Jeremy Scahill

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Jeremy Scahill giving a lecture at Sacramento City College on May 3, 2007

Jeremy Scahill (born c. 1974) is an American investigative journalist with expertise on a number of global issues, most notably the recent rise of private military companies (PMCs).[citation needed] He serves as a correspondent for the U.S. radio and TV program Democracy Now!. He is also a Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at The Nation Institute and a frequent contributor to The Nation.[1] Scahill and colleague Amy Goodman were co-recipients of the 1998 Polk Award for their radio documentary "Drilling and Killing: Chevron and Nigeria's Oil Dictatorship", which investigated the Chevron Corporation's role in the killing of two Nigerian environmental activists.[2]

Scahill has reported from post-invasion Iraq; the former Yugoslavia, where he covered the 1999 NATO bombing;[3] and from post-Katrina Louisiana.[4] He has been a vocal critic of private military contractors, particularly Blackwater Worldwide, the subject of his book, Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army.[5] The book was the focus of a two-part interview and discussion with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now! in March 2007.[6] The book received numerous accolades, including the Alternet Best Book of the Year Award, a spot on the Barnes & Noble and Amazon lists of the Best Nonfiction Books of 2007, and another Polk Award.

Up until 1998, he was a regular contributor to the Catholic Worker. He campaigned vigorously against US policy towards Cuba, arguing that the Helms-Burton Act "discards ... sovereignty ... and attempts to supersede International law with US law" and "creates a legal framework authorizing financial and military support for armed subversion of a sovereign nation".[7]

[edit] References

  • Scahill, Jeremy. "US Law Further Tightens Noose on Cuban People". Catholic Worker, June - July, 1997.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ The Nation website
  2. ^ Polk Awards press release
  3. ^ Selves and Others
  4. ^ Democracy Now!
  5. ^ New York: Nation Books, 2007. ISBN 1560259795 (hardcover); revised and updated edition, 2008. ISBN 156858394X
  6. ^ part one part two
  7. ^ Metaphoria, August 1997, Volume 4 Nr.12, Issue 48

[edit] External links

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