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List of legendary creatures
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This is a list of legendary creatures from various historical mythologies. Its entries include species of legendary creature and unique creatures, but not individuals of a particular species. Creatures of modern invention are not included.
Contents |
[edit] A
- Á Bao A Qu (Malay) - Entity that lives in the Tower of Victory in Chitor
- Aatxe (Basque) - Evil spirit that takes the form of a bull
- Abada (African) - Small type of unicorn reported to live in the lands of the African Congo
- Äbädä (Tatar) - Forest spirit
- Abaia (Melanesian) - Huge magical eel
- Abarimon (Medieval Bestiaries) - Savage humanoid with backward feet
- Abath (Malay) - One-horned animal
- Abatwa (Zulu) - Little people that ride ants
- Abura-bō (Japanese) - Spectral fire from Shiga Prefecture, in which the shape of a monk can often be seen
- Abura-sumashi (Japanese) - creature from a mountain pass in Kumamoto Prefecture
- Acephali (Greek) - Headless humanoids
- Acheri (Indian) - Disease-bringing ghost
- Achiyalabopa (Puebloan) - Rainbow-feathered birds
- Achlis (Roman) - Curious elk
- Adar Llwch Gwin (Welsh) - Giant birds that understand human languages
- Adaro (Solomon Islands) - Malevolent merfolk
- Adhene (Manx) - Nature spirit
- Adlet (Inuit) - Vampiric dog-human hybrid
- Adroanzi (Lugbara) - Nature spirit
- Adze (Ewe people) - African vampiric forest being
- Aerico (Macedonian) - Disease demon
- Afanc (Welsh) - Lake monster (exact lake varies by story)
- Agathodaemon (Greek) - Spirit of vinefields and grainfields
- Agloolik (Inuit) - Ice spirit that aids hunters and fishermen
- Agogwe (East Africa) - Small, ape-like humanoid
- Ahkiyyini (Inuit) - Animated skeleton that causes shipwrecks
- Ahuizotl (Aztec) - Anthropophagous dog-monkey hybrid
- Aigamuxa (Khoikhoi) - Anthropophagous humanoid with eyes in its instep
- Aigikampoi (Etruscan) - Fish-tailed goat
- Aigamuxa (Khoikhoi) - Man-eating Ogres
- Aitu (Polynesian) - Malevolent spirits or demons
- Aitvaras (Lithuanian) - Household spirit
- Ajatar (Finnish) - Dragon
- Akabeko (Japanese) - Red cow involved in the construction of Enzō-ji in Yanaizu, Fukushima
- Akamataa (Japanese) - Snake spirit from Okinawa
- Akateko (Japanese) - Tree-dwelling monster
- Akhlut (Inuit) - Orca-wolf shapeshifter
- Akka (Finnish) - Female spirits or minor goddesses
- Akki (Japanese) - Large, grotesque humanoid
- Akkorokamui (Ainu) - Sea monster
- Akuma (Japanese) - Evil spirit
- Akupara (Hindu) - Giant turtle that supports the world
- Akurojin-no-hi (Japanese) - Ghostly flame which causes disease
- Al (Armenian and Persian) - Spirit that steals unborn babies and livers from pregnant women
- Ala (Slavic) - Bad weather demon
- Alal (Chaldean) - Demon
- Alan (Philippine) - Winged humanoid that steals reproductive waste to make children
- Al Basti (Turkish) - Female night-demon
- Alce (Heraldic) - Wingless griffin
- Alicanto (Chilean) - Bird that eats gold and silver
- Alicorn - Technically a unicorn's horn. In modern times is commonly misapplied to winged unicorns
- Alkonost (Slavic) - Angelic bird with human head and breasts
- Allocamelus (Heraldic) - Ass-camel hybrid
- Allu (Akkadian and Sumerian) - Faceless demon
- Almas (Mongolian) - Savage humanoid
- Al-mi'raj (Islamic) - One-horned rabbit
- Aloja (Catalan) - Female water spirit
- Alom-bag-winno-sis (Abenaki) - Little people and tricksters
- Alp (German) - Male night-demon
- Alphyn (Heraldic) - Lion-like creature, sometimes with dragon or goat forelegs
- Alp-luachra (Irish) - Parasitic fairy
- Al Rakim (Islamic) - Guard dog of the Seven Sleepers
- Alseid (Greek) - Grove nymph
- Alû (Assyrian) - Leprous demon
- Alux (Mayan) - Little people
- Amaburakosagi (Japanese) - Ritual disciplinary demon from Shikoku
- Amala (Tsimshian) - Giant who holds up the world
- Amamehagi (Japanese) - Ritual disciplinary demon from Hokuriku
- Amanojaku (Japanese) - Small demon
- Amarok (Inuit) - Giant wolf
- Amarum (Quechua) - Water boa spirit
- Amazake-babaa (Japanese) - Disease-causing hag
- Amefurashi (Japanese) - Child-like monster
- Amemasu (Ainu) - Lake monster
- Amorōnagu (Japanese) - Tennyo from the island of Amami Ōshima
- Amphiptere (Heraldic) - Winged serpent
- Amphisbaena (Greek) - Serpent with a head at each end
- Anakim (Jewish) - Giant
- Androsphinx (Ancient Egyptian) - Human-headed sphinx
- Angel (Christian, Islamic, Jewish, and Zoroastrian) - Heavenly being, usually depicted as a winged humanoid.
- Angha (Persian) - Dog-lion-peacock hybrid
- Ani Hyuntikwalaski (Cherokee) - Lightning spirit
- Ankou (French) - Skeletal grave watcher with a lantern and a scythe.
- Anmo (Japanese) - Ritual disciplinary demon from Iwate Prefecture
- Antaeus (Greek) - A giant who was extremely strong as long as he remained in contact with the ground
- Antero Vipunen (Finnish) - Subterranean giant
- Ao Ao (Guaraní) - Anthropophagous peccary or sheep
- Aobōzu (Japanese) - Blue monk who kidnaps children
- Apkallu (Sumerian) - Fish-human hybrid that attends the god Enki
- Apsaras (Buddhist and Hindu) - Female cloud spirit
- Aqrabuamelu (Akkadian) - Human-scorpion hybrid
- Ardat-Lili (Akkadian) - Disease demon
- Argus Panoptes (Greek) - Hundred-eyed giant
- Arikura-no-baba (Japanese) - Old woman with magical powers
- Arimaspi (Greek) - One-eyed humanoid
- Arion (Greek) - Extremely swift horse with a green mane and the power of speech
- Arkan Sonney (Manx) - Fairy hedgehog
- Asag (Sumerian) - Hideous rock demon
- Asakku (Sumerian) - Demon
- Asanbosam (West Africa) - Iron-toothed vampire
- Asena (Turkic) - Blue-maned wolf
- A-senee-ki-wakw (Abenaki) - Stone-giant
- Ashi-magari (Japanese) - Invisible tendril that impedes movement
- Asiman (Dahomey) - Vampiric possession spirit
- Askefrue (Germanic) - Female tree spirit
- Ask-wee-da-eed (Abenaki) - Fire elemental and spectral fire
- Asobibi (Japanese) - Spectral fire from Kōchi Prefecture
- Aspidochelone (Medieval Bestiaries) - Island-sized whale or sea turtle
- Asrai (English) - Water spirit
- Astomi (Hindu) - Humanoid sustained by pleasant smells instead of food
- Aswang (Philippine) - Carrion-eating humanoid
- Atomy (English) - Surprisingly small creature
- Ato-oi-kozō (Japanese) - Invisible spirit that follows people
- Atshen (Inuit) - Anthropophagous spirit
- Auloniad (Greek) - Pasture nymph
- Avalerion (Medieval Bestiary) - King of the birds
- Awa-hon-do (Abenaki) - Insect spirit
- Axex (Ancient Egyptian) - Falcon-lion hybrid
- Ayakashi (Japanese) - Sea-serpent that travels over boats in an arc while dripping oil
- Ayakashi-no-ayashibi (Japanese) - Spectral fire from Ishikawa Prefecture
- Aziza (Dahomey) - Little people that help hunters
- Azukiarai (Japanese) - Spirit that washes azuki beans along riversides
- Azukibabaa (Japanese) - Bean-grinding hag who devours people
- Azukitogi (Japanese) - Spirit that washes azuki beans along riversides
[edit] B

Buraq from a 17th-century Mughal miniature
- Baba Yaga (Slavic) - Forest spirit and hag
- Backoo (Guyanese) - Malevolent little people
- Bagiennik (Slavic) - Malevolent water spirit
- Bahamut (Arabian) - Giant fish
- Bashe (Chinese) - Elephant-swallowing serpent
- Bai Ze (Chinese) - Talking beast which handed down knowledge on harmful spirits
- Ba Jiao Gui (Chinese) - Banana tree spirit
- Bake-kujira (Japanese) - Ghost whale
- Bakeneko (Japanese) - Magical cat
- Bakezōri (Japanese) - Animated straw sandal
- Bakhtak (Iranian) - Night demon
- Baku (Japanese) - Dream-devouring, tapir-like creature
- Bakunawa (Philippine) - Sea serpent that causes eclipses
- Balaur (Romanian) - Multi-headed dragon
- Bannik (Slavic) - Bathhouse spirit
- Banshee (Irish) - Death spirit
- Barbegazi (Swiss) - Dwarf with giant, snowshoe-like feet
- Bardi (Trabzon) - Shapechanging death spirit
- Barghest - Yorkshire black dog
- Bar Juchne (Jewish) - Gigantic bird
- Barnacle Geese (Medieval folklore) - Geese which hatch from barnacles
- Barong (Balinese) - Tutelary spirit
- Basajaun (Basque) - Ancestral, megalith-building race
- BasCelik (Serbian) - A powerful and very evil winged man whose soul is not held by his body and can be subdued only by causing him to suffer dehydration
- Basilisco Chilote (Chilota) - Chicken-serpent hybrid
- Basilisk (Medieval Bestiaries) - Multi-limbed, venomous lizard
- Batibat (Philippine) - Female night-demon
- Batsu (Chinese) - Drought spirit
- Baubas (Lithuanian) - Malevolent spirit
- Baykok (Ojibwa) - Flying skeleton
- Bean Nighe (Irish) - Death spirit (a specific type of Banshee/Bean Sídhe)
- Behemoth (Jewish) - Primal, gigantic land animal
- Bendigeidfran (Welsh) - Giant king
- Bennu (Egyptian) - Heron-like, regenerative bird, equivalent to (or inspiration of) the Phoenix
- Berehynia (Slavic) - Water spirit
- Bergrisar (Norse) - Mountain giant
- Bergsrå (Norse) - Mountain spirit
- Bestial beast (Brazilian) - Centauroid specter
- Betobeto-san (Japanese) - Invisible spirit which follows people at night, making the sound of footsteps
- Bhūta (Buddhist and Hindu) - Ghost of someone killed by execution or suicide
- Bi-blouk (Khoikhoi) - Female, anthropophagous, partially invisible monster
- Bies (Slavic) - Demon
- Bigfoot (American folklore) - Forest-dwelling apeman.
