura's favorite book.
  • In Gundam Wing, Relena Peacecraft likens Heero Yuy to The Little Prince after he falls to Earth from outer space.
  • In Hoshizora Kiseki, near the end, an English dictionary cover shows a The Little Prince allusive picture.
  • In the browser-based game Kingdom of Loathing, there used to be a time when players could look through a telescope in an observatory and see the asteroid of the prince, complete with volcanoes and a baobab tree.
  • In the movie Cat's Eye (1985) the character Amanda has a copy of The Little Prince.
  • In the webcomic Hitlercito, the main character asks for the Desert Fox referring to Rommel, and instead finds the Little Prince and the fox from the story.
  • The boardgame, Der Kleine Prinz, designed by Kai Haferkamp, and published by Kosmos, 2003, is a semi-cooperative game where the player's try to help the Little Prince "tame the fox" by performing activities and guessing games, somewhat like Cranium.
  • The Mexican cartoonist Rictus, who works for Reforma newspaper and other media, made available on the internet a short film titled "The little prince and Star Wars"
  • In the Square Enix video game, The World Ends With You, Joshua is nicknamed "the petite prince" by Kariya.
  • In the fourth novel of the Dark-Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dance With the Devil, the two main characters, Zarek and Astrid, quote various phrases from The Little Prince.
  • In the MMORPG MapleStory, "Le Petit Prince" appears as a non-player character. He is found alone in a desert map. He gives quests which involve retrieving water for his rose and returning his book to a library in another part of the game.
  • French Blogger Boulet[1] made a note about The Little Prince as the symbol of the candy fairy tales adults want their children to believe in. He encounters the Little Prince and draws him a Schroedinger sheep.
  • In an episode of Moral Orel, "Offensiveness", the librarian, Ms. Censordoll, is seen burning a copy of The Little Prince.
  • A fifth season episode of the television show Lost is entitled "The Little Prince." In that episode, a vessel with the name Besixdouze (carrying a French crew) has crashed on the Island.[11]
  • In the anime Genshiken, a copy of "The Little Prince" can be seen in the scene where Ohno spies on Ogiue.
  • in manga Katekyo Hitman Reborn the character Futa is nicknamed Le Petit Prince.

