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The Requiem (pl. Requiems, only the vulgar plural form exists since it is named after the first word of the text, from Latin requiro, 1s pr act sub, "I shall ask") or Requiem Mass (informally, a funeral Mass), also known formally in Latin as the Missa pro defunctis ("mass for the departed") or Missa defunctorum ("mass of the departed"), is a liturgical service of the Roman Catholic Church, Anglo-Catholic Anglicans, and certain Lutheran Churches in the United States. It is also called a "mass for the dead". There is also a requiem, with a wholly different ritual form and texts, observed in the Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Churches. The common theme of requiems is prayer for the salvation of the soul(s) of the departed, and it is used both at services immediately preceding a burial and on occasions of more general remembrance.
"Requiem" is also the title of various musical compositions used in such liturgical services or as concert pieces as settings of the portions of that Mass which have been traditionally sung in the Roman Catholic liturgy.
While prayers in the regular Mass, such as the Introit and Gradual, change according to the Calendar of Saints, the text for the requiem Mass is particularly fixed. Originally such funeral musical compositions were meant to be performed in liturgical service, with monophonic chant. Eventually the dramatic character began to appeal to composers to an extent that they made the requiem a genre of its own.
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[edit] The Roman Rite liturgy
This use of the word requiem comes from the opening words of the Introit: Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat eis. (Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them.) The requiem form of the Tridentine Mass differs from the ordinary Mass in omitting certain joyful passages, such as the Alleluia, in never having the Gloria or the Credo, in adding the sequence Dies Iræ, in altering the Agnus Dei, in replacing Ite missa est with Requiescant in pace, and in omitting the final blessing. These distinctions have not been kept in the Roman Rite as revised after the Second Vatican Council.
The regular texts of the musical portions to be found in the Roman Catholic liturgy are the following:
- Introit:
This is Greek (Κύριε ἐλέησον, Χριστὲ ἐλέησον, Κύριε ἐλέησον) Traditionally, each utterance is sung three times.
- Gradual:
- Tract:
- Sequence:
(See Dies Iræ for full text)
- Offertory:
- Agnus Dei, text as the Agnus Dei in the Ordinary of the Mass, but with the petitions miserere nobis changed to dona eis requiem, and dona nobis pacem to dona eis requiem sempiternam:
- Communion:
As with the regular Sunday or ferial Mass in penitential seasons, the Gloria (from the Ordinary) is always omitted in a Requiem Mass. In the Tridentine form of the Roman Rite and Alleluia (from the Proper) is also omitted, as being overly joyful, and is replaced by the Tract. Likewise, the Credo (which, like the Gloria, is used in the ordinary Mass only on more solemn feasts) is never used in the Requiem Mass. The Dies iræ was rendered optional in 1967 and was omitted altogether from the revised Mass in 1969; at the same time, the Tract was abolished and the Alleluia added to the Requiem Mass, except in Lent, when it is replaced also at ordinary Masses by a less joyful acclamation.
The Requiem Mass is often followed by Absolution of the dead, which in turn will proceed to the burial of the body in the case of an actual funeral service.
[edit] Musical compositions
For many centuries the texts of the requiem were sung to Gregorian melodies. The Requiem by Johannes Ockeghem, written sometime in the latter half of the 15th century, is the earliest surviving polyphonic setting. There was a setting by the elder composer Dufay, possibly earlier, which is now lost: Ockeghem's may have been modelled on it.[1] Many early requiems employ different texts that were in use in different liturgies around Europe before the Council of Trent set down the texts given above. The requiem of Brumel, circa 1500, is the first to include the Dies Iræ. In the early polyphonic settings of the Requiem, there is considerable textural contrast within the compositions themselves: simple chordal or fauxbourdon-like passages are contrasted with other sections of contrapuntal complexity, such as in the Offertory of Ockeghem's Requiem.[1]
In the 16th century, more and more composers set the Requiem mass. In contrast to practice in setting the Mass Ordinary, many of these settings used a cantus-firmus technique, something which had become quite archaic by mid-century. In addition, these settings used less textural contrast than the early settings by Ockeghem and Brumel, although the vocal scoring was often richer, for example in the six-voice Requiem by Jean Richafort which he wrote for the death of Josquin des Prez.[1] Other composers who wrote Requiems before 1550 include Pedro de Escobar, Antoine de Févin, Cristóbal Morales, and Pierre de La Rue; that by La Rue is probably the second oldest, after Ockeghem's.