- Binbōgami (Japanese) - Spirit of poverty
- Bishop-fish (Medieval Bestiaries) - Fish-like humanoid
- Black Annis (English) - Blue-faced hag
- Black Dog (British) - Canine death spirit
- Black Shuck - Norfolk, Essex, and Suffolk black dog
- Blemmyae (Medieval Bestiary) - Headless humanoid with face in torso
- Bloody Bones (Irish) - Water bogeyman
- Bodach (Scottish) - Malevolent spirit
- Bogeyman (English) - Malevolent spirit
- Boggart (English) - Malevolent household spirit
- Boginki (Polish) - Nature spirit
- Bogle (Scottish) - Malevolent spirit
- Boi-tatá (Brazilian) - Giant snake
- Bolla (Albanian) - Dragon
- Bonnacon (Medieval Bestiaries) - Bull-horse hybrid with flaming dung
- Boobrie (Scottish) - Roaring water bird
- Bozaloshtsh (Slavic) - Death spirit
- Brag (English) - Malevolent water horse
- Brownie (English and Scottish) - Benevolent household spirit
- Broxa (Jewish) - Nocturnal bird that drains goats of their milk
- Bokkenrijders (Dutch) - Damned bandits
- Bugbear (English) - Bearlike goblin
- Buggane (Manx) - Ogre-like humanoid
- Bugul Noz (Celtic) - Extremely ugly, but kind, forest spirit
- Bukavac (Serbia) - Six-legged lake monster
- Bukit Timah Monkey Man (Singapore) - Forest dwelling immortal primate
- Bunyip (Australian Aboriginal) - Horse-walrus hybrid lake monster
- Buraq (Islamic) - Human-headed, angelic horse
- Bush Dai Dai (Guyanese) - Spirit that seduces and kills men
- Byangoma (Hindu) - Fortune-telling birds
- Bysen (Scandinavian) - Diminutive forest spirit
[edit] C

A representation of a Clurichaun in T. C. Croker's Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland
- Cabeiri (Greek) - Smith and wine spirits
- Cacus (Roman) - Fire-breathing giant
- Cadejo (Central America) - Cow-sized dog-goat hybrid in two varieties: benevolent and white, and malevolent and black
- Caipora (Tupi) - Fox-human hybrid and nature spirit
- Caladrius (Medieval Bestiary) - White bird that can foretell if a sick person will recover or die
- Calingi (Medieval Bestiary) - Humanoids with an eight-year lifespan
- Callitrix (Medieval Bestiary) - Apes who always bear twins, one the mother loves, the other it hates
- Calydonian Boar (Greek) - Giant, chthonic boar
- Calygreyhound (Heraldic) - Wildcat-deer/antelope-eagle-ox-lion hybrid
- Camahueto (Chilota) - One-horned calf
- Cambion (Medieval folklore) - Hybrid between a human and an incubus or succubus
- Campe (Greek) - Dragon-human-scorpion hybrid
- Candileja (Colombian) - Spectral, fiery hag
- Canaima (Guyanese) - Were-jaguar
- Canotila (Lakota) - Little people and tree spirits
- Caoineag (Scottish) - Death spirit (a specific type of Banshee/Bean Sídhe)
- Capa (Lakota) - Beaver spirit
- Căpcăun (Romanian) - Large, monstrous humanoid
- Carbuncle (Latin America) - A small creature with a jewel on its head
- Catoblepas (Medieval Bestiary) - Scaled buffalo-hog hybrid
- Cat Sidhe (Scottish) - Fairy cat
- Cecaelia - Modern term for mermaid-like, human-octopus hybrid
- Ceffyl Dŵr (Welsh) - Malevolent water horse
- Centaur (Greek) - Human-horse hybrid
- Cerastes (Greek) - Extremely flexible, horned snake
- Cerberus (Greek) - Three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld
- Cercopes (Greek) - Mischievous forest spirit
- Cericopithicus (Medieval Bestiary) - Apes who always bear twins, one the mother loves, the other it hates
- Ceryneian Hind (Greek) - Hind with golden antlers and bronze or brass hooves
- Cetan (Lakota) - Hawk spirit
- Chakora (Hindu) - Lunar bird
- Chamrosh (Persian) - Dog-bird hybrid
- Chaneque (Aztec) - Little people and nature spirits
- Changeling (European) - Non-human humanoid child (fairy, elf, troll, etc.) substituted for a kidnapped human child
- Charybdis (Greek) - Sea monster in the form of a giant mouth
- Chepi (Narragansett) - Ancestral spirit that instructs tribe members
- Cherufe (Mapuche) - Volcano-dwelling monster
- Chibaiskweda (Abenaki) - Ghost of an improperly buried person
- Chichevache (Medieval folklore) - Human-faced cow that feeds on good women
- Chickcharney (Bahaman) - Bird-mammal hybrid
- Chimaera (Greek) - Lion-goat-snake hybrid
- Chindi (Navajo) - Vengeful ghosts that cause dust devils
- Chinthe (Burmese) - Temple-guarding feline, similar to Chinese Shi and Japanese Shisa
- Chitauli (Zulu) - Human-lizard hybrid
- Chōchinobake (Japanese) - Animated paper lantern
- Chollima (Korean) - Supernaturally fast horse
- Chonchon (Mapuche) - Disembodied, flying head
- Choorile (Guyanese) - Ghost of a woman that died in childbirth
- Chromandi (Medieval Bestiary) - Hairy savages with dog teeth
- Chrysaor (Greek) - Son of the gorgon Medusa, imaged as a giant or a winged boar
- Chukwa (Hindu) - Giant turtle that supports the world
- Churel (Hindu) - Vampiric, female ghost
- Ciguapa (Dominican Republic) - Malevolent seductress
- Cihuateteo (Aztec) - Ghosts of women that died in childbirth
- Cikavac (Serbian) - Bird that serves its owner
- Cinnamon bird (Medieval Bestiaries) - Giant bird that makes its nest out of cinnamon
- Cipactli (Aztec) - Sea monster, crocodile-fish hybrid
- Cirein cròin (Scottish) - Sea serpent
- Cluricaun (Irish) - Leprechaun-like Little people that are permanently drunk
- Coblynau (Welsh) - Little people and mine spirits
- Cockatrice (Medieval Bestiaries) - Chicken-lizard hybrid
- Cofgod (English) - Old English term meaning "cove-god"
- Colo Colo (Mapuche) - Rat-bird hybrid that can shapeshift into a serpent
- Corycian nymphs (Greek) - Nymph of the Corycian Cave
- Cretan Bull (Greek) - Monstrous bull
- Crinaeae (Greek) - Fountain nymph
- Criosphinx (Ancient Egypt) - Ram-headed sphinx
- Crocotta (Medieval Bestiaries) - Monstrous dog-wolf
- Cuco (Latin America) - Bogeyman
- Cucuy (Latin America) - Malevolent spirit
- Cuegle (Cantabrian) - Monstrous, three-armed humanoid
- Cuélebre (Asturian and Cantabrian) - Dragon
- Curupira (Tupi) - Nature spirit
- Cu Sith (Scottish) - Gigantic fairy dog
- Cŵn Annwn (Welsh) - Underworld hunting dogs
- Cyclops (Greek) - One-eyed giants
- Cyhyraeth (Welsh) - Death spirit
- Cynocephalus (Medieval Bestiaries) - Dog-headed humanoid
[edit] D

Chinese dragon, color engraving on wood, Chinese school, nineteenth century
- Dactyl (Greek) - Little people and smith and healing spirits
- Daemon (Greek) - Incorporeal spirit
- Daidarabotchi (Japanese) - Giant responsible for creating many geographical features in Japan
- Daitengu (Japanese) - The most powerful class of tengu, each of whom lives on a separate mountain
- Daitya (Hindu) - Giant
- Danava (Hindu) - Water demon
- Daphnaie (Greek) - Laurel tree nymph
- Datsue-ba (Japanese) - Old woman who steals clothes from the souls of the dead
- Dead Sea Apes (Islamic) - Human tribe turned into apes for ignoring Moses' message
- Deer Woman (Native American) - Human-deer hybrid
- Deity (Global) - Preternatural or supernatural being
- Demon - Malevolent spirit
- Dhampir (Balkans) - Hybrid between a human and a vampire
- Diao Si Gui (Chinese) - Hanged ghost
- Dilong (Chinese) - Chthonic dragon
- Dip (Catalan) - Demonic and vampiric dog
- Di Penates (Roman) - House spirit
- Dipsa (Medieval Bestiaries) - Extremely poisonous snake
- Dirawong (Australian Aboriginal) - Goanna spirit
- Di sma undar jordi (Gotland) - Little people and nature spirits
- Diwata (Philippine) - Tree spirit
- Dobhar-chu (Irish) - Dog-fish hybrid
- Do-gakw-ho-wad (Abenaki) - Little people
- Dokkaebi (Korean) - Grotesque, horned humanoids
- Dökkálfar (Norse) - Male ancestral spirits
- Dola (Slavic) - Tutelary and fate spirit
- Domovoi (Slavic) - House spirit
- Doppelgänger (German) - Ghostly double
- Drac (Catalan) - Lion or bull-faced dragon
- Drac (French) - Winged sea serpent
- Dragon (Many cultures worldwide)
- Dragon turtle (Chinese) - Giant turtle with dragon-like head
- Draugr (Norse) - Undead
- Drekavac (Slavic) - Restless ghost of an unbaptised child
- Drow (Scottish) - Cavern spirit
- Drude (German) - Possessing demon
- Druk (Bhutanese) - Dragon
- Dryad (Greek) - Tree nymph
- Duende (Spanish) - Little people and forest spirits
- Duergar (English) - Malevolent little people
- Dullahan (Irish) - Headless death spirit
- Duwende (Philippine) - Little people, some are house spirits, others nature spirits
- Dvergr (Norse) - Subterranean little people smiths
- Dvorovoi (Slavic) - Courtyard spirit
- Dwarf (Germanic) - Little people nature spirits
- Dybbuk (Jewish) - A spirit (sometimes the soul of a wicked deceased) that possesses the living.
