Enneagram of Personality
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The Enneagram of Personality—usually known simply as the Enneagram —is a particular application of the Fourth Way enneagram figure. The Enneagram system describes nine distinct personality types and their interrelationships, mapped around an ancient symbol of perpetual motion.[1] This is now the most well-known use of this particular enneagram figure.[2]
The term "enneagram" derives from two Greek words, ennea (nine) and grammi (line). The Enneagram is a nine-pointed figure inscribed in a circle. The meaning of the symbol itself, together with the personality types organized around the nine points, convey a system of "knowledge" about nine distinct but interrelated personality types, or nine ways of seeing and experiencing the world. [3] The Enneagram of Personality is generally presented as a psychospiritual system for mapping and understanding nine possible personality types.[4]
Although mostly understood and taught as a typology (a model of personality types),[5] the Enneagram of Personality is also taught in ways intended to develop higher states of being, essence and enlightenment.[6] Each personality type associated with the Enneagram represents a map of traits that highlights patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. By learning one’s type and the patterns and habits associated with that type, one can use the Enneagram system as an effective tool for self-understanding and self-development.[7]
Adherents of the theory believe that each Enneagram personality type, or style, is based on a pattern of where attention goes. They believe that by learning about what kinds of things one habitually attends to and puts energy into, one can observe oneself more accurately and develop more self-awareness, and that by enhancing one’s self awareness with the help of the Enneagram, one can exercise more choice about one’s functioning rather than engaging in patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior in an automatic, habitual, unconscious way.[8]
In recent decades, the term Enneatype has been used in many mainstream publications on the subject (in lieu of "Enneagram personality type"). This system is being applied in many varied areas including business, psychotherapy, organizational development, career coaching, the arts, health care, parenting, education, and spiritual growth.
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[edit] Enneagram figure
The enneagram figure possibly originated around 2500 BC.[9] It is composed of three parts, the circle, the inner triangle, and the "periodic figure". According to esoteric spiritual traditions,[10] the circle symbolizes unity, the inner triangle symbolizes the "law of three", and the hexagonal periodic figure represents the "law of seven". These three elements constitute the Enneagram.[11]
[edit] Development
[edit] George Gurdjieff
The Enneagram symbol was first brought to the attention of the modern world by G. I. Gurdjieff, the originator of a school of spiritual work near Paris in the 1930s. Although Gurdjieff used the Enneagram diagram to describe possibilities of human development, his concept of the diagram was related to the symbolic communication of ancient knowledge and the "self-work" process through which individuals can acquire insight rather than to the categorizing of personality styles.[12] [13]
[edit] Oscar Ichazo
Oscar Ichazo assigned descriptions to each of the nine positions on the Enneagram diagram he called the Enneagram of Ego Fixations, which was the origination of the Enneagram of Personality as we know it today. The popular use of the Enneagram of personality began principally with Claudio Naranjo who had studied with Ichazo in Chile but was asked to leave before the intensive 1971 training had finished. Ichazo considers Naranjo's understanding of the Enneagram to be limited and incomplete, although Naranjo's Enneagram teachings, and those of other Enneagram teachers, have been more influential in popularizing familiarity of the Enneagram figure than any available works by Ichazo.
Ichazo from the 1960s on taught a program of self-development work that he called "Protoanalysis" that used, among many other symbols and ideas, the Enneagram.
Ichazo founded the Arica Institute, originally based in Chile. The contemporary Arica School offers trainings around the world in various aspects of Ichazo's work.