Over 2,000 requiems have been composed to the present day. Typically the Renaissance settings, especially those not written on the Iberian Peninsula, may be performed a cappella (i.e. without necessary accompanying instrumental parts), whereas beginning around 1600 composers more often preferred to use instruments to accompany a choir, and also include vocal soloists. There is great variation between compositions in how much of liturgical text is set to music.
Most composers omit sections of the liturgical prescription, most frequently the Gradual and the Tract. Fauré omits the Dies iræ, while the very same text had often been set by French composers in previous centuries as a stand-alone work.
Sometimes composers divide an item of the liturgical text into two or more movements; because of the length of its text, the Dies iræ is the most frequently divided section of the text (as with Mozart, for instance). The Introit and Kyrie, being immediately adjacent in the actual Roman Catholic liturgy, are often composed as one movement.
Musico-thematic relationships among movements of Requiems can be found as well.
[edit] Added movements
Some settings contain additional texts, such as the devotional motet Pie Jesu (in the settings of Dvořák, Fauré, and Duruflé—Fauré set it as a soprano solo in the center). Libera me (from the Absolution) and In paradisum (from the burial service, which in the case of a funeral follows after the Mass) conclude some compositions. Other added movements have been composed as well, such as the English Psalms Out of the Deep and The Lord is My Shepherd included in John Rutter's setting.
[edit] Libera Me
[edit] In paradisum
[edit] Pie Jesu
The Pie Jesu combines and paraphrases of the final verse of the Dies irae and the Agnus Dei.
[edit] Concert requiems
Beginning in the 18th century and continuing through the 19th, many composers wrote what are effectively concert requiems, which by virtue of employing forces too large, or lasting such a considerable duration, prevent them being readily used in an ordinary funeral service; the requiems of Gossec, Berlioz, Verdi, and Dvořák are essentially dramatic concert oratorios. A counter-reaction to this tendency came from the Cecilian movement, which recommended restrained accompaniment for liturgical music, and frowned upon the use of operatic vocal soloists.
[edit] Non-Roman Catholic requiems
Requiem is also used to describe any sacred composition that sets to music religious texts which would be appropriate at a funeral, or to describe such compositions for liturgies other than the Roman Catholic Mass. Among the earliest examples of this type are the German requiems composed in the 17th century by Heinrich Schütz and Michael Praetorius, whose works are Lutheran adaptations of the Roman Catholic requiem, and which provided inspiration for the mighty German Requiem by Brahms.[2]
Such requiems would include:
- Greek Orthodox Church—Parastas
- Russian Orthodox Church—Panikhida
- Lutheran (German) requiems
- Anglican (English) requiems
[edit] Eastern Orthodox Requiem
In the Eastern Orthodox and Greek-Catholic Churches, the requiem is the fullest form of memorial service (Greek: Parastas, Slavonic: Panikhida). The normal memorial service is a greatly abbreviated form of Matins, but the Requiem contains all of the psalms, readings, and hymns normally found the All-Night Vigil (which combines the Canonical Hours of Vespers, Matins and First Hour), providing a complete set of propers for the departed. The full requiem will last around three and a half hours. In this format it more clearly represents the original concept of parastas, which means literally, "standing throughout (the night)." Often, there will be a Divine Liturgy celebrated the next morning with further propers for the departed.
Because of their great length, full requiems are rarely served. However, at least in the Russian liturgical tradition, a Requiem will often be served on the eve before the Glorification (canonization) of a saint, in a special service known as the "Last Panikhida."
[edit] Anglican burial service
The Anglican Book of Common Prayer contains seven texts which are collectively known as "funeral sentences"; several composers have written settings of these seven texts, which are generally known collectively as a "burial service." Composers who have set the Anglican burial service to music include Thomas Morley, Orlando Gibbons, and Henry Purcell. The text of these seven sentences, from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer, is:
- I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.
- I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another.
- We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the Name of the Lord.
- Man that is born of a woman hath but a short time to live, and is full of misery. He cometh up, and is cut down, like a flower; he fleeth as it were a shadow, and never continueth in one stay.