- Dzee-dzee-bon-da (Abenaki) - Hideous monster
- Dzunukwa (Kwakwaka'wakw) - Child-eating hag
[edit] E
- Each Uisge (Scottish) - Malevolent water horse
- Eachy (English and Scottish) - Humanoid lake monster
- Eagle Spirit (Many cultures worldwide) - Leadership or guidance totem
- Ebu Gogo (Flores) - Diminutive humanoids, possibly inspired by Homo floresiensis
- Echeneis (Medieval Bestiaries) - Remora, said to attach to ships to slow them down
- Edimmu (Sumerian) - Ghosts of those not buried properly
- Egbere (Yoruba) - Humanoid that carries a magical mat
- Einherjar (Norse) - Spirits of brave warriors
- Ekek (Philippine) - Flesh-eating, winged humanoids
- Elbow Witch (Ojibwa) - Hags with awls in their elbows
- Eldjötnar (Norse) - Fire giant
- Eleionomae (Greek) - Marsh nymph
- Elemental (Alchemy) - Personification of one of the Classical elements
- ‘Elepaio (Hawaiian) - Monarch flycatcher spirit that guides canoe-builders to the proper trees
- Elf (Germanic) - Nature and fertility spirit
- Eloko (Central Africa) - Little people and malevolent nature spirits
- Emela-ntouka (Central Africa) - Gigantic, elephant-killing beast
- Emere (Yoruba) - Child that can move back and forth between the material world and the afterlife at will
- Emim (Jewish) - Giant
- Empusa (Greek) - Female demon that waylays travelers and seduces and kills men
- Encantado (Brazilian) - Dolphin-human shapeshifter
- Enchanted Moor (Portuguese) - Enchanted princesses
- Enfield (Heraldic) - Fox-greyhound-lion-wolf-eagle hybrid
- Enkō (Japanese) - Kappa of Shikoku and western Honshū
- Epimeliad (Greek) - Apple tree nymph
- Er Gui (Chinese) - Hungry ghost
- Erlking (Germanic) - Death spirit
- Erymanthian Boar (Greek) - Giant boar
- Ethiopian Pegasus (Medieval Bestiaries) - Two-horned, winged horse
- Ettin (English) - Three-headed giant
- Eurynomos (Greek) - Blue-black, carrion-eater in the underworld
- Ežerinis (Lithuanian) - Lake spirit
[edit] F
- Fachen (Irish and Scottish) - Monster with half a body
- Fæcce (English) - Old English Animal protection spirit
- Fairy (Many cultures worldwide) - Nature spirits
- Familiar (English) - Animal servant
- Far darrig (Irish) - Little people that constantly play pranks
- Faun (Roman) - Human-goat hybrid nature spirit
- Fear gorta (Irish) - Hunger ghost
- Feathered Serpent - Mesoamerican dragon
- Fenghuang (Chinese) - Rooster-swallow-fowl-snake-goose-tortoise-stag-fish hybrid
- Fenodyree (Manx) - House spirit
- Fenris (Norse) - Gigantic, ravenous wolf
- Fext (Slavic) - Undead
- Finfolk (Orkney) - Fish-human hybrid that kidnaps humans for servants
- Fir Bolg (Irish) - Ancestral race
- Fire Bird (Many cultures worldwide) - Regenerative, solar bird
- Firedrake (Germanic) - Dragon
- Fish-man (Cantabrian) - Amphibious, scaled humanoid
- Fomorian (Irish) - Goat-headed giant
- Forest Bull (Medieval Bestiaries) - Giant, red cattle with swiveling horns
- Freybug - Norfolk black dog
- Fuath (Celtic) - Malevolent water spirit
- Fucanglong (Chinese) - Underworld dragon
- Funayūrei (Japanese) - Ghosts of people who drowned at sea
- Futakuchi-onna (Japanese) - Woman with a second mouth on the back of her head
- Fylgja (Scandinavian) - Animal familiar
[edit] G
- Gaasyendietha (Seneca) - Dragon
- Gagana (Russian) - Bird with iron beak and copper talons
- Ga-gorib (Khoikhoi) - Anthropophagous monster
- Gagoze (Japanese) - Demon who attacked young priests at Gangō-ji temple
- Gaki (Japanese) - Ghosts of especially greedy people
- Gallu (Mesopotamian) - Underworld demons
- Galtzagorriak (Basque) - Diminutive, demonic servants
- Gamayun (Russian) - Prophetic bird with human head
- Gana (Hindu) - Attendants of Shiva
- Gancanagh (Irish) - Male fairy that seduces human women
- Gandaberunda (Hindu) - Double-headed bird
- Gandharva (Hindu) - Male nature spirits, often depicted as part human, part animal
- Garappa (Japanese) - Kappa from Kyūshū
- Gargouille (French) - Water dragon
- Garmr (Norse) - Giant, ravenous wolf
- Garuda (Hindu) - Human-eagle hybrid
- Gaueko (Basque) - Wolf capable of walking upright
- Ged (Heraldic) - The fish pike
- Gegenees (Greek) - Six-armed giant
- Genie (Arabian) - Elemental spirit
- Genius loci (Roman) - Spirit that protects a specific place
- German (Slavic) - Male spirit associated with bringing rain and hail
- Geryon (Greek) - Giant with three heads, six arms, three torsos and (in some sources) six legs
- Ghillie Dhu (Scottish) - Tree guardian
- Ghost - Disembodied spirits, specifically of those that have died
- Ghoul (Arabian) - Earth genie. Also a shapeshifting desert anthropophagus
- Giant (mythology)
- Giant animal (mythology)
- Gichi-anami'e-bizhiw (Ojibwa) - Bison-snake-bird-cougar hybrid and water spirit
- Gidim (Sumerian) - Ghost
- Gigantes (Greek) - Race of giants that fought the Olympian gods, sometimes depicted with snake-legs
- Gigelorum (Scottish) - Smallest animal
- Girtablilu (Akkadian) - Human-scorpion hybrid
- Gjenganger (Scandinavian) - Corporeal ghost
- Glaistig (Scottish) - Human-goat hybrid
- Glashtyn (Manx) - Malevolent water horse
- Gnome (Alchemy) - Diminutive Earth elemental
- Goblin (Medieval) - Grotesque, mischievous little people
- Gog (English) - Giant protector of London
- Gold-digging ant (Medieval Bestiaries) - Dog-sized ant that digs for gold in sandy areas
- Golem (Jewish) - Animated construct
- Gorgades (Medieval Bestiary) - Hairy humanoid
- Gorgon (Greek) - Fanged, snake-haired humanoids that turn anyone who sees them into stone
- Goryō (Japanese) - Vengeful ghosts, usually of martyrs
- Gremlin (Folklore) - Goblins that sabotage airplanes
- Griffin (Heraldic) - Lion-eagle hybrid
- Grigori (Christian) - Fallen angels
- Grim (English and Scandinavian) - Tutelary spirits of churches
- Grindylow (English) - Malevolent water spirit
- Grine (Moroccan) - Genie duplicate of a person. Lives in a parallel world
- Gualichu (Mapuche) - Malevolent spirit
- Gud-elim (Akkadian) - Human-bull hybrid
- Guhin (Japanese) - Anthropomorphic bird
- Gui Po (Chinese) - Ghost that manifests as an old woman
- Gui Shu (Chinese) - Ghostly tree that confuses travelers by moving
- Gulon (Germanic) - Gluttonous dog-cat-fox hybrid
- Gumiho (Korean mythology)- A demon fox with thousands of tails. Believed to possess an army of spirits and magic in its tails.