[edit] Claudio Naranjo
Claudio Naranjo, a Chilean-born, American-trained psychiatrist who had explored theories of personality extensively, studied with Ichazo and took Ichazo's teaching and further developed it, articulating the nine types in Western psychological terms. Naranjo then brought his understanding of the Enneagram system to Berkeley (the city, not the university) in the early 1970s, where he taught it to students in the context of his own program of self-development work.[14]
Based on material first taught by Claudio Naranjo, Helen Palmer, Don Riso, Russ Hudson, Patrick O'Leary, Richard Rohr, Elizabeth Wagele and others published the first widely-read books on the Enneagram in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
[edit] The nine types
According to Enneagram of Personality theory, the points of the enneagram figure indicate a number of ways in which nine principal ego-archetypal forms or types of human personality ("Enneatypes") are psychologically connected.[15]
People of each Enneatype are usually referred to after the number of the point on the enneagram figure (Eights, Fours, Sixes etc.) that indicates their particular psychological space and 'place' of connection to the other types. They are also often given names that suggest some of their more distinctive archetypal characteristics.[16]
Brief descriptions of the nine Enneatypes are as follows:
[edit] Ones
The One's attention goes to appreciating the excellence and elegance in anything such as a shape, musical score, a piece of art or a speech; to noticing and correcting errors; to identifying and adhering to standards of perfection in thought, feeling and behavior; to acting according to what is right or wrong; and to judging and criticizing oneself and others.[17] The defensive coping strategy at the root of Type One's makeup is based on the internalization of a critical and judgmental parental voice. This voice is designed to call attention to and correct one's behavior before it becomes punishable. [18] Major traits include a strong internal critic, a tendency to criticize or judge others, a concern with ethics and correct behavior, and the adherence to rules and standards. Ones also tend to be perfectionists and idealists. [19] [20] In terms of strengths, Ones are typically reliable, analytical, and moral. They often demonstrate integrity (consistent adherence to a set of values) and a desire to improve things for the good of all. Challenges for Ones include dealing with their own anger, managing their perfectionism, and being overly critical of self and others. [21]
- Ego fixation: resentment
- Holy idea: perfection
- Passion/Vice: anger
- Virtue: serenity [22]
[edit] Twos
The Two's attention goes to interpersonal relationships and paying attention to important people, to giving to others, and to gaining approval. [23] The defensive coping strategy at the root of Type Two is based on giving and maintaining connections with important others in an effort to get one's own (often unconscious) needs met. Early in their lives, most Twos had the experience of not getting their needs met, especially their emotional needs. [24] Major traits: Twos can be upbeat and cheerful, and they pride themselves on intuitively knowing what others need, often believing that they know what is best for others. [25] However, this outward focus on others may mask a less confident inner self, Twos often have difficulty identifying their own needs or getting them met directly. Twos can be very empathic, friendly, and giving, and yet may become resentful if their generosity is not appreciated or reciprocated. [26][27] Strengths: Twos often make friends easily, can be thoughtful, attentive and fun-loving, and they also tend to be competent and driven. [28] Challenges: Twos often neglect their own needs, try to indirectly orchestrate the behavior of other people, and can be fearful of real intimacy with others. [29]
- Ego fixation: flattery
- Holy idea: freedom
- Passion/Vice: pride
- Virtue: humility[22]
[edit] Threes
The Three's attention goes to setting goals and hitting their targets, to success and creating the "right" image in the eyes of others, and to doing rather than being. Type Three is the prototype of being identified with a persona. Thus, they often mistakenly believe that they are their façade. Although all the types do this to some degree, Type Three's character is formed around this mistaken identification with a desired image. [30][31] The defensive coping strategy driving the Three is based on an early experience of being valued for what they did, not who they were. [32] They perform and achieve in order to earn the approval and respect of others. Being preoccupied with doing, Threes can often be unaware of the fact that they numb themselves to their own emotions, because feelings can get in the way of doing and achieving. . [33][32] Major traits include an excessive focus on work and tasks, concern with image and the approval of others, and a competitive striving for status and recognition. [31] Strengths: Threes can be industrious, energetic, and attractive. [34] Challenges: They can be workaholics, unaware of their real feelings, and unable to slow down and simply be. [35]