- In the midst of life we are in death: of whom may we seek for succour, but of thee, O Lord, who for our sins art justly displeased? Yet, O Lord God most holy, O Lord most mighty, O holy and most merciful Saviour, deliver us not into the bitter pains of eternal death.
- Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts; shut not thy merciful ears to our prayer; but spare us, Lord most holy, O God most mighty, O holy and merciful Saviour, thou most worthy judge eternal, suffer us not, at our last hour, for any pains of death, to fall from thee.
- I heard a voice from heaven, saying unto me, Write, From henceforth blessed are the dead which die in the Lord: even so saith the Spirit: for they rest from their labours.
[edit] Recent developments
In the 20th century the requiem evolved in several new directions. The genre of war requiems is perhaps the most notable, which comprise of compositions dedicated to the memory of people killed in wartime. These often include extra-liturgical poems of a pacifist or non-liturgical nature; for example, the War Requiem of Benjamin Britten juxtaposes the Latin text with the poetry of Wilfred Owen, and Robert Steadman's Mass in Black intersperses environmental poetry and prophecies of Nostradamus. Holocaust requiems may be regarded as a specific subset of this type. The World Requiem of John Foulds was written in the aftermath of the First World War and initiated the Royal British Legion's annual festival of remembrance. Recent requiem works by Taiwanese composers Tyzen Hsiao and Fan-Long Ko follow in this tradition, honouring victims of the 2-28 Incident and subsequent White Terror.
Lastly, the 20th century saw the development of secular requiems, written for public performance without specific religious observance (e.g., Kabalevsky's War Requiem, to poems by Robert Rozhdestvensky). Herbert Howells's unaccompanied Requiem uses Psalm 23 ("The Lord is my shepherd"), Psalm 121 ("I will lift up mine eyes"), "Salvator mundi" ("O Saviour of the world," in English), "Requiem aeternam" (two different settings), and "I heard a voice from heaven." Some composers have written purely instrumental works bearing the title of requiem, as famously exemplified by Britten's Sinfonia da Requiem. Hans Werner Henze's Das Floß der Medusa, written in 1968 as a requiem for Che Guevara, is properly speaking an oratorio; Henze's Requiem is instrumental but retains the traditional Latin titles for the movements. Igor Stravinsky's Requiem canticles mixes instrumental movements with segments of the "Introit," "Dies irae," "Pie Jesu," and "Libera me."
One of the most recent compositions referencing a Requiem is the orchestral piece Requiem for a Dream, written by Clint Mansell. The most basic interpretation of the song is that somehow this dreamer is unable to live out his or her hopes, and the song is a way of saying the oppression of this dream is an injustice.
[edit] Famous Requiems
- See also: Requiems
Many composers have written Requiems. Some of the most famous include:
- Ockeghem's Requiem, the earliest to survive, written sometime in the mid-to-late 15th century
- Victoria's Requiem of 1603, (part of a longer Office for the Dead)
- Mozart's Requiem in D minor (Mozart died before its completion)
- Berlioz' Grande Messe des Morts
- Verdi's Requiem
- Brahms' Ein deutsches Requiem, based on passages from Luther's Bible.
- Fauré's Requiem in D minor
- Dvořák's Requiem, Op. 89
- Britten's War Requiem, which incorporated poems by Wilfred Owen.
- Duruflé's Requiem, based almost exclusively on the chants from the Graduale Romanum.
- Rutter's Requiem, includes selected Psalms.
- Ligeti's Requiem
- Lennie Tristano's Requiem on Atlantic release "Tristano"
Benjamin Britten's Sinfonia da Requiem and Arthur Honegger's Symphonie Liturgique use titles from the traditional Requiem as subtitles of movements.