- Gwyllgi (Welsh) - black dog
- Gwyllion (Welsh) - Malevolent spirit
- Gytrash (Lincolnshire and Yorkshire) - black dog
- Gyūki (Japanese) - Bull-headed monster
[edit] H

Hippocampus drawn from a fresco in Pompeii
- Hacker (Scandinavian) - Primitive little people
- Hadhayosh (Persian) - Gigantic land animal
- Haetae (Korean) - Dog-lion hybrid
- Hag (Many cultures worldwide) - Wizened old woman, usually a malevolent spirit with this specific form, or a goddess in disguise
- Haietlik (Nuu-chah-nulth) - Water serpent
- Hai-uri (Khoikhoi) - Male, anthropophagous, partially invisible monster
- Hakutaku (Japanese) - Talking beast which handed down knowledge on harmful spirits
- Hākuturi (Māori) - Nature guardian
- Half-elf (Norse) - Hybrid of a human and an elf
- Haltija (Finnish) - Spirit that protects a specific place
- Hamadryad (Greek) - Oak tree nymph
- Hamingja (Scandinavian) - Personal protection spirit
- Hamsa (Buddhist, Hindu, and Jainism) - Mystical bird
- Hanau epe (Rapa Nui) - Long-eared humanoid
- Hantu Air (Malay) - Shapeshifting water spirit
- Hantu Demon (Philippine) - Demon
- Hantu Raya (Malay) - Demonic servant
- Harionago (Japanese) - Humanoid female with barbed, prehensile hair
- Harpy (Greek) - Death spirit with the form of a bird with a human head
- Haugbui (Norse) - Undead who cannot leave its burial mound
- Havsrå (Norse) - Saltwater spirit
- Headless Mule (Brazilian) - Fire-spewing, headless, spectral mule
- Hecatonchires (Greek) - Primordial giants with 100 hands and fifty heads
- Heikegani (Japanese) - Crabs with human-faced shells, the spirits of the warriors killed in the Battle of Dan-no-ura
- Heinzelmännchen (German) - Household spirit
- Helead (Greek) - Fen nymph
- Hellhound (Many cultures worldwide) - Dog from underworld
- Hercinia (Medieval Bestiaries) - Glowing bird
- Herensuge (Basque) - Dragon
- Hesperides (Greek) - Nymph daughters of Atlas
- Hiderigami (Japanese) - Drought spirit
- Hieracosphinx (Ancient Egypt) - Falcon-headed sphinx
- Hihi (Japanese) - Baboon monster
- Hiisi (Finnish) - Nature guardian
- Hippocamp (Etruscan, Greek, and Phoenician) - Horse-fish hybrid
- Hippogriff (Medieval Bestiaries) - Hybrid of a griffon and horse, that is a lion-eagle-horse hybrid
- Hippopodes (Medieval Bestiary) - Horse-hoofed humanoid
- Hitodama (Japanese) - Ghosts of the newly dead, which take the form of fireballs
- Hitotsume-kozō (Japanese) - One-eyed child-like spirit
- Hob (English) - House spirit
- Hobbididance (English) - Malevolent spirit
- Hobgoblin (Medieval) - Friendly or amusing goblin
- Hōkō (Japanese) - Dog-like tree spirit from China
- Homa (Persian) - Eagle-lion hybrid, similar to a griffin
- Hombre Caiman (Colombian) - Human-alligator hybrid
- Hombre Gato (Latin America) - Human-cat hybrid
- Homunculus (Alchemy) - Diminutive, animated construct
- Hō-ō (Japanese) - Rooster-swallow-fowl-snake-goose-tortoise-stag-fish hybrid
- Hoopoe - A near passerine bird common to Africa and Eurasia that features in many mythologies in those continents
- Horned Serpent (Native American) - Serpentine rain spirit
- Hotoke (Japanese) - Deceased person
- Houri (Islamic) - Heavenly beings
- Hrímþursar (Norse) - Frost Giant
- Huaychivo (Mayan) - Human-deer hybrid
- Huldra (Norse) - Forest spirit
- Huli jing (Chinese) - Nine-tailed fox spirit
- Huma (Persian) - Regenerative fire bird
- Humbaba (Akkadian) - Lion-faced giant
- Hundun (Chinese) - Chaos spirit
- Hupia (Taíno) - Nocturnal ghost
- Hyakume (Japanese) - Creature with a hundred eyes
- Hydra (Greek) - Multi-headed water serpent/dragon
- Hydros (Medieval Bestiary) - Snake whose poison causes the victim to swell up
- Hydrus (Medieval Bestiary) - Snake from the Nile River that would kill crocodiles from the inside
- Hyōsube (Japanese) - Hair-covered kappa
- Hypnalis (Medieval Bestiary) - Snake that kills its victims in their sleep
[edit] I

Incubus, 1870
- Iannic-ann-ôd (Breton) - Ghost of a drowned person
- Iara (Brazilian) - Female water spirit
- Ibong Adarna (Philippine) - Bird that changes color each time it finishes a song
- Ichimoku-nyūdō (Japanese) - One-eyed kappa from Sado Island
- Ichiren-Bozu (Japanese) - Animated prayer beads
- Ichneumon (Medieval Bestiaries) - Dragon-killing animal
- Ichthyocentaur (Greek) - Human-fish hybrid
- Iele (Romanian) - Female nature spirits
- Ifrit (Arabian) - Fire genie
- Ijiraq (Inuit) - Spirit that kidnaps children
- Ikiryō (Japanese) - can be considered a 'living ghost', as it is a person's spirit outside their body
- Ikuchi (Japanese) - Sea-serpent that travels over boats in an arc while dripping oil
- Iku-Turso (Finnish) - Sea monster
- Il-Belliegħa (Maltese) - Malevolent well spirit
- Imp (Medieval) - Diminutive, demonic servant
- Impundulu (Southern Africa) - Avian, vampiric lightning spirit
- Imugi (Korean) - Flightless, dragon-like creatures (sometimes thought of as proto-dragons)
- Inapertwa (Aboriginal) - Simple organisms, used by creator-gods to make everything else
- Incubus (Medieval folklore) - Male night-demon and rapist
- Indrik (Russian) - One-horned horse-bull hybrid
- Indus Worm (Medieval Bestiaries) - Giant, white, carnivorous worm
- Inkanyamba (Zulu) - Horse-headed serpent
- Inugami (Japanese) - Dog spirit
- Ipotane (Greek) - Horse-human hybrid, two-legged (as opposed to the four-legged centaur)
- Ippon-datara (Japanese) - One-legged mountain spirit
- Iratxoak (Basque) - Diminutive, demonic servants
- Irin (Jewish) - Fallen angels
- Ishigaq (Inuit) - Little people
- Island Satyr (Medieval Bestiaries) - Savage human-goat hybrid from a remote island chain
- Isonade (Japanese) - Shark-like sea monster
- Issie (Japanese) - Long Serpent like creature
- Ittan-momen (Japanese) - Ghostly aerial phenomenon that attacks people
- Iwana-bōzu (Japanese) - Char which appeared as a Buddhist monk
[edit] J
- Jack-In-Irons (English) - Malevolent giant
- Jaculus (Medieval Bestiaries) - Winged serpent or small dragon
- Jasconius (Medieval folklore) - Island-sized fish
- Jasy Jaterei (Guaraní) - Nature guardian and bogeyman
- Jaud (Slavic) - Vampirised premature baby
- Jenglot (Malay) - Vampiric little people
- Jengu (Sawa) - Water spirit
- Jentil (Basque) - Megalith-building giant
- Jenu (Mi'kmaq) - Anthropophagous giant
- Jerff (Swedish) - Gluttonous dog-cat-fox hybrid
- Jian (Chinese) - One-eyed, one-winged bird who requires a mate for survival
- Jiang Shi (Chinese) - Life-draining, reanimated corpse
- Jiaolong (Chinese) - Dragon
- Jibakurei (Japanese) - Spirit that protects a specific place
- Jievaras (Lithuanian) - House spirit
- Jikininki (Japanese) - Corpse-eating ghost
- Jiu tou niao (Chinese) - Nine-headed, demonic bird
- Jogah (Iroquois) - Little people nature spirit
- Jörmungandr (Norse) - Sea serpent
- Jötunn (Norse) - Gigantic nature spirits
- Jumbee (Guyanese) - Malevolent spirit
[edit] K

Depiction of a "Korrigan", small elf of the Celtic forests
- Kabouter (Dutch) - Little people that live underground, in mushrooms, or as house spirits
- Kachina (Hopi and Puebloan) - Nature spirit
- Kahaku (Japanese) - Little people and water spirits
- Kajsa (Scandinavian) - Wind spirit
- Kalakeyas (Hindu) - Descendents of Kala
- Kallikantzaroi (Greek) - Grotesque, malevolent spirit
- Kamaitachi (Japanese) - Wind spirit
- Kami (Japanese) - Nature spirit
- Kamikiri (Japanese) - Hair-cutting spirit
- Kanbari-nyūdō (Japanese) - Bathroom spirit
- Kanbo (Japanese) - Drought spirit
- Kanedama (Japanese) - Money spirit
- Kappa (Japanese) - Little people and water spirits
- Kapre (Philippine) - Malevolent tree spirit
- Karakoncolos (Bulgarian and Turkish) - Troublesome spirit
- Karakura (Turkish) - Male night-demon
- Karasu-tengu (Japanese) - Tengu with a bird's bill
- Karkadann (Persian) - One-horned giant animal
- Karkinos (Greek) - Giant crab
- Karura (Japanese) - Eagle-human hybrid
- Karzełek (Polish) - Little people and mine spirits
- Kasha (Japanese) - Cat-like demon which descends from the sky and carries away corpses
- Kashanbo (Japanese) - Kappa who climb into the mountains for the winter
- Katawa-guruma (Japanese) - Woman riding on a flaming wheel
- Katsura-otoko (Japanese) - Handsome man from the moon
- Kaukas (Lithuanian) - Nature spirit
- Kawa-uso (Japanese) - Supernatural river otter
- Kawa-zaru (Japanese) - Smelly, cowardly water spirit
- Keelut (Inuit) - Hairless dog
- Kee-wakw (Abenaki) - Anthropophagous giant
- Kekkai (Japanese) - Amorphous afterbirth spirit
- Kelpie (Irish and Scottish) - Malevolent water horse
- Ker (Greek) - Female death spirit
- Kesaran-pasaran (Japanese) - Mysterious, white, fluffy creature
- Keythong (Heraldic) - Wingless griffin
- Khalkotauroi (Greek) - Bronze-hoofed bulls
- Kigatilik (Inuit) - Night-demon
- Kijimunaa (Japanese) - Tree sprite from Okinawa
- Kijo (Japanese) - She-devil