- Ego fixation: vanity
- Holy idea: hope
- Passion/Vice: deceit
- Virtue: truthfulness[36]
[edit] Fours
The attention of Fours goes to what is missing and desired, to loss, to emotions, and to longing for the ideal and distant — thus, the sense that the heart is broken or damaged in some way. [37][38] The defensive coping strategy centers around focusing on what is missing or lost as a way of avoiding feelings related to the hope for an idealized connection that may go unfulfilled. [39] There is a focus on what is distant, special, and desired and an aversion to the ordinary, the mundane, and the everyday reality of what is. [40] Major traits include a desire to feel special or unique, a desire for authenticity, a preoccupation with the search for the ideal forms of love or connection, and a wistful pleasure with melancholy. [41] Unlike some other types, Fours tend to be comfortable with emotions and can be sensitive to the emotional tone of situations and relationships. [34] Strengths: Fours can be emotionally strong, authentic, artistic, and sensitive. [42] [43] Challenges: Fours can be in constant search, self-deprecating, and use fantasy in relationships. They can be depressed and self-destructive, at worst. [43][44]
- Ego fixation: melancholy
- Holy idea: origin
- Passion/Vice: envy - not so much that they want what others have, but rather, that they are not equipped with what it takes to lead the happy lives they imagine others lead.
- Virtue: equanimity[45]
[edit] Fives
The Five's attention goes to gathering knowledge and wisdom, to thinking and observing, to protecting inner resources and to warding off intrusions from the outside. [46] Coping strategy: Typically, Fives were either neglected or intruded upon in early life, and so coped by withdrawing into themselves and creating boundaries to protect inner resources and prevent intrusive emotional and energetic demands. [47] Major traits: Fives describe an inner experience of scarcity or lack, especially in terms of time and energy. They typically feel a strong need to hoard these resources and may become resentful when others threaten to impose on them, especially emotionally. [48] Fives tend to be knowledgeable, emotionally detached, analytical, and objective observers. Strengths: Fives are often objective, calm in a crisis, knowledgeable, and analytical. [49] Challenges: Fives may be too emotionally detached, and their sense of inner lack often leads to withdrawing from others, creating excessive boundaries, and to the illusion that energy is limited and must be (over)protected. [50][51]
- Ego fixation: stinginess
- Holy idea: omniscience
- Passion/Vice: avarice
- Virtue: detachment[52]
[edit] Sixes
The attention of Sixes goes to questioning and doubting, to scanning their environment for signs of threat and danger, to searching for proof to confirm an inner sense of threat, and to creating worst-case scenarios. [53][54] Coping strategy: Typically, Sixes grew up with authorities they believed were untrustworthy or unpredictable and felt they had to be watchful to survive. Consequently, Sixes have developed a keen ability to sense danger. [55] There are two versions of Sixes: phobic and counter-phobic. Phobic Sixes are actively fearful, often withdrawing to feel safe, while still remaining vigilant. Counter-phobic Sixes may not be conscious of their fear (although it is still present), and instead automatically move to confront perceived threats or problems, as a way to prove that they are not fearful. [56] In reality, both the phobic and counter-phobic reactions can be seen in most Sixes, although individual Sixes will tend to gravitate toward one end of the phobic versus counter-phobic continuum. [57] Major traits: Most Sixes have a complex relationship to authority. They want authority figures to protect them, while simultaneously doubting the authority figure's willingness or ability to do so. . [58] Sixes tend to suspect people's motives, and their concern with what can go wrong in situations can lead to procrastination. [59] [58] They can also be good troubleshooters and loyal supporters. [60] Strengths: Sixes are often intuitive, loyal, analytical, and have the ability to challenge authority (counter-phobic) or see through false pretenses. [61] Challenges: Sixes may be overly suspicious or paranoid, may project their own thoughts, feelings, and motives onto others, often have issues with trust, and may get stuck in self-doubt or excessive questioning. [61][59]
