Comic Book Archive file

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ComicBook Reader File
Filename extension .cbr, .cbz, .cbt, .cba, .cb7 (containers)
Internet media type application/x-cbr
Type of format Multimedia, archive file

Comic Book Archive file or ComicBook Reader File is a type of archive file for the purpose of sequential viewing of images, especially comic books. The idea was made popular by the CDisplay image viewer; since then, many viewers for different platforms have been created.


[edit] Design

Comic Book Archive files mainly consist of a series of image files, typically PNG or JPEG files, compressed using one of several popular methods. The file extension indicates the archive format used:


Occasionally GIF, BMP, and TIFF files are seen. The file names inside an archive are usually numbered in ascending order according to the original page number.

[edit] Adoption

Comic Book Archive viewers offer various dedicated functions to read the content, like one page forward/backwards, go to first/last page, zoom or print.

CDisplay was the first application to support the CBR format. CDisplayEx, a free and open source clone of CDisplay, expands upon many features of the original CDisplay. For users of the GNOME desktop environment, the Evince document viewer includes support for the format and users of the KDE 4 desktop environment can use Okular. Comical and Comix are other easy-to-use GUI comic book viewers . For Mac OS X, several reader programs are available, including FFView [1], Jomic[2], and ComicBookLover, an iTunes-like application for CBR and CBZ archives. The Mac OS X image viewer Xee also supports both Comic Book Archive formats.

[edit] Notable examples

The following comics are Creative Commons and can be used to test Comic Book Archive viewers.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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