- Kikimora (Slavic) - Female house spirit
- Killmoulis (English and Scottish) - Ugly, mischievous mill spirit
- Kinnara (Hindu) - Human-bird hybrid
- Kishi (Angola) - Malevolent, two-faced seducer
- Kitsune (Japanese) - Fox spirit
- Kitsune-Tsuki (Japanese) - Person possessed by a fox spirit
- Kiyohime (Japanese) - Woman who transformed into a serpent-demon out of the rage of unrequited love
- Klabautermann (German) - Ship spirit
- Knocker (folklore) (Cornish and Welsh) - Little people and mine spirits
- Knucker (English) - Water dragon
- Kobalos (Greek) - Shape-shifting thieves and tricksters
- Kobold (German) - Little people and mine or house spirits
- Kodama (Japanese) - Tree spirit
- Kofewalt (Germanic) - House spirit
- Ko-gok (Abenaki) - Hideous monster
- Kokakuchō (Japanese) - Ubume bird
- Koma-inu (Japanese) - Protective animal
- Konaki-Jijii (Japanese) - Infant that cries until it is picked up, then increases its weight and crushes its victim
- Kongamoto (Congo) - Flying creature
- Konoha-tengu (Japanese) - Anthropomorphic bird
- Koro-pok-guru (Ainu) - Little people
- Korrigan (Breton) - Little people and nature spirits
- Kraken (Scandinavian) - Sea monster
- Krasnoludek (Slavic) - Little people nature spirits
- Krasue (Southeast Asian) - Vampiric, floating head
- Kuarahy Jára (Guaraní) - Forest spirit
- Kubikajiri (Japanese) - Female corpse-chewing graveyard spirit
- Kuchisake-onna (Japanese) - Vengeful ghost of a woman mutilated by her husband
- Kuda-gitsune (Japanese) - Miniature fox spirit
- Kudan (Japanese) - Human-faced calf which predicts a calamity and then dies
- Kui (Chinese) - One-legged monster
- Kulshedra (Albanian) - Drought-causing dragon
- Kumakatok (Philippine) - Death spirits
- Kumiho (Korean) - Fox spirit
- Kun (Chinese) - Giant fish
- Kupua (Hawaiian) - Shapeshifting tricksters
- Kurabokko (Japanese) - Guardian spirit of a warehouse
- Kurage-no-hinotama (Japanese) - Jellyfish which floats through the air as a fireball
- Kurupi (Guaraní) - Wild man and fertility spirit
- Kushtaka (Tlingit) - Shapeshifting otter spirit
- Kye-ryong (Korean) - Chicken-lizard hybrid
- Kyūbi-no-kitsune (Japanese) - Nine-tailed fox
- Kyūketsuki (Japanese) - Vampire
[edit] L
- La-bar-tu (Assyrian) - Disease demon
- Labbu (Akkadian) - Sea snake
- La chusa (Spanish) - Death spirit
- Lady midday (Slavic) - Sunstroke spirit
- Laelaps (Greek) - Enchanted dog that always caught his prey
- Laestrygonians (Greek) - Anthropophagic giants
- Lakanica (Slavic) - Field spirit
- Lake monster (Worldwide) - Gigantic animals reputed to inhabit various lakes around the world
- La Llorona (Latin America) - Death spirit associated with drowning
- Lambton Worm (English) - Giant worm
- Lamia (Greek) - Child-devouring monster
- Lamiak (Basque) - Water spirit with bird feet
- Lammasu (Akkadian and Sumerian) - Protective spirit with the form of a winged bull or lion with a human head
- La Mojana (Colombian) - Shapeshifting, female water spirit
- Lampades (Greek) - Underworld nymph
- Landvættir (Norse) - Nature spirits
- Lares (Roman) - House spirit
- La Sayona (Venezuela) - Female ghost that punishes unfaithful husbands
- La Tunda (Colombian) - Nature spirit that seduces and kills men
- Laukų dvasios (Lithuanian) - Field spirit
- Lauma (Baltic) - Sky spirit
- Lavellan (Scottish) - Gigantic water rat
- Leanan sidhe (Celtic) - Fairy lover
- Leanashe (Irish) - Possessing spirit or vampire
- Leimakids (Greek) - Meadow nymph
- Leokampoi (Etruscan) - Fish-tailed lion
- Leontophone (Medieval Bestiary) - Tiny animal poisonous to lions
- Leprechaun (Irish) - Cobbler spirit
- Leszi (Slavic) - Tree spirit
- Leuce (Greek) - White poplar tree nymph
- Leucrota (Medieval Bestiary) - Hybrid of a lion and crocotta
- Leviathan (Jewish) - Sea monster
- Leyak (Balinese) - Anthropophagous flying head with entrails
- Libyan Aegipanes (Medieval Bestiaries) - Human-horse hybrid
- Libyan Satyr (Medieval Bestiaries) - Human-goat hybrid
- Lidérc (Hungary) - Magical chicken that transforms into a humanoid
- Lightning Bird (Southern Africa) - Magical bird that can be found at sites of lightning strikes
- Likho (Slavic) - One-eyed hag or goblin
- Lilin (Jewish) - Night-demoness
- Lilitu (Assyrian) - Winged demon
- Limnades (Greek) - Lake nymph
- Lindworm (Germanic) - Dragon
- Lizardman (Global) - Human-lizard hybrid
- Ljósálfar (Norse) - Sunlight spirit
- Llamhigyn Y Dwr (Welsh) - Frog-bat-lizard hybrid
- Lo-lol (Abenaki) - Hideous monster
- Lóng - Chinese dragon
- Longana (Italian) - Female human-goat hybrid and water spirit
- Long Ma (Chinese) - Dragon-horse hybrid
- Loogaroo (French America) - Shapeshifting, female vampire
- Lou Carcolh (French) - Snake-mollusk hybrid
- Lubber fiend (English) - House spirit
- Luduan (Chinese) - Truth-detecting animal
- Luison (Guaraní) - Death spirit
- Lutin (French) - Amusing goblin
- Lynx (Medieval Bestiaries) - Feline guide spirit
[edit] M
- Maa-alused (Estonian) - Subterranean spirit
- Machlyes (Medieval Bestiary) - Hermaphroditic humanoid
- Macrocephali (Medieval Bestiary) - Giant-headed humanoid
- Madremonte (Colombian) - Nature guardian
- Maero (Māori) - Savage, arboreal humanoids
- Magog (English) - Giant protector of London
- Maha-pudma (Hindu) - Giant elephant that holds up the world
- Mairu (Basque) - Megalith-building giant
- Mājas gari (Latvian) - Benevolent house spirit
- Majin (Japanese) - Magical beings
- Makara (Indian) - Aquatic beings
- Makura-gaeshi (Japanese) - Pillow-moving spirit
- Mami Wata (Africa and the African diaspora) - Supernaturally beautiful water spirits
- Manananggal (Philippine) - Vampires that sever their torsos from their legs to fly around
- Mandi (Medieval Bestiary) - Humanoid with a forty-year lifespan
- Mandrake (Medieval folklore) - Diminutive, animated construct
- Manes (Roman) - Ancestral spirits
- Mannegishi (Cree) -Little people with six fingers and no noses
- Manticore (Persian) - Lion-human-scorpion hybrid
- Mapinguari (Brazilian) - Giant sloth
- Mara (Scandinavian) - Female night-demon
- Marabbecca (Italian) - Malevolent water spirit
- Mareikura (Tuamotu) - Attendant of Kiho-tumu, the supreme god
- Mares of Diomedes (Greek) - Man-eating horses
- Marid (Arabian) - Water genie
- Maro deivės (Lithuanian) - Disease spirits
- Maski-mon-gwe-zo-os (Abenaki) - Shapeshifting toad spirit
- Massacooramaan (Guyanese) - Savage woodland humanoid
- Matagot (French) - Spirit that takes animal form, usually a black cat
- Mayura (Hindu) - Peacock spirit
- Mazikeen (Jewish) - Invisible, malevolent spirit
- Mbói Tu'ĩ (Guaraní) - Snake-parrot hybrid
- Mbwiri (Central Africa) - Possessing demon
- Mekurabe (Japanese) - Multiplying skulls that menaced Taira no Kiyomori in his courtyard
- Meliae (Greek) - Ash tree nymph
- Melusine (Medieval folklore) - Female water spirit, with the form of a winged mermaid
- Menehune (Hawaiian) - Little people and craftsmen
- Menninkäinen (Finnish) - Little people and nature spirits
- Merfolk (Worldwide) - Human-fish hybrid
- Merlion (Singapore) - Combination of a lion and a fish, the symbol of Singapore.
- Merrow (Irish and Scottish) - Human-fish hybrid
- Metee-kolen-ol (Abenaki) - Ice-hearted wizards
- Miage-nyūdō (Japanese) - Spirit which grows as fast as you can look up at it
- Mikoshi-nyūdō (Japanese) - Spirit which grows as fast as you can look up at it
- Mimi (Australian Aboriginal) - Extremely elongated humanoid that has to live in rock crevasses to avoid blowing away
- Minka Bird (Australian Aboriginal) - Death spirit
- Minotaur (Greek) - Human-bull hybrid
- Mishibizhiw (Ojibwa) - Feline water spirit
- Misi-ginebig (Ojibwa) - Serpentine rain spirit
- Misi-kinepikw (Cree) - Serpentine rain spirit
- Mizuchi (Japanese) - Water dragon
- Mogwai (Chinese) - Vengeful ghost or demon
- Mohan (Latin America) - Nature spirit
- Mokoi (Australian Aboriginal) - Malevolent spirit that kills sorcerers
- Moñái (Guaraní) - Giant snake with antennae
- Monocerus (Medieval Bestiary) - One-horned stag-horse-elephant-boar hybrid, sometimes treated as distinct from the unicorn
- Mono Grande (South America) - Giant monkey
- Monopod (Medieval Bestiaries) - Dwarf with one giant foot
- Mooinjer veggey (Manx) - Nature spirit
- Moon-Gazer (Guyanese) - Brain-eating spirit
- Mora (Slavic) - Disembodied spirit
- Morgens (Breton and Welsh) - Water spirits
- Morinji-no-okama (Japanese) - Animated tea kettle
- Mormolykeia (Greek) - Underworld spirit
- Moroi (Romanian) - Vampiric ghost
- Mōryō (Japanese) - Long-eared, corpse-eating spirit
- Moss people (Germanic) - Little people and tree spirits
- Mujina (Japanese) - Shapeshifting badger spirit
- Mula Retinta (Colombian) - Malevolent storm spirit that takes the form of a mule
- Muldjewangk (Australian Aboriginal) - Water monster
- Muma Pădurii (Romanian) - Forest-dwelling hag