- Ego fixation: cowardice
- Holy idea: faith
- Passion/Vice: fear
- Virtue: courage[62]
[edit] Sevens
The Seven's attention goes to options and possibilities, to seeking pleasure, to avoiding pain and discomfort, and their minds typically shift quickly from idea to idea. [63] Sevens like to keep the mood upbeat, and so engage in elaborate future planning, playful interactions, and enjoyable activities. They typically have many interests and active imaginations. [64] [65] Coping strategy: The Seven coping strategy centers on avoiding fear and other negative experiences. [66] They do this by reframing something fearful, negative or uncomfortable as something positive. They may also move toward the source of fear or discomfort in order to charm and hopefully disarm it. [67] Major traits: Sevens can be fast-paced, fun loving, imaginative, and afraid of commitment. They often become enamored with their own associational thinking style, enjoy adventure and stimulation, and believe in keeping the mood positive and forward moving. [68][69] Strengths: Sevens are usually adventurous, fun, positive, upbeat, and optimistic. [66][70] Challenges: It can be difficult for many Sevens to make and keep commitments or deal with pain. [71] Sevens also have difficulty staying focused or dealing with emotionally charged interactions. [72][70]
- Ego fixation: planning
- Holy idea: work
- Passion/Vice: gluttony
- Virtue: sobriety[73]
[edit] Eights
The Eight's attention goes to issues of power and control, to making things happen, to protecting the weak, and to fighting injustice. [74]With an intense, authoritative, and sometimes explosive energy, they are usually ready to face any challenge. [75] Coping strategy: As children, Eights often lived in combative environments where weakness was punished and they had to be strong to survive. As a result, Eights tend to lead with a strong and potent self-presentation and to hide or deny their own vulnerability. [76] Major traits: Eights can be impulsive, excessive, dominant, and protective of others. [77] They often move into action before thinking things through, express their anger more easily than the other types, and confront situations more readily than others. They seek the truth, but may confuse objective reality or truth with their own personal reality or beliefs. [78][79] Strengths: Eights tend to be strong, powerful, commanding, energetic, and intense. [80]Challenges: Eights can have difficulty containing their own energy and anger, be controlling, and be unaware of their own vulnerabilities. [81][80]
- Ego fixation: vengeance
- Holy idea: truth
- Passion/Vice: excess (lust)
- Virtue: innocence[82]
[edit] Nines
The Nine's attention goes to connecting with others, maintaining harmony, peace, and comfort, and avoiding conflict. [83] They typically enjoy a feeling of ease, harmony, and peace. [84] Coping strategy: Some Nines describe their childhood as one in which they felt overlooked or ignored and felt they had to go along with the wishes of others. [85] Other Nines describe having had a pleasant childhood with almost no family conflict. In response to these environments, they learned to identify with others' positions, forget their own point of view, and go along to get along. [86]As a result, while Nines can see many different points of view, they can have a hard time locating their own opinions, desires, or agendas. [87] Major traits: Nines merge with others energetically, taking on the feel and positions of others, thus losing touch with their own internal experience and priorities. As one of the three anger types, Nines can be very out of contact with their own anger, which can leak out in the form of passive-aggression, stubbornness, and passive resistance. [88] Typically they are more focused on others than on themselves. [89]Strengths: Nines can be skilled mediators and loyal, steadfast partners and friends. They can also be warm, understanding and caring. [90][91] Challenges: Nines can have difficulty feeling and expressing anger, dealing with conflict, knowing what they want, and differentiating their experience from others in their lives. [90][91]
- Ego fixation: indolence
- Holy idea: love
- Passion/Vice: laziness (sloth)
- Virtue: right action [92]
[edit] The three centers of intelligence
The nine Enneagram types are grouped into three groups of three, corresponding to the three Centers of Intelligence, through which information is processed (head, heart, and body) and the three core emotions (fear, grief, and anger). In the West, the head is commonly considered the only Center of Intelligence, but the Enneagram highlights the importance of the emotions and the body as equally important centers of functioning and interacting with the outside world.