[edit] Adaptations in other media

[edit] Music

  • Chinese singer Laure Shang Wenjie's song "Qin Cheng" included a reading of quotes from the Little Prince.
  • Arizona Post-Rap aritst, KonGeror references The Little Prince in the song "Killing Kids". This song sparked and inspired the album titled "Raphood & Authenticity". The lyrics read "I'm like the little prince constantly wondering / Coming up on people who have been taught to keep stumbling / Onward stuck in a groove like a needle..." Music Page
  • Arizona folk-punk act, Andrew Jackson Jihad has a song on their split CD with Ghost Mice entitled "El Principito (The Little Prince)". The chorus refers to the Prince's journey: "I'd like to take advantage/of a flock of wild birds/to make my escape/from this planet"
  • Stephen Pierce of Amherst, MA hardcore band Ampere has a prominent tattoo of the Little Prince.
  • An Israeli song written by Yehonathan Gefen, with music by Shem Tov Levy, made the Little Prince into a fallen soldier: "The Little Prince from Company B / Will never again see a sheep eating a flower..." Hebrew lyrics.
  • Anti-Folk singer/pianist Regina Spektor has a song entitled "Baobabs", the entire song referring to The Little Prince and the effect it has on its readers.
  • French singer Mylene Farmer has recorded a song, "Dessine-moi un Mouton", which refers to the Little Prince.
  • French singer Renaud, in his song Les aventures de Gérard Lambert(1980) refers to The Little Prince who asks Gérard Lambert to draw him something.
  • Russian rock band Mashina Vremeni played a concert program in 1979-1980. It was called The Little Prince and included intersong quotations from the book. The whole concept of the program (the live version was released in 2000) was based on the story and the philosophy of the book.
  • The Spanish band, La Oreja De Van Gogh, quote a line from The Little Prince in their song, Dicen Que Dicen: "Lo que hace bello al desierto es que guarda agua en su interior" (What makes the desert beautiful is that it keeps water within itself).
  • Brian Wilson, founder and guiding light of The Beach Boys and latterly a successful solo artist, said in a June, 2007 interview that he has been collaborating with Van Dyke Parks, the composer who provided the lyrics for Wilson's acclaimed "Smile", on a new musical work entitled "Lucky Old Sun". Wilson said that it will be an adaptation in music of The Little Prince. The work will be divided into four sections, with Wilson himself providing the narration. However, when the work premiered at London's Royal Festival Hall in September 2007, there was no discernible connection with The Little Prince whatsoever.
  • The song "Little Prince" was released by American Alternative Goth Rock band Psychotica on their self titled release.
  • Jonatan Cerrada performing for France in Eurovision Song Contest 2004 presented his performance of the song À chaque pas as an adaptation of the Little Prince, with him playing the title character and the narrator being represented by a dancer on stilts. The song reflected the story's lessons about greed, love and selflessness.
  • The Kitchens of Distinction had a track on their final album Cowboys and Aliens called Prince of Mars, which was loosely based on the story.
  • Shim Chang Min of TVXQ dressed up as The Little Prince for one of their songs, "Balloons".
  • German techno band Scooter paraphrased a line from the book in their song "Weekend!" (What is essential is invisible to the eye/It's only with the heart that you can see rightly).
  • The Rammstein song Mann gegen Mann mentions the Little Prince in one of the lines. "trag ich den kleinen Prinz im Sinn" (I keep the Little Prince in mind).
  • Greek band Raining Pleasure included a song called My Planet B612 on their 1998 album "Nostalgia".
  • Rocktapussy, a DJ electro group from Chicago, IL, reference the Little Prince in the intro of their song "Ice Cream Sandwiches" - "Do you think this sheep will have to have a great deal grass, because where I live everything is very small.. There will surely be enough grass for him, it is very small sheep I have given you. Not so small that-Look!"
  • Jana Kirschner, a lead slovak singer has a song Fox, named after a character from the book. The lyrics of the song deals with the relationship of the Little Prince and the fox.
  • "In Ev'ry Star" - A song by South African singer, Nataniel which he wrote for a children's puppet theatre in 1999 and performed with Joe Niemand.
  • In 2008, Taiwan female group band S.H.E released a song entitled "Planet 612", which pays tribute to The Little Prince.
  • The video clip of Moby's popular "Why does my heart feel so bad" resembles the story of The Little Prince.
  • "Children's Song" the 8th track of Mira Furlan's CD Songs From Movies That Have Never Been Made contains spoken quotations from this story, and other children's classic stories.
  • Shin Hye Sung ,a popular Korean singer has the nickname 'little prince'. He had a fanmeeting at Japan with the theme ' le petit chamber'. He also drew a fox image which resembles the character in the book especially for the fanmeeting.

[edit] Film and television

  • In the 1940s/50s, Walt Disney considered making The Little Prince into an animated movie, but it was never produced.
  • In the Walt Disney TV movie Eloise at the Plaza The Little Prince played an important part in the Prince's plot. His mother read the book to him and several quotes from the book appeared in the movie as well.
  • In 1966 Soviet Lithuanian film Malenkiy prints was made by Arūnas Žebriūnas.
  • A film musical adaptation titled The Little Prince was made in 1974. This film is notable chiefly in that it marked the penultimate collaboration of composer Frederick Loewe and lyricist Alan Jay Lerner, and was their final musical. The authors were dissatisfied with the film's Hollywood treatment. Loewe refused to visit London to supervise the arrangement and recording of the score. The film was unsuccessful at the box office, but has become somewhat of a cult classic and is again available.
  • In 1979, Will Vinton Studios produced a claymation adaptation of the book. This short feature, narrated by actor Cliff Robertson, was one of Vinton's first claymation productions.
  • The Adventures of The Little Prince, a Japanese anime series based on the book, aired in Europe and North America in the 1980s. The show was made by the Knack animation studio and first aired in Japan in 1978 under the title Hoshi no Ōjisama Puchi Purinsu (星の王子さま プチ・プリンス ?, Prince of the Stars: Petit Prince). In it, the Little Prince often traveled to Earth to help people. During the 1980s, the English-language version was aired in the United States on Nickelodeon, as internationally-produced animation often was. The English version featured Julie Dees (later voiced by veteran voice actress Katie Leigh) in the role of the Little Prince and is available on DVD from Koch Vision.
  • Der Kleine Prinz is a cartoon animation of the book produced by German director Theo Kerp and released in 1990.
  • In the short tale, "Kazari and Yoko," of the Japanese horror series, "Zoo," the kind woman gives Yoko the story of "The Little Prince" as a keepsake.
  • The book and the famous quote from it[clarification needed] are featured in the 1982 film Missing starring Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek.
  • An episode of the television show LOST (Season 5, Episode 4) is named The Little Prince.
  • The film Picture Claire (starring Juliet Lewis and Callum Keith Rennie) includes several references, including animations, to The Little Prince.