- Muscaliet (Medieval Bestiary) - Extremely hot hare-squirrel-boar hybrid
- Muse (Greek) - Spirits that inspire artists
- Musimon (Heraldic) - Sheep-goat hybrid
- Myling (Scandinavian) - Ghosts of unbaptized children
- Myōbu (Japanese) - Fox spirit
- Myrmecoleon (Medieval Bestiaries) - Ant-lion hybrid
[edit] N
- Nachzehrer (German) - Anthropophagous undead
- Nāga (Buddhist and Hindu) - Nature and water spirits, serpentine or human-serpent hybrids
- Naga fireballs (Thai) - Spectral fire
- Nagual (Mesoamerica) - Human-animal shapeshifter
- Naiad (Greek) - Freshwater nymph
- Näkki (Finnish) - Water spirit
- Namahage (Japanese) - Ritual disciplinary demon from the Oga Peninsula
- Namazu (Japanese) - Giant catfish whose thrashing causing earthquakes
- Nando-baba (Japanese) - Old woman who hides under the floor in abandoned storerooms
- Nanom-keea-po-da (Abenaki) - Earthquake spirit
- Napaeae (Greek) - Grotto nymph
- Narecnitsi (Slavic) - Fate spirit
- Naree Pons (Thai) - Pod people
- Nargun (Gunai) - Water monster
- Nasnas (Arabian) - Half-human, half-demon creature with half a body
- Nav' (Slavic) - Ghost
- Nawao (Hawaiian) - Savage humanoid
- N-dam-keno-wet (Abenaki) - Fish-human hybrid
- Negret (Catalan) - Little people that turn into coins
- Nekomata (Japanese) - Split-tailed magical cat
- Nekomusume (Japanese) - Cat in the form of a girl
- Nemean Lion (Greek) - Lion with impenetrable skin
- Nephilim (Jewish) - Giant
- Nereid (Greek) - Nymph daughters of Nereus
- Ngen (Mapuche) - Nature spirit
- Nguruvilu (Mapuche) - Fox-like water snake
- Nian (Chinese) - Predatory animal
- Nightmarchers (Hawaiian) - Warrior ghosts
- Nikusui (Japanese) - Monster which appears as a young woman and sucks all of the flesh off of its victim's body
- Nimerigar (Shoshone) - Aggressive little people
- Ningyo (Japanese) - Monkey-fish hybrid
- Ninki Nanka (Western Africa) - Large reptile, possibly a dragon
- Nisse (Scandinavian) - House spirit
- Níðhöggr (Norse) - Dragon
- Nivatakavachas (Hindu) - Ocean demon
- Nix (Germanic) - Female water spirit
- Nobusuma (Japanese) - Supernatural wall. Also a monstrous flying squirrel
- Nocnitsa (Slavic) - Nightmare spirit
- Noppera-bō (Japanese) - Faceless ghost
- Nozuchi (Japanese) - Small sea serpent
- Nuckelavee (Scottish) - Malevolent human-horse-fish hybrid
- Nue (Japanese) - Monkey-raccoon dog-tiger-snake hybrid
- Nu Gui (Chinese) - Vengeful female ghost
- Nukekubi (Japanese) - Disembodied, flying head that attacks people
- Nuku-mai-tore (Māori) - Forest spirit
- Nuli (Medieval Bestiary) - Humanoid with backwards, eight-toed feet
- Numen (Roman) - Tutelary spirit
- Nuno (Philippine) - Malevolent little people
- Nurarihyon (Japanese) - Head-sized ball-like creature that floats in the sea and teases sailors
- Nure-onna (Japanese) - Female monster who appears on the beach
- Nurikabe (Japanese) - Spirit that manifests as an impassable, invisible wall
- Nykštukas (Lithuanian) - Cavern spirit
- Nymph (Greek) - Nature spirit
[edit] O
- Obake (Japanese) - Shapeshifting spirits
- Obambo (Central African) - Homeless ghost
- Obariyon (Japanese) - Spook which rides piggyback on a human victim and becomes unbearably heavy
- Obayifo (Ashanti) - Vampiric possession spirit
- Obia (West Africa) - Gigantic animal that serves witches
- Oceanid (Greek) - Nymph daughters of Oceanus
- Odei (Basque) - Storm spirit
- Odmience (Slavic) - Changeling
- Og (Jewish) - Giant king of the Amorites
- Ogre (Medieval folklore) - Large, grotesque humanoid
- Oiwa (Japanese) - Ghost of a woman with a distorted face who was murdered by her husband
- Okiku (Japanese) - Plate-counting ghost of a servant girl
- Okuri-inu (Japanese) - Dog or wolf that follows travelers at night. Similar to the Black dog of English folklore
- Ole-Higue (Guyanese) - Vampiric hag who takes the form of a fireball at night
- Ōmukade (Japanese) - Giant, human-eating centipede that lives in the mountains
- Oni (Japanese) - Large, grotesque humanoid
- Onibi (Japanese) - Spectral fire
- Onmoraki (Japanese) - Bird-demon created from the spirits of freshly-dead corpses
- Onocentaur (Medieval Bestiaries) - Human-donkey hybrid
- Onoskelis (Greek) - Shapeshifting demon
- Onryō (Japanese) - Vengeful ghost that manifests in physical (rather than spectral) form
- Onza (Aztec and Latin American folklore) - Wild cat, possibly a subspecies of cougar
- Oozlum bird (Unknown origin) - Bird that flies backwards
- Ophiotaurus (Greek) - Bull-serpent hybrid
- Opinicus (Heraldic) - Lion-eagle hybrid, similar to a griffin, but with leonine forelimbs
- Orang Bunian (Malay) - Forest spirit
- Orang Minyak (Malay) - Spectral rapist
- Ördög (Hungarian) - Shapeshifting demon
- Oread (Greek) - Mountain nymph
- Ork ( Tyrolean) - Little people and house spirits
- Orobas (European) - Horse-headed, honest oracle classed as a demon
- Orphan Bird (Medieval Bestiaries) - Peacock-eagle-swan-crane hybrid
- Orthrus (Greek) - Two-headed dog
- Otso (Finnish) - Bear spirit
- Ouroboros (Worldwide) - Mystic serpent/dragon that eats its own tail
- Ovinnik (Slavic) - Malevolent threshing house spirit
[edit] P

A modern painting of the "Piasa Bird", on the bluffs of the Mississippi River in Alton. Wings were not present in the original painting.
- Paasselkä devils (Finnish) - Spectral fire
- Pamola (Abenaki) - Weather spirit
- Panes (Greek) - Human-goat hybrids descended from the god Pan
- Pandi (Medieval Bestiary) - Humanoid with giant ears, eight fingers and toes, and white hair
- Panis (Hindu) - Demons with herds of stolen cows
- Panlong (Chinese) - Water dragon
- Panotti (Medieval Bestiaries) - Humanoid with gigantic ears
- Panther (Medieval Bestiaries) - Feline with sweet breath
- Parandrus (Medieval Bestiaries) - Shapeshifting animal whose natural form was a large ruminant
- Pard (Medieval Bestiaries) - Fast, spotted feline believed to mate with lions to produce leopards
- Pardalokampoi (Etruscan) - Fish-tailed panther
- Patagon (Medieval folklore) - Giant race reputed to live in the area of Patagonia
- Patasola (Latin America) - Anthropophagous, one-legged humanoid
- Patupairehe (Māori) - White-skinned nature spirits
- Pech (Scottish) - Strong little people
- Pegaeae (Greek) - Spring nymph
- Pelesit (Malay) - Servant spirit
- Peluda (French) - Dragon
- Penanggalan (Philippine) - Vampires that sever their heads from their bodies to fly around, usually with their intestines or other internal organs trailing behind
- Peng (Chinese) - Giant bird
- Penghou (Chinese) - Tree spirit
- Peri (Persian) - Winged humanoid
- Peryton (Allegedly Medieval folklore) - Deer-bird hybrid
- Pesanta (Catalan) - Nightmare demon in the form of a cat or dog
- Peuchen (Chilota and Mapuche) - Vampiric, flying, shapeshifting serpent
- Phoenix (Phoenician) - Regenerative bird
- Piasa (Native American) - Winged, antlered feline
- Piatek (Armenian) - Large land animal
- Pictish Beast (Pictish stones) - Stylistic animal, possibly a dragon
- Pillan (Mapuche) - Nature spirit
- Pim-skwa-wagen-owad (Abenaki) - Water spirit
- Piru (Finnish) - Minor demon
- Pishacha (Hindu) - Carrion-eating demon
- Pita-skog (Abenaki) - Serpentine rain spirit
- Pixie (Cornish) - Little people and nature spirits
- Pixiu (Chinese) - Winged lion
- Pi yao (Chinese) - Horned, dragon-lion hybrid
- Plakavac (Slavic) - Vampire created when a mother strangles her child
- Pok-wejee-men (Abenaki) - Tree spirit
- Polevik (Polish) - Little people and field spirits
- Pollo Maligno (Colombian) - Man-eating chicken spirit
- Polong (Malay) - Invisible servant spirit
- Poltergeist (German) - Ghost that moves objects
- Pombero (Guaraní) - Wild man and nature spirit
- Ponaturi (Māori) - Grotesque, malevolent humanoid
- Pontianak (Malay) - Undead, vampiric women who died in childbirth
- Poukai (Māori) - Giant bird
- Preta (Buddhist, Hindu, and Jainist) - Ghosts of especially greedy people
- Pricolici (Romanian) - Undead wolf
- Psoglav (Serbia) - Dog-headed monster
- Psotnik (Slavic) - Mischievous spirit
- Psychai (Greek) - Butterfly-winged nymphs, daughters of Psyche
- Pterippus (Greek) - Winged horse
- Púca (Welsh) - Shapeshifting animal spirit
- Púki (Icelandic) - malevolent little person
- Puck (English) - House spirit
- Putz (German) - house spirit
- Pugot (Philippine) - Headless humanoid
- Puk (Frisian) - house spirit
- Pūķis (Latvian) - Malevolent house spirit
- Pygmy (Greek) - Little people
- Pyrausta (Greek) - Insect-dragon hybrid
- Python (Greek) - Serpentine dragon
[edit] Q
- Qareen (Islamic) - Personal demon
- Qilin (Chinese) - Dragon-ox-deer hybrid
- Qiqirn (Inuit) - Large, bald dog spirit
- Qliphoth (Jewish) - Evil spirits
- Questing Beast (Arthurian legend) - Serpent-leopard-lion-hart hybrid
- Quinotaur (Frankish) - Five-horned bull
[edit] R

Australian Aboriginal rock painting of the "Rainbow Serpent".