According to the Enneagram system, each of the nine types is limited by an imbalance involving one of the three Centers of Intelligence. The human faculty primarily involved with the Head Center is thinking, the faculty primarily involved with the Emotional Center is feeling, and the faculty primarily involved with the Body Center is will. Each of the head types has a different kind of imbalance involving thinking, each of the heart types a different kind of imbalance involving feeling, and each of the body types a different kind of imbalance involving will.
The three Centers of Intelligence also correspond to three core emotions that influence the character of the types. The head types (5, 6, and 7) are also the fear types, and their personality style is shaped by their relationship to fear. The heart types (2, 3, and 4) are also the grief or sadness types, and their personality style is fundamentally shaped by their relationship to grief. The body types (8, 9, and 1) are the anger types, and their personality is fundamentally shaped by their relationship to anger. The types on the inner triangle (3, 6, 9) are also called the core points of each center's triad of types. Thus, type 3 is the core of the Heart Center types; type 6 is the core of the Head Center types; and type 9 is the core of the Body Center types. [93]
[edit] Relations between types
[edit] Wings
Each Enneagram type may be influenced by the types on either side of it (adjacent to it). These two types are known as wings of the type, and may or may not color the expression of a given individual's personality type or core point. The circle of the Enneagram symbol suggests that the types or points exist on a spectrum, rather than as distinct types or points unrelated to those adjacent to them. Thus, an individual may be said to have a core point and one wing, two wings, or both wings that influence but do not change that person's core type. [9] [94]
[edit] Stress and security points
The lines with arrows between the types add further meaning to the information provided by the descriptions of the types. Sometimes called the security and stress points, or points of integration and disintegration, these connected points also contribute to the expression of a given individual's personality. Thus, each person actually has five points that potentially contribute to the make-up of his or her personality: the core type, the two types that are connected by the two lines to the core type, and the two wings. [95] [96]
[edit] Instinctual subtypes
Each of the Enneagram personality types can also be further subdivided into one of three categories or subtypes. These three sub-type categories correspond to one of three different ways the instinctual energy of the type may express itself. These three sub-type categories or types of energies are self-preservation, one-to-one (also called sexual), and social. On the instinctual level of being, humans may internally stress and externally express the need to protect themselves (self-preservation), to connect with important others or partners (one-to-one), or to get along or succeed in the group (social).[97] From the point of view of Enneagram subtypes, there are actually 27 personality types because individuals of each Enneagram type may express themselves primarily as a self-preservation subtype, a one-on-one subtype, or a social subtype.[98]
Each individual has some functionality in all three subtypes, but one subtype usually dominates a personality, sometimes with a second nearly as well developed, and the third often markedly less developed.[99]
[edit] Directional scales
The Enneagram types have also been mapped to Karen Horney's "Three Trends" (Moving Towards, Against, Away from), in two dimensions of "Surface Direction" and "Deep Direction"[100][101] (which also are roughly similar to FIRO and other Two-factor models of personality). Each type, on the surface, moves one way but, underneath, can move a different way. This is claimed to determine both behavior and motivations.
Surface Direction→
Deep Direction↓ |
− Against (confronting) |
0 Away (withdrawing) |
+ Towards (embracing) |
+ Towards (Approval Seeking) |
3 | 9 | 6 |
0 Away (Ideal Seeking) |
1 | 4 | 7 |
− Against (Power Seeking) |
8 | 5 | 2 |
[edit] Applications
The Enneagram system of personality types is now widely used in a variety of contexts, including business, psychotherapy, spiritual development work, the arts (literature and acting), education (including parenting).
Here are some of the ways practitioners in these areas use the Enneagram today:
Business: To understand and improve individual and group behavior in work situations involving communication, team performance, leadership, conflict, and coaching.