[edit] Other Requiem composers
[edit] Renaissance
- Giovanni Francesco Anerio
- Gianmatteo Asola
- Giulio Belli
- Antoine Brumel
- Manuel Cardoso
- Joan Cererols
- Pierre Certon
- Clemens non Papa
- Guillaume Dufay (lost)
- Pedro de Escobar
- Antoine de Févin
- Francisco Guerrero
- Jacobus de Kerle
- Orlande de Lassus
- Duarte Lobo
- Jean Maillard
- Jacques Mauduit
- Manuel Mendes
- Cristóbal de Morales
- Johannes Ockeghem (the earliest to survive)
- Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
- Costanzo Porta
- Johannes Prioris
- Jean Richafort
- Pierre de la Rue
- Claudin de Sermisy
- Jacobus Vaet
- Tomás Luis de Victoria
[edit] Baroque
- Heinrich Ignaz Franz von Biber
- André Campra
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier
- Johann Joseph Fux
- Jean Gilles
- Antonio Lotti (Requiem in F Major)
- Claudio Monteverdi (lost)
- Michael Praetorius
- Heinrich Schütz
- Jan Dismas Zelenka
[edit] Classical period
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- Luigi Cherubini
- Florian Leopold Gassmann
- François-Joseph Gossec
- Michael Haydn
- Andrea Luchesi
- José Maurício Nunes Garcia
- Antonio Salieri
[edit] Romantic era
- Hector Berlioz
- João Domingos Bomtempo
- Johannes Brahms
- Anton Bruckner
- Ferruccio Busoni
- Carl Czerny
- Gaetano Donizetti
- Antonín Dvořák
- Gabriel Fauré
- Charles Gounod
- Franz Liszt
- Giacomo Puccini
- Max Reger
- Camille Saint-Saëns
- Robert Schumann
- Franz von Suppé
- Charles Villiers Stanford
- Giuseppe Verdi
- Richard Wetz
- See also: Messa per Rossini
[edit] 20th century
- Ray Vincent Adams
- Mark Alburger
- Malcolm Archer
- Vyacheslav Artyomov
- Osvaldas Balakauskas
- Benjamin Britten
- Vladimir Dashkevich
- Edison Denisov
- Alfred Desenclos
- Ralph Dunstan
- Maurice Duruflé
- Hans Werner Henze
- Herbert Howells
- Karl Jenkins
- Alemdar Karamanov
- Joonas Kokkonen
- Cyrillus Kreek
- György Ligeti
- Andrew Lloyd Webber
- Fernando Lopes-Graça
- Frigyes Hidas
- Frank Martin
- Krzysztof Penderecki
- Ildebrando Pizzetti
- Jocelyn Pook
- Zbigniew Preisner
- Christopher Rouse
- John Rutter
- Shigeaki Saegusa
- Alfred Schnittke
- Valentin Silvestrov
- Robert Steadman
- Igor Stravinsky
- Toru Takemitsu
- John Tavener
- Virgil Thomson
- Erkki-Sven Tüür
- Malcolm Williamson
[edit] 21st century
- Björk, (Heartbeat aka 'Prayer of the Heart')
- Christian Favre
- Carlo Forlivesi
- Jocelyn Hagen
- Tyzen Hsiao
- Karl Jenkins
- Fan-Long Ko
- Kentaro Sato
- Somtow Sucharitkul
- Savage Sun
- Mack Wilberg
[edit] Requiems by language (other than Latin)
English with Latin
- Ray Vincent Adams
- Benjamin Britten
- Evgeni Kostitsyn
- Herbert Howells
- John Rutter
- Mack Wilberg
- Somtow Sucharitkul
French, English, German with Latin
Polish with Latin
- Sergei Taneyev - Cantata John of Damascus, Op.1 (Text by Alexey Tolstoy)
- Dmitri Kabalevsky - War Requiem (Text by Robert Rozhdestvensky)
- Elena Firsova - Requiem, Op.100 (Text by Anna Akhmatova)
- Vladimir Dashkevich - Requiem (Text by Anna Akhmatova)
- Tyzen Hsiao - Ilha Formosa: Requiem for Formosa's Martyrs, 2001 (Text by Min-yung Lee, 1994)
- Fan-Long Ko - 2-28 Requiem, 2008. (Text by Li Kuei-Hsien)
- Benjamin Britten - Sinfonia de Requiem
- Carlo Forlivesi - Requiem, for 8-channel tape
- Hans Werner Henze - Requiem (instrumental)
[edit] See also
[edit] Notes
[edit] External links
- Alphabetical Requiems Survey
- Online Guide to Requiem
- Writing - The Requiem Mass : A Literal Translation
"Masses of Requiem". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913.