List of NP-complete problems

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Here are some of the more commonly known problems that are NP-complete when expressed as decision problems. This list is in no way comprehensive (there are more than 3000 known NP-complete problems). Most of the problems in this list are taken from Garey and Johnson's seminal book Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness, and are here presented in the same order and organization.


[edit] Computational geometry

[edit] Graph theory

[edit] Covering and partitioning

NP-complete special cases include the edge dominating set problem, i.e., the dominating set problem in line graphs. NP-complete variants include the connected dominating set problem.
This is the same problem as coloring the complement of the given graph[9].
NP-complete special cases include the minimum maximal matching problem,[16] which is essentially equal to the edge dominating set problem (see above).

[edit] Subgraphs and supergraphs

[edit] Vertex ordering

[edit] Iso- and other morphisms

[edit] Miscellaneous

[edit] Network design

[edit] Spanning trees

[edit] Cuts and connectivity

[edit] Routing problems

[edit] Flow problems

[edit] Miscellaneous

[edit] Sets and partitions

[edit] Covering, hitting, and splitting

[edit] Weighted set problems

[edit] Set partitions

[edit] Storage and retrieval

[edit] Data storage

[edit] Compression and representation

[edit] Database problems

[edit] Sequencing and scheduling

[edit] Sequencing on one processor

[edit] Multiprocessor scheduling

[edit] Shop scheduling

[edit] Miscellaneous

[edit] Mathematical programming

[edit] Algebra and number theory

[edit] Divisibility problems

[edit] Solvability of equations

[edit] Miscellaneous

[edit] Games and puzzles

[edit] Logic

[edit] Propositional logic

[edit] Miscellaneous

[edit] Automata and language theory

[edit] Automata theory

[edit] Formal languages

[edit] Program optimization

[edit] Code generation

[edit] Programs and schemes

[edit] Miscellaneous

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Minimum Weight Triangulation is NP-Hard, 22nd SCG (2006)
  2. ^ H. Breu and David G. Kirkpatrick. "Unit Disk Graph Recognition is NP-hard." Comput. Geom. Theory Appl., 9(1-2):3--24, 1998
  3. ^ "Assembly Into Two Connected Parts Is NP-Complete", Inf. Proc. Letters 55 (1995), 159-165.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u Karp (1972)
  5. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT1
  6. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT2
  7. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT3
  8. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT4
  9. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT15
  10. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT5
  11. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT6
  12. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT7
  13. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT8
  14. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT9
  15. ^ Minimum Independent Dominating Set
  16. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT10
  17. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT11
  18. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT12
  19. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT13
  20. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT14
  21. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT16
  22. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT17
  23. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT18
  24. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT19
  25. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT20
  26. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT23
  27. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT24
  28. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT25
  29. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT26
  30. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT27
  31. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT28
  32. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT29
  33. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT30
  34. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT31
  35. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT32
  36. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT33
  37. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT34
  38. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT35
  39. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT36
  40. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT37
  41. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT38
  42. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT39
  43. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT40
  44. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT41
  45. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT42
  46. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT43
  47. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT44
  48. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT45
  49. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT46
  50. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT47
  51. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT48
  52. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT49
  53. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT50
  54. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT51
  55. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT52
  56. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT53
  57. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT54
  58. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT55
  59. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT56
  60. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT57
  61. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT58
  62. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT59
  63. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT60
  64. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT61
  65. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT62
  66. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT63
  67. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT64
  68. ^ Garey–Johnson: GT65

[edit] References

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