- Rå (Norse) - Spirit that protects a specific place
- Rabisu (Akkadian) - Vampiric spirit that ambushes people
- Radande (Unknown) - Tree spirit
- Ragana (Lithuanian) - Malevolent wizard
- Raijū (Japanese) - Lightning spirit
- Rain Bird (Native American) - Rain spirit
- Rainbow crow (Lenape) - Crow spirit
- Rainbow Fish (Hindu) - Whale-sized, multi-colored fish
- Rainbow Serpent (Australian Aboriginal) - Dragon
- Rakshasa (Buddhist and Hindu) - Shapeshifting demons
- Ramidreju (Spanish) - Extremely long, weasel-like animal
- Raróg (Slavic) - Whirlwind spirit
- Raven Mocker (Cherokee) - Life-draining spirit
- Raven Spirit (Native American, Norse, and Siberian) - Trickster spirit
- Redcap (English) - Malevolent, grotesque humanoid
- Re’em (Jewish) - Gigantic land animal
- Reichsadler (Heraldic) - Eagle, sometimes depicted with two heads
- Rephaite (Jewish) - Giant
- Revenant (Medieval folklore) - Reanimated dead
- Roc (Arabian and Persian) - Gigantic bird
- Rokurokubi (Japanese) - Long-necked, humanoid tricksters
- Rompo (Africa and India) - Skeletal creature with elements of a rabbit, badger, and bear
- Rồng - (Vietnamese) Dragon
- Rougarou (French America) - Human-wolf shapeshifter
- Rusalka (Slavic) - Female water spirit
- Ryū - Japanese dragon
[edit] S

Saci Pererê
- Saci (Brazilian) - One-legged nature-spirit
- Sagari (Japanese) - Horse's head that dangles from trees on Kyūshū
- Sakabashira (Japanese) - Haunted pillar, installed upside-down
- Salamander (Alchemy) - Fire elemental
- Samebito (Japanese) - Shark-man servant of the dragon king of the sea.
- Samodiva (Slavic) - Nature spirit
- Sandwalker (Arabian) - Camel-stealing, giant arthropod
- Sânziană (Romanian) - Nature spirit
- Sarimanok (Philippine) - Bird of good fortune
- Sarngika (Hindu) - Bird spirit
- Sarugami (Japanese) - Wicked monkey spirit which was defeated by a dog
- Satori (Japanese) - Mind-reading humanoid
- Satyr (Greek) - Human-goat hybrid and fertility spirit
- Satyrus (Medieval Bestiary) - Apes who always bear twins, one the mother loves, the other it hates
- Sceadugenga (English) - Shapeshifting undead
- Scitalis (Medieval Bestiaries) - Snake which mesmerizes its prey
- Scorpion Man (Sumerian) - Human-scorpion hybrid
- Scylla (Greek) - Human-snake-wolf hybrid with a snake's tail, twelve wolf legs, and six long-necked wolf heads
- Sea-bee (Heraldic) - Fish-tailed bee
- Sea monk (Medieval folklore) - Fish-like humanoid
- Sea monster (Worldwide) - Giant, marine animals
- Sea serpent (Worldwide) - Serpentine sea monster
- Sea-Wyvern (Heraldic) - Fish-tailed wyvern
- Seko (Japanese) - Water spirit which can be heard making merry at night
- Selkie (Faroese, Icelandic, Irish, and Scottish) - Human-seal shapeshifter
- Senpoku-Kanpoku (Japanese) - Human-faced frog which guides the souls of the newly deceased to the graveyard
- Seps (Medieval Bestiaries) - Snake with highly corrosive venom
- Serpent (Worldwide) - Snake spirit
- Serpopard (Ancient Egypt) - Serpent-leopard hybrid
- Shachihoko (Japanese) - Tiger-carp hybrid
- Shade (Worldwide) - Spiritual imprint
- Shahbaz (Persian) - Giant eagle or hawk
- Shang-Yang (Chinese) - Rain bird
- Shedim (Jewish) - Chicken-legged demon
- Shedu (Akkadian and Sumerian) - Protective spirit with the form of a winged bull or lion with a human head
- Shellycoat (English, Scottish and German, as schellenrocc) - Water spirit
- Shen (Chinese) - Shapeshifing sea monster
- Shenlong (Chinese) - Weather dragon
- Shibaten (Japanese) - Water spirit from Shikoku
- Shikigami (Japanese) - Child-sized servant spirit
- Shiki-ōji (Japanese) - Child-sized servant spirit
- Shikome (Japanese) - Underworld hag
- Shin (Japanese) - Giant clam which creates mirages
- Shiro-bōzu (Japanese) - White, faceless spirit
- Shiryō (Japanese) - Spirit of a dead person
- Shisa (Japanese) - Lion-dog hybrid
- Shishi (Chinese) - Protective animal
- Shōjō (Japanese) - Red-haired sea-sprites who love alcohol
- Shōkera (Japanese) - Creature that peers in through skylights
- Shtriga (Albanian) - An evil or dangerous witch
- Shui Gui (Chinese) - Drowned ghost
- Shunoban (Japanese) - Red-faced ghoul
- Shuten-dōji (Japanese) - Oni
- Sídhe - (Irish and Scottish) - Ancestral or nature spirit
- Sigbin (Philippine) - Goat-like vampire
- Silenoi (Greek) - Bald, fat, thick-lipped, and flat-nosed followers of Dionysus
- Simargl (Slavic) - Winged dog
- Simurgh (Persian) - Dog-lion-peacock hybrid
- Singa (Batak) - Feline animal
- Sint Holo (Choctaw) - Serpentine rain spirit
- Siren (Greek) - Human-headed bird
- Sirin (Slavic) - Demonic human-headed bird
- Sirrush (Akkadian) - Dragon with aquiline hind legs and feline forelegs
- Sisiutl (Native American) - Two-headed sea serpent
- Si-Te-Cah (Paiute) - Red-haired giants
- Sjörå (Norse) - Freshwater spirit
- Sjövættir (Norse) - Sea spirit
- Skin-walker (Native American and Norse) - Animal-human shapeshifter
- Skogsrå (Scandinavian) - Forest spirit
- Skookum (Chinook Jargon) - Hairy giant
- Skrzak (Slavic) - Flying imp
- Sky Women (Polish) - Weather spirit
- Sluagh (Irish and Scottish) - Restless ghost
- Sodehiki-kozō (Japanese) - Invisible spirit which pulls on sleeves
- Sōgenbi (Japanese) - Fiery ghost of an oil-stealing monk
- Soragami (Japanese) - Ritual disciplinary demon
- Soraki-gaeshi (Japanese) - Sound of trees being cut down, when later none seem to have been cut
- Sorobanbōzu (Japanese) - Ghost with an abacus
- Sōtangitsune (Japanese) - Fox spirit from Kyoto
- Soucouyant (Trinidad and Tobago) - Vampiric hag who takes the form of a fireball at night
- Spearfinger (Cherokee) - Sharp-fingered hag
- Spectre (Worldwide) - Terrifying ghost
- Sphinx (Greek) - Winged lion with a woman's head
- Spiriduş (Romanian) - Little people
- Spriggan (Cornish) - Guardians of graveyards and ruins
- Sprite (Medieval folklore) - little people, ghosts or elves
- Strigoi (Romanian) - Vampire
- Strix (Roman) - Vampiric bird
- Struthopodes (Medieval Bestiaries) - Humanoid whose males have enormous feet, and females have tiny feet
- Strzyga (Slavic) - Vampiric undead
- Stuhać (Slavic) - Malevolent mountain spirit
- Stymphalian Bird (Greek) - Metallic bird
- Suangi (New Guinea) - Anthropophagous sorcerer
- Succubus (Medieval folklore) - Female night-demon
- Sudice (Slavic) - Fortune spirit
- Sunakake-baba (Japanese) - Sand-throwing hag
- Sunekosuri (Japanese) - Small dog- or cat-like creature that rubs against a person's legs at night
- Surma (Finnish) - Hellhound
- Svartálfar (Norse) - "swart-elves", Cavern spirit
- The Swallower (Ancient Egyptian) - Crocodile-leopard-hippopotamus hybrid
- Swan maiden (Worldwide) - Swan-human shapeshifter
- Sylph (Alchemy) - Air elemental
- Sylvan (Medieval folklore) - Forest spirit
- Syrbotae (Medieval Bestiaries) - African giant
- Syrictæ (Medieval Bestiaries) - Reptilian humanoid
[edit] T
- Tachash (Jewish) - Large land animal
- Taimatsumaru (Japanese) - Tengu surrounded in demon fire
- Takam (Persian) - Nature spirit
- Taka-onna (Japanese) - Female spirit which can stretch itself to peer into the second story of a building
- Talos (Greek) - Winged giant made of bronze
- Tangie (Scottish) - Shapeshifting water spirit
- Taniwha (Māori) - Water spirit
- Tantankororin (Japanese) - Unharvested persimmon which becomes a monster
- Tanuki (Japanese) - Shapeshifting Raccoon dog
- Taotao Mona (Mariana Islands) - Ancestral spirits
- Taotie (Chinese) - Greed spirit
- Tapairu (Mangaia) - Nature spirit
- Tarasque (French) - Dragon with leonine, turtle, bear, and human attributes
- Tartalo (Basque) - One-eyed giant
- Tartaruchi (Christian) - Demonic punisher
- Tatami-tataki (Japanese) - Poltergeist that hits the tatami mats at night
- Tatsu - Japanese dragon
- Tatzelwurm (German) - Serpent-like being with a cat head
- Taurokampoi (Etruscan) - Fish-tailed bull
- Tavara (Trabzon) - Night-demon
- Teju Jagua (Guaraní) - Lizard with seven dog heads
- Tengu (Japanese) - Anthropomorphic bird
- Tennin (Japanese) - Angelic humanoid
- Te-no-me (Japanese) - Ghost of a blind man, with his eyes on his hands
- Terrible Monster (Jewish) - Lion-eagle-scorpion hybrid made from the blood of murder victims
- Teumessian Fox (Greek) - Gigantic fox
- Theriocephalus (Medieval folklore) - Animal-headed humanoid
- Three-legged bird (Asia and Africa) - Solar bird
- Thunderbird (Native American) - Avian lightning spirit, bird
- Tiangou (Chinese) - Meteoric dog
- Tianlong (Chinese) - Celestial dragon
- Tibicena (Canarian) - Evil Dog
- Tiddy Mun (English) - Bog spirit
- Tikbalang (Philippine) - Anthropomorphic horse
- Tikoloshe (Zulu) - Little people and water spirit
- Timingila (Hindu) - Sea monster
- Tipua (Māori) - Spirit that protects a specific place