Psychotherapy: To provide clinicians with a clearer "understanding" of psychological processes and the unconscious patterns underlying human experience, relationships, suffering, healing, and growth; to design therapeutic interventions to correspond to different personality styles; to help individuals -- through self-analysis -- gain insights into their automatic habits of behavior, thoughts, and emotions.
Spiritual Work: To provide a framework for clarifying the spiritual paths, tasks, biases, and practices most relevant and useful to individuals of the nine different Enneagram types.
The Arts: To create more dimensional and credible characters in literature; to understand characterization in filmmaking and acting; to understand the creative processes of artists of the nine types.
Education: To "understand" the specific strengths and challenges corresponding to each of the distinct personality types in order to tailor teaching to different styles of learning; to help parents improve their own parenting styles and learn how to most effectively parent children of the nine different types.
[edit] Criticism
Similar to the Myers-Briggs typology of personality, the Enneagram does demonstrate internal consistency in testing conditions[102]. However, this does not indicate that the types themselves are valid, organized correctly, or represent all possible personality types. Currently, the only scientifically-based personality typology with general scientific consensus is known as the Big Five, though even that system is empirical, based on a description of human behavior, and does not conclusively offer a complete profile of human psychology. Like Myers-Briggs and other personality typology systems, the Enneagram of Personality is not falsifiable, and can be heavily influenced by the Barnum Effect.
Certain relationships in the modern Enneagram are suspect as having their roots in mysticism and numerology. Don Riso and Russ Hudson attribute the three portions of the Enneagram to Gurdijieff's notions of divine or universal laws - the Laws of One (the circle), Three (the triangle), and Seven (the hexad)[103]. For example, the Enneagram of Personality draws a developmental line along 1-4-2-8-5-7, separate from the 3-6-9 triangle, inscribed into a circle. Dividing one by seven yields the repeating decimal .142857, or multiplying 142857 by 7 equals 999999. Similarly, 3, 6, and 9 are all multiples of three, and one divided by three yields a repeating decimal of .333.
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[edit] References
- Almaas, A. H. (2000). Facets of Unity: The Enneagram of Holy Ideas. Shambhala. ISBN 0-936713-14-3.
- Bartlett, Carolyn (2008). The Enneagram Field Guide: Notes on Using the Enneagram in Counseling, Therapy and Personal Growth. ISBN 978-0979012549.
- Beesing, Maira (O'Leary, Patrick; and Nogosek, Robert J.). The Enneagram: A Journey of Self-Discovery. Dimension Books. ISBN 978-0871932143.
- Daniels, David; and Price, Virginia (2000). The Essential Enneagram: Test and Self-Discovery Guide. HarperSanFrancisco. ISBN 0-06-251676-0.
- Hurley, Kathleen V. (1993). My Best Self: Using the Enneagram to Free the Soul. HarperOne. ISBN 85-7272-066-9.
- Ichazo, Oscar (1982). Interviews with Oscar Ichazo. Arica Press. ISBN 0916554023.
- Maitri, Sandra (2001). The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram: Nine Faces of the Soul. Tarcher. ISBN 1-58542-081-6.
- Maitri, Sandra (2005). The Enneagram of Passions and Virtues: Finding the Way Home. Tarcher. ISBN 1-58542-406-4.
- Naranjo, Claudio (1990). Character and Neurosis. Gateway Books & Tapes. ISBN 0-89556-066-6.
- Naranjo, Claudio (1990). Enneatype Structures. Gateway Books & Tapes. ISBN 1-0895560631.
- Naranjo, Claudio (1995). Enneatypes and Psychotherapy. Gateway Books & Tapes. ISBN 0934252475.
- Naranjo, Claudio (1997). Transformation Through Insight: Enneatypes in Life. Hohm Press. ISBN 0934252734.
- Palmer, Helen (1988). The Enneagram: Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life. Harper & Row. ISBN 0062506730.
- Palmer, Helen (1996). The Enneagram in Love and Work: Understanding your Intimate and Business Relationships. HarperOne. ISBN 0-06-250721-4.
