MTV Generation

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The MTV Generation is a term sometimes used to refer to people in between Generation X and Generation Y. Their early psychosocial exposure to these factors is thought to have been unprecedented and resulted in a peculiar, homogenous youth culture defined by a deep appreciation of the fashion trends, perspective, attitude and music popularized by MTV and similar media (Viva, Triple J etc.) that rose to prominence in the late 1980s. Also note that "[w]ith the proliferation of technology, the internet, beepers and cell phones have become social lifelines for this generation. They are technology savvy, independent and resourceful."[1]

In the Generations theory of William Strauss and Neil Howe, it can either be seen as a cusp between Generation X (1961-1981) and the Millennial Generation (1982-2001)[2], or as a separate generation or wave similar to Generation Jones.[3] Biologically they were born during the upsweep in birth numbers of the baby bust between the babybooms of 1946-64 (the Census Bureau classification of the baby boomers) and 1987-94.[4]


[edit] History

An early recognition of this age range came in 1993 when AdAge published an editorial using the first known use of the term "Gen Y" to describe those born between 1974-1983. This was an attempt to note the differences between teenagers of the early 1990s vs those of the 1980s.[5] In the book "When Generations Collide" the authors mention that those born between 1975-80 belong to an Xr Millennial Cusp, possessing the qualities associated of both generations.[6] The book "Generations at Work- Managing the clash between Veterans, Boomers, Xrs, and Nexters in your workplace" refer to this group as "Gold Collar" employees due to their tech skills.[7] There have also been a few studies posted online including "The Net Generation" by Joshua Glenn which spans between 1974-1983[8] and "Census Scope"[9] which features Gen Y as spanning from 1976-1985.

The phrase was featured on The Simpsons in the 1992 episode "Homer's Triple Bypass", with the characters Bart and Lisa referring to themselves as such, describing the MTV Generation as ones that "feel neither highs nor lows". When Homer asks what it's like, Lisa replies "meh".

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^
  2. ^ William Strauss & Neil Howe. (1997). The Fourth turning: An American prophecy. New York, NY: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc.
  3. ^ About Generation Jones (2007) Retrieved February 5th 2007
  4. ^ CDC Report (January 11, 2007) National Center for Health Statistics. Retrieved February 5th, 2007
  5. ^ "Who's filling Gen Y's Shoes"? by Pete Markiewicz., Retrieved June 25th 2008.
  6. ^ When Generations Collide- Who they are. Why they clash. How to solve the generational puzzle at work. Lancaster, Stillman. 2002 New York. Ch. 3 Pg. 38
  7. ^ Generations at Work- Managing the clash between Veterans, Boomers, Xrs, and Nexters in your workplace. Zemke, Raines, Filipczak. 2000 New York Ch. 4 Pg. 105
  8. ^ Joshua Glenn .The Net Generation. Retrieved June 25th, 2008
  9. ^ United States Dominate Generations. CensusScope. Retrieved June 25th, 2008

[edit] External links

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