- Tiyanak (Philippine) - Malevolent spirit in the form of a human infant
- Tizheruk (Inuit) - Sea serpent
- Tlahuelpuchi (Tlaxcalan) - Shapeshifting vampire
- Tōfu-kozō (Japanese) - Spirit child carrying a block of tofu
- Toire-no-Hanakosan (Japanese) - Ghost who lurks in grade school restroom stalls
- Tomte (Scandinavian) - House spirit
- Topielec (Slavic) - Water spirit
- Tōtetsu (Japanese) - Greed spirit
- Toyol (Malay) - Servant spirit
- Trauco (Chilota) - Fertility spirit
- Trenti (Cantabrian) - Diminutive demon
- Tripurasura (Hindu) - Demonic inhabitants of Tripura
- Tritons (Greek) - Human-fish hybrid
- Troll (Norse) - Nature spirit
- Trow (Orkney and Shetland) - Little people and nature spirits
- Tsi-noo (Abenaki) - Vampiric demon
- Tsuchigumo (Japanese) - Shapeshifting, giant spider
- Tsuchinoko (Japanese) - Plump snake-like creature
- Tsukumogami (Japanese) - Inanimate object that becomes animated after existing for 100 years
- Tsul 'Kalu (Cherokee) - Giant nature spirit
- Tsurara-onna (Japanese) - Icicle woman
- Tsurube-otoshi (Japanese) - Monster which drops or lowers a bucket from the top of a tree to catch people
- Tugarin Zmeyevich (Slavic) - Evil shapeshifter
- Tylwyth Teg (Welsh) - Nature spirit
- Tupilaq (Inuit) - Animated construct
- Turehu (Māori) - Pale spirit
- Turul (Hungarian) - Giant bird
- Typhon (Greek) - Winged, snake-legged giant
- Tzitzimitl (Aztec) - Skeletal star spirit
[edit] U
- Ubume (Japanese) - Ghosts of women who died in childbirth
- Uma-no-ashi (Japanese) - Horse's leg which dangles from a tree and kicks passersby
- Umibōzu (Japanese) - Ghost of drowned priest
- Umi-nyōbō (Japanese) - Female sea monster who steals fish
- Undead (Worldwide) - Dead that behave as if alive
- Underwater panther (Native American) - Feline water spirit
- Undine (Alchemy) - Water elemental
- Unhcegila (Lakota) - Dragon
- Unicorn (Medieval Bestiaries) - One-horned goat-lion-stag-horse hybrid
- Unktehi (Lakota) - Serpentine rain spirit
- Unktehila (Lakota) - Reptilian water monster
- Upinis (Lithuanian) - River spirit
- Urayuli (Native American) - Hairy giant
- Uriaş (Romanian) - Giant
- Urmahlullu (Mesopotamian) - Lion-human hybrid guardian spirit
- Ushi-oni (Japanese) - Bull-headed monster
- Utukku (Akkadian) - Underworld messenger spirit
[edit] V
- Vadātājs (Latvian) - Spirit that misleads people
- Vættir (Norse) - Nature spirit
- Valkyrie (Norse) - Female spirit that leads souls of dead warriors to Valhalla
- Vâlvă (Romanian) - Female nature spirit
- Vampire (Slavic) - Reanimated corpse that subsists on blood
- Vanara (Hindu) - Human-ape hybrid
- Vântoase (Romanian) - Female weather spirit
- Vârcolac (Romanian) - Vampire or werewolf
- Vardøger (Scandinavian) - Ghostly double
- Veļi (Latvian) - Ghost
- Věri Şělen - Chuvash dragon
- Vetala (Hindu) - Corpses possessed by vampiric spirits
- Víbria (Catalan) - Dragon with breasts and an eagle's beak
- Vielfras (German) - Gluttonous dog-cat-fox hybrid
- Vila (Slavic) - Weather spirit
- Vilkacis (Latvian) - Animalistic monster
- Viruñas (Colombian) - Handsome demon
- Vision Serpent (Mayan) - Mystical dragon
- Vodyanoy (Slavic) - Male water spirit
- Vrykolakas (Greek) - Undead wolf-human hybrid
[edit] W

A German woodcut of a Werewolf from 1722
- Waldgeist (German) - Forest spirit
- Wampus cat (Cherokee) - Human-cougar hybrid
- Wana-games-ak (Abenaki) - Water spirits
- Wani (Japanese)- A crocodilian water monster
- Warak ngendog (Indonesian Muslim) - Egg-laying bird
- Warg (English and Scandinavian O.N. vargr) - Giant, demonic wolf
- Wassan-mon-ganeehla-ak (Abenaki) - Aurora spirits
- Water monkey (Chinese) - Water spirit
- Water sprite (Alchemy) - Water elemental
- Wati-kutjara (Australia Aboriginal) - Iguana spirit
- Wa-won-dee-a-megw (Abenaki) - Shapeshifting snail spirit
- Weisse Frauen (German) - Female spirit
- Wekufe (Mapuche) - Demon
- Wendigo (Algonquian) - Anthropophagous spirit
- Wentshukumishiteu (Inuit) - Water spirit
- Werecat (Worldwide) - Feline-human shapeshifter
- Werewolf (Worldwide) - Wolf-human shapeshifter
- White Lady (Worldwide) - Ghost of a murdered or mistreated woman
- Will-o'-the-Wisp (Worldwide) - Spectral fire
- Wirry-cow (Scottish) - Malevolent spirit
- Witte Wieven (Dutch) - Female, ancestral spirit
- Wondjina (Australia Aboriginal) - Weather spirit
- Woodwose (English) - Savage woodland humanoid
- Wolpertinger (German) - German version of a jackalope
- Wraith (Scottish) - Water spirit or ghostly apparition
- Wulver (Scottish) - Wolf-headed human
- Wu Tou Gui (Chinese) - Beheaded ghost
- Wyrm - English dragon
- Wyvern (Germanic Heraldic) - Flying reptile, usually with two legs and two wings
[edit] X
- Xana (Asturian) - Female water spirit
- Xelhua (Aztec) - Giant
- Xing Tian (Chinese) - Headless giant
- Xiuhcoatl (Aztec) - Drought spirit
[edit] Y

Heraldic image of a Yale.
- Yacumama (South America) - Sea monster
- Yadōkai (Japanese) - Malevolent, nocturnal spirit
- Yagyō-san (Japanese) - Demon who rides through the night on a headless horse
- Yaksha (Buddhist, Hindu, and Jainism) - Male nature spirit
- Yakshi (Keralite) - Vampire
- Yakshini (Buddhist, Hindu, and Jainism) - Female nature spirit
- Yakubyō-gami (Japanese) - Disease and misfortune spirit
- Yale (Medieval Bestiaries) - Antelope- or goat-like animal with swiveling horns
- Yallery-Brown (English) - Nature spirit
- Yama-biko (Japanese) - Echo spirit
- Yama-bito (Japanese) - Savage, mountain-dwelling humanoid
- Yama-chichi (Japanese) - Monkey-like mountain spirit
- Yama-inu (Japanese) - Dog-like mountain spirit
- Yama-otoko (Japanese) - Mountain giant
- Yamata no Orochi (Japanese) - Gigantic, eight-headed serpent
- Yama-uba (Japanese) - Malevolent, mountain-dwelling hag
- Yama-waro (Japanese) - Hairy, one-eyed spirit
- Yanari (Japanese) - Spirit which causes strange noises
- Yaoguai (Japanese) - Animalistic demon
- Yara-ma-yha-who (Australian Aboriginal) - Diminutive, sucker-fingered vampire
- Yatagarasu (Japanese) - Three-legged crow of Amaterasu
- Yato-no-kami (Japanese) - Serpent spirits
- Yeth hound (English) - Headless dog
- Yeti (Tibet) - Abominable Snowman
- Yilbegän (Turkic) - Either a dragon or a giant
- Yobuko (Japanese) - Mountain dwelling spirit
- Yōkai (Japanese) - Monstrous spirit
- Yomotsu-shikome (Japanese) - Underworld hag
- Yong - Korean dragon
- Yōsei (Japanese) - Nature spirit
- Yosuzume (Japanese) - Mysterious bird that sings at night, sometimes indicating that the okuri-inu is near
- You Hun Ye Gui (Chinese) - Wandering ghost
- Yowie (Australian Aboriginal) - Nocturnal human-ape hybrid, also Yahoo
- Ypotryll (Heraldic) - Boar-camel-ox-serpent hybrid
- Yuan Gui (Chinese) - Distressed ghost
- Yukinko (Japanese) - Childlike snow spirit
- Yuki-onna (Japanese) - Snow spirit
- Yūrei (Japanese) - Ghost
- Yuxa (Tatar) - 100-year-old snake that transforms into a beautiful human
[edit] Z
- Zahhak (Persian) - Dragon
- Žaltys (Baltic) - Serpentine fertility spirit
- Zamzummim (Jewish) - Giant
- Zână (Romanian) - Nature spirit
- Zashiki-warashi (Japanese) - House spirit
- Zburator (Romanian) - Wolf-headed dragon
- Zduhać (Slavic mythology) - Disembodied, heroic spirit
- Zennyo Ryūō (Japanese) - Rain-making dragon
- Zhar-Ptitsa (Slavic) - Glowing bird
- Zhulong (Chinese) - Pig-headed dragon
- Zhū Què (Chinese) - Fire elemental bird
- Žiburinis (Lithuanian) - Forest spirit in the form of a glowing skeleton
- Zilant (Tatar) - Flying reptile with chicken legs
- Zin (West Africa) - Water spirits
- Ziz (Jewish) - Giant Bird
- Zlatorog (Slovenia) - White deer with golden horns
- Zmeu (Romanian folklore) - Giant with a habit of kidnapping young girls
- Zmiy - Slavic dragon
- Zombie (Vodou) - Re-animated corpse
- Zuijin (Japanese) - Tutelary spirit
- Zunbera-bō (Japanese) - Faceless ghost
[edit] See also
- Bestiary
- Book of Imaginary Beings
- Centauroid creature
- Chinese mythical creatures
- Cryptozoology
- Ghosts in Malay culture
- Heraldry
- Legendary creature
- Legendary creatures of the Argentine Northwest region
- List of angels
- List of beings referred to as fairies
- List of cryptids
- List of dragons in mythology and folklore
- List of fictional demons
- List of fictional species
- List of flying mythological creatures
- List of giants in mythology and folklore
- List of Greek mythological creatures
- List of legendary creatures by type
- List of legendary creatures from Japan
- List of Monsters
- List of theological demons
- List of vampires in folklore and mythology
- Monster
- Mythic Humanoids
- Philippine mythical creatures
[edit] References
[edit] External links
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