- Riso, Don Richard; and Hudson, Russ (1996). Personality Types. Houghton Mifflin. ISBN 978-0395798676.
- Riso, Don Richard; and Hudson, Russ (1999). Wisdom of the Enneagram. Bantam. ISBN 0553378201.
- Rohr, Richard (2001). The Enneagram: A Christian Perspective. Crossroad. ISBN 0-8245-1950-7.
- Wagele, Elizabeth; and Baron, Renee (1994). The Enneagram Made Easy. HarperOne. ISBN 0-06-251026-6.
- Wagele, Elizabeth; and Baron, Renee (1995). Are You My Type, Am I Yours? : Relationships Made Easy Through The Enneagram. HarperOne. ISBN 006251248X.
- Wagele, Elizabeth (1997). The Enneagram of Parenting: The 9 Types of Children and How to Raise Them Successfully. HarperOne. ISBN 0062514555.
- Wagele, Elizabeth (2007). Finding the Birthday Cake; Helping Children Raise Their Self-Esteem (An Enneagram book for children). New Horizon Press. ISBN 978-0-88282-277-8.
[edit] Footnotes
- ^ Palmer, The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life, pp.10-11
- ^ Maitri, The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram, p.7
- ^ Wagele, Enneagram Made Easy, p.135 ff
- ^ Maitri, The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram
- ^ Riso, Personality Types
- ^ Naranjo, Transformation Through Insight
- ^ Daniels, The Essential Enneagram, p. 1
- ^ Palmer, The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life, pp.26-35
- ^ a b Riso, Wisdom of the Enneagram, p.19
- ^ Palmer, The Enneagram, p.36
- ^ Wagele, Enneagram Made Easy, pp.1–11
- ^ Palmer, The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life, p.xii
- ^ Maitri, The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram, pp.4-5
- ^ Riso, Wisdom of the Enneagram, p.24
- ^ Daniels, The Essential Enneagram
- ^ Baron, Renee (1998). What Type Am I: Discover Who You Really Are. New York, NY: Penguin Books. pp. 162. ISBN 0 14 02.6941.
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.99-100
- ^ Ooten, D. A. (n.d.), Conscious Enneagram Typing Cards. (Available from Conscious Dynamics, LLC, 114 Wellington Place, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45219)., [13 Cards], Type 1.
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life”, pp. 72-77
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.99-120
- ^ Daniels, “Essential Enneagram”, pp.22-23
- ^ a b Palmer, “The Pocket Enneagram”, p. 14
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.127-128
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life”, pp. 101-105
- ^ Ooten, D. A. (n.d.), Conscious Enneagram Typing Cards. (Available from Conscious Dynamics, LLC, 114 Wellington Place, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45219)., [13 Cards], Type 2
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram in Love and Work”, pp. 61-77
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.127-1478
- ^ Wagner, “Enneagram Personality Style Scales”, pp17-18
- ^ Daniels, “Essential Enneagram”, pp.26-27
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.153-156
- ^ a b Palmer, “The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life”, pp. 136-141
- ^ a b Daniels, “Essential Enneagram”, pp.30-31
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram in Love and Work”, pp. 83-86
- ^ a b Wagner, “Enneagram Personality Style Scales”, pp18-19
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.153-155
- ^ Palmer, “The Pocket Enneagram”, p. 31
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life”, pp. 168-172
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.180-183
- ^ Ooten, D. A. (n.d.), Conscious Enneagram Typing Cards. (Available from Conscious Dynamics, LLC, 114 Wellington Place, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45219)., [13 Cards], Type 4
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.191-194
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram in Love and Work”, pp. 173-176
- ^ Wagner, “Enneagram Personality Style Scales”, pp19-20
- ^ a b Daniels, “Essential Enneagram”, pp.34-35
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.191-199
- ^ Palmer, “The Pocket Enneagram”, p. 39
- ^ Ooten, D. A. (n.d.), Conscious Enneagram Typing Cards. (Available from Conscious Dynamics, LLC, 114 Wellington Place, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45219)., [13 Cards], Type 5