[edit] Theatre

  • An audio adaptation was made in 1954, with the French actor Gérard Philipe as the narrator, Jacques Grello as the fox, and Georges Poujouly as the Little Prince.
  • A 1981 musical theatre adaptation entitled The Little Prince and the Aviator closed prior to its Broadway opening.
  • A French-language musical, Le Petit Prince, by composer Riccardo Cocciante, ran at the Casino de Paris from October 2002 to January 2003. Daniel Lavoie played the Pilot while Jeff Tetedoie played the Little Prince. It was revived at Shanghai Oriental Art Centre in July 2007, and in the Hong Kong Cultural Centre in January 2008.[12]
  • A play adaptation, The Little Prince, was written by Rick Cummins and John Scoullar in 2000.
  • Peter Joucla adapted and directed a version for Tour de Force Theatre which toured Germany between October and December 2005, produced by American Drama Group Europe.[13][14]
  • The book was adapted into the play The Little Prince by Andy Arden Reese in 2007.
  • The book was adapted into a play, The Little Prince, adapted and directed by Anthony Clark, with music by Mark Vibrans. It was first performed at Contact Theatre in Manchester in 1986, and revived at Hampstead Theatre, December 2008 - January 2009.
  • The book was adapted into a play in India, The Little Prince, adapted by Capt.Rigved and performed by Rashi Bunny,2008-2009.

[edit] Opera

  • Russian composer Lev Knipper composed an opera, The Little Prince in 1964.
  • An opera, The Little Prince, based on the book was composed by Rachel Portman. It had its stage premiere in 2003 at the Houston Grand Opera in Houston, Texas starring Nate Irvin as the Prince and Teddy Tahu Rhodes in the role of the Pilot. It was broadcast on BBC2 in the UK on 27 November 2004 as a studio-filmed production starring Joseph McManners as the Prince and Teddy Tahu Rhodes as the Pilot.
  • Another 2003 opera, The Little Prince, composed by the German composer Nikolaus Schapfl, premiered in Salzburg in 2003 after first obtaining the rights by the author's heirs in 1998.[citation needed] The opera is in two acts and calls for 11 soloists, chorus and orchestra. It has remained popular. As of 2007, it has been performed in seven other European Cities by five different orchestras and ensembles. In 2005 it was broadcast by the Bavarian Classic Radio.

[edit] Radio

  • BBC Radio 4 broadcast on 1 January 2000 a dramatisation by Bonnie Greer of a new translation into English of The Little Prince. It starred Robert Powell as the aviator and narrator, Garrett Moore as the Little Prince, and Bernard Cribbins as the king, the drunkard, and the lamplighter. An audio cassette recording is available in the BBC Radio Collection series.

[edit] Literature

  • Popular romance author Danielle Steel opens the book "Impossible" with a passage from "The Little Prince"
  • The book is referenced many times in Sherrilyn Kenyon's book "Dance with The Devil" (a Dark-Hunter Novel)

[edit] Comic book

  • French artist Joann Sfar drew an adaptation of The Little Prince which was released in 2008 by Glénat in France.

[edit] References

The little prince of chinese Le Petit Prince

[edit] External links

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