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life”, pp. 208-209
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.208-212
- ^ Wagner, “Enneagram Personality Style Scales”, pp21-22
- ^ Daniels, “Essential Enneagram”, pp.38-39
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.220-224
- ^ Palmer, “The Pocket Enneagram”, p. 47
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life”, pp. 248-250
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.235-238
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life”, pp. 241-243
- ^ Ooten, D. A. (n.d.), Conscious Enneagram Typing Cards. (Available from Conscious Dynamics, LLC, 114 Wellington Place, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45219)., [13 Cards], Type 6
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life”, pp. 240-241
- ^ a b Palmer, “The Enneagram in Love and Work”, p. 160
- ^ a b Wagner, “Enneagram Personality Style Scales”, p.22
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram in Love and Work”, pp. 166-167
- ^ a b Daniels, “Essential Enneagram”, pp.42-43
- ^ Palmer, “The Pocket Enneagram”, p. 55
- ^ Ooten, D. A. (n.d.), Conscious Enneagram Typing Cards. (Available from Conscious Dynamics, LLC, 114 Wellington Place, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45219)., [13 Cards], Type 7
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram in Love and Work”, pp. 277-278
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.262-264
- ^ a b Daniels, “Essential Enneagram”, p. 46
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, p. 276
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life”, pp. 177-178
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.262-266
- ^ a b Wagner, “Enneagram Personality Style Scales”, pp.22-23
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram in Love and Work”, p. 277
- ^ Daniels, “Essential Enneagram”, pp.46-47
- ^ Palmer, “The Pocket Enneagram”, p. 63
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.289-291
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life”, pp. 206-209
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life”, pp. 209-211
- ^ Ooten, D. A. (n.d.), Conscious Enneagram Typing Cards. (Available from Conscious Dynamics, LLC, 114 Wellington Place, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45219)., [13 Cards], Type 8
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram in Love and Work”, pp. 200-202
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.289-291
- ^ a b Wagner, “Enneagram Personality Style Scales”, pp.23-24
- ^ Daniels, “Essential Enneagram”, pp.50-51
- ^ Palmer, “The Pocket Enneagram”, p. 71
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life”, pp. 348-349
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.316-317
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life”, pp. 349-350
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.324-325
- ^ Palmer, “The Enneagram, Understanding Yourself and the Others in Your Life”, pp. 350-352
- ^ Ooten, D. A. (n.d.), Conscious Enneagram Typing Cards. (Available from Conscious Dynamics, LLC, 114 Wellington Place, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45219)., [13 Cards], Type 9
- ^ Riso and Hudson, “Wisdom of the Enneagram”, pp.332-334
- ^ a b Daniels, “Essential Enneagram”, pp.54-55
- ^ a b Wagner, “Enneagram Personality Style Scales”, pp.24-25
- ^ Palmer, “The Pocket Enneagram”, p. 79
- ^ Riso, The Wisdom of the Enneagram, pp.49-631
- ^ Wagner, Wagner Enneagram Personality Style Scales, p.26
- ^ Riso, Wisdom of the Enneagram, p.87-88
- ^ Wagner, Wagner Enneagram Personality Style Scales, p.30
- ^ Palmer, The Enneagram in Love and Work, p. 29
- ^ Maitri, The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram, pp. 263-264
- ^ Riso, The Wisdom of the Enneagram, pp. 70-71
- ^ A Directional Theory of the Enneagram, originally published in Enneagram Monthly, January 2000.
- ^ Karen Horney's Three Trends, from Enneagram Spectrum of Personality Styles
- ^ Scientific Validation of the Riso Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator
- ^ Riso, The Wisdom of the Enneagram, pp